
發布於 2022-09-12到 Mirror 閱讀

The 100 Web 3.0 Startup

Web3 is the evolution of internet enabled by crypto. This new version will be decentralized, transparent, permissionless, interoperable, open and composable.

Here a list of 100 Web3 startup will disrupt our future:


@ethereum - Open platform to write and distribute decentralized apps

@cosmos - The internet of blockchain

@solana - Fast, composable, and globally distributed monolithic chain

@NEARProtocol - L1 built to be simple, secure and scalable

@avalancheavax - Fast, low cost, eco platform

@Polkadot - Enables blockchain networks to operate together

@flow_blockchain - The Progressively Decentralizing Normie Blockchain

@MinaProtocol - World lightest blockchain with ZK tech

@ironfishcrypto - The Privacy Platform for web3

@CelestiaOrg - Modular network to power scalable, secure apps

@nymproject - The next generation of privacy infrastructure

@AleoHQ - Modular toolkit for building pvt apps.

@AptosLabs - The safe and scalable L1 blockchain built with Move

@Mysten_Labs - L1 for the next billion users


@0xPolygon - Web3 SDK infrastructure built on Eth

@optimismFND - Fast ETH L2 blockchain

@arbitrum - Suite of ETH scaling solutions

@zksync - Scaling ETH values and security with zkEVM.

@StarkWareLtd - STARK-Based Scaling Solutions

@aztecnetwork - Programmable privacy layer for web3.

@fuellabs_ - The fastest modular execution layer.

@Immutable - Powering the next generation of web3 games


@Uniswap - Protocol for trading and automated liquidity provision

@MakerDAO - Builders of Dai, a digital currency

@0xProject - Trusted exchange infrastructure for the internet

@AaveAave - Open source and non-custodial liquidity protocol

@synthetix_io - Enabling the creation of synth assets

@osmosiszone - The Interchain Dex

@AcalaNetwork - Dex finance network on Polkadot

@dYdX - The most powerful open exchange

@LiquityProtocol - Interest-free borrowing home of LUSD

@maplefinance - Institutional capital network

@goldfinch_fi - Decentralized credit protocol

@NotionalFinance - Fixed rate borrowing

@eco - next gen dex bank

@ArrakisFinance - Automated and Optimized LPing

@element_fi - fixed and variable yield market

@GearboxProtocol - Leverage protocol

@iearnfinance - Defi yield optimizer


@LayerZero_Labs (@StargateFinance) - Omnichain interoperability protocol

@axelarcore - Cross-chain communication

@HopProtocol - Sending tokens across rollups


@LensProtocol - A permissionless and composable social graph

@farcaster_xyz - Sufficiently decentralized social network

@BitClout_ - mixes speculation and social media, built on @desoprotocol


@opensea - The largest NFT marketplace

@MagicEden - NFT market on Solana

@ourZORA - Tools for collective imagination

@decentraland - The first decentralized metaverse

@TheSandboxGame - Virtual gaming world

@nounsdao - One Noun, every day, forever

@yugalabs - Projects include @BoredApeYC and @cryptopunksnfts

@proof_xyz - Creators of @moonbirds

@DeGodsNFT - Building Degods and $DUST

@artblocks_io - Unique iterations of generative works

@rebelsbynight - Revolution of digital IDs

@RTFKT - Collectibles for the Metaverse


@AudiusProject - Fully decentralized music platform

@rally_io - Go-to platform for creators & communitie

@join_royal - Invest in music

@arpeggi_labs - Music creation for the next generation

@CoinviseCo - Launch and manage web3 communities

@viamirror - The home for web3 publishing

@soundxyz_ - Own A Song, Join A Community

@usebraintrust - The first decentralized talent network


@FWBtweets - group of cultural creators, thinkers

@banklessDAO - Help the world go bankless

@forefront__ - The Pulse of Web3 Social

@Globalcoinrsrch - Community of investors & researchers

@seedclubhq - network for DAO builders and operators


@illuviumio - open world exploration, NFT creature collector

@GodsUnchained - Trading Card Game by @immutable

@GuildOfGuardian - Mobile RPG

@V_H_Studio - Creators of @zed_run and @FreeHumanPark

@Sorare - Global fantasy football and basket

@SkyMavisHQ - Creators of @AxieInfinity

@DefiKingdoms - Defi kingdom game

@splinterlands - Blockchain-backed trading card game.

@ParallelNFT - Sci-Fi Franchise and Card Game

@mechafightclub - Combat sports w/artificially intelligent NFT fighters.


@SyndicateDAO - Building investing network infrastructure for Web3

@agoric - POS chain w/ composable JavaScript smart contract

@ensdomains - Your web3 username

@LidoFinance - Multi-chain liquid staking solution

@AlchemyPlatform - The web3 dev platform powering millions of users

@gnosisSafe - Most trusted platform to manage digital assets

@gelatonetwork - Automated smart contract executions

@chainlink - Industry standard oracle network

@graphprotocol - protocol for indexing and querying

@FortaNetwork - Detection network for security & monitoring

@helium - The People’s Network represents a paradigm shift for decentralized wireless infrastructure.

@ArweaveTeam - Permanent information storage network

@DIMO_Network - Help build better mobility and get rewarded

@akashnet_ - Dex p2p marketplace for cloud compute

@RenderToken - Distributed GPU rendering on the blockchain

@Filecoin - Dex storage network

@Livepeer - Open and decentralized video infrastructure.

@xmtp_ - Open protocol for secure web3 messaging

@ceramicnetwork - Decentralized data network

@worldcoin - Privacy preserving proof of personhood protocol

Of course in this first list I covered the most known protocol/blockchain/dapps. Will start soon to write about stealth/less known projects/protocol/startup.

If you enjoyed it, please share by retweeting the first tweet. You can follow me @EnneZeta.

