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🚀veDAO Financing Daily News 09/20/2023

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【1】Jiritsu Network

Amount: $10.2 million

Stages: Undisclosed

Date: September 19

Investors: gumi Cryptos Capital, Republic Capital, Susquehanna Private Equity Investments, Shima Capital, Evernew Capital, Polymorphic Capital

Category: Infrastructure, zk

Description: Jiritsu has developed technologies such as Unlimited Verifiable Compute (UVC), aiming to offer an easily programmable approach that can be applied to any workflow and generates Proof of Workflow.




Amount: $5 million

Stages: Seed round

Date: September 18

Investors: Undisclosed

Category: Layer1

Description: Swisstronik is an identity-based hybrid blockchain that lets Web 3.0 and traditional companies easily build compliant products thanks to on-chain KYC, AML & DPR solutions and blockchain privacy features. As a result, Apps that use Swisstronik keep a balance between user privacy, regulatory compliance and decentralization.



About veDAO

veDAO is an AI-powered Web3 investment decision platform that utilizes sentiment indicators and on-chain/off-chain metrics for big data analysis, uncovering trends and accurately capturing Alpha. By creating AI advisors, it assists users in making efficient investment decisions.



