
發布於 2023-02-02到 Mirror 閱讀

Aleo mainnet will luanch at july

Aleo has finished the testnet 1 and the testnet 2, and the Prover incentive plan for the phase 2 of the testnet 3 also ended at 23:29 UTC on January 31 (07:59 on February 1, Beijing time). A total of 44,000 nodes joined the test network this time, and more than 5 billion proofs were submitted per second. At this stage, a total of more than 3.1 million Aleo points have been mined.

The next time, the official will follow this plan, as follows:

⭐ Deploy & Execute will be enabled next, allowing devs to launch private applications on-chain.

⭐ Staking starts in February (similar to the test phase before the formal incentives of the testnet 3 and phase 2, no rewards).

⭐ The phase 3 of Testnet will start in March and provide an incentive plan, which is expected to end in May (the details of the three-stage rewards have not yet been clarified)

⭐ In June, the final preparations for the mainnet audit and emphasis on testing will be made

⭐ Mainnet launched in July

The full of official roadmap can be accessed here

About AleoX

The world's top Aleo professional mining pool is formed by a group of senior blockchain Hong Kong teams with million-level server management experience. Focus on Aleo, trustworthy high-quality service, providing 7*24*365 year-round service. A professional technical team is committed to the research and innovation of blockchain technology and builds a digital asset ecosystem.


