
發布於 2021-10-18到 Mirror 閱讀

8 ways beginners can participate in NFT culture without spending money

  1. Follow inspiring thinkers and creators on Twitter. Definitely follow people that have the same passions as you. For me, that’s poetry and music.
  2. Engage on Twitter. Share your journey! Comments, likes, and retweets are all free but use them wisely! Be a cheerleader for someone and uplift other people’s work.
  3. DM artists or collectors. Get in touch with people you're genuinely interested in learning from. Ask thoughtful questions that inspire thoughtful answers and meaningful conversations. Don’t be spammy or weird!!
  4. Listen in on Twitter Spaces to dive into hot NFT conversations. If you’re feeling brave and guests are invited on stage, ask questions that are appropriate for the space.
  5. Learn from FAQ and support documentation. Bigger platforms tend to have pretty good content for beginners. Start your own knowledge base, do your own research, and always keep learning!
  6. Get on Discord and make friends. Discord is essential for web3 communities but finding your place amongst the noise is no easy task. Start out by just lurking in different servers to get a general sense of the community vibes before committing.
  7. Join a DAO and contribute your skills. A DAO ('decentralized autonomous organization') is like a web3 startup. The best way to learn about any DAO is to check out their Discord. Sometimes it requires $ to join, but often you can still learn a lot from just observing how they operate.
  8. Curate art. You don’t have to immediately start spending money and collecting to develop your taste in art. It’s impossible to buy or participate in everything! Hone in on your intentions and understand what exactly lights you up.