
發布於 2022-01-06到 Mirror 閱讀

GME Loopers

My first published document on Web3

There are two major communities that I participate in. Superstonk and Loopring but I’m trying to ride the hype train of the potential partnership between GME and Loopring. Nothing is confirmed as of today, but GME IS launching an NFT marketplace (

I have also created a subreddit for those of us that are both Apes and Loopers where we can speak freely of their possibilities. GMELoopers

I may have found Loopring because of the partnership hype with GME, but I am staying for the technology that Loopring has created. I think it is a really inspiring project that can bring back power to the individual, as the idea of DeFi brings. Loopring being the first solution that I think could bridge that initial gap.

I am working on a document that will be meant for the masses, beginning to end of what crypto is to how to use Loopring.