
發布於 2022-09-02到 Mirror 閱讀

Onward, Folklore.

Since launch, we’ve distributed 105 totems to 105 souls on our digital anthropological expedition. You may be one of them. If not, fear not, you can still join us.

For those that have joined, it seems like we have a few outstanding travel preparations as we start our journey into our strange online realms.

A dream of a caravan travelling to a distant digital realm. Created via beta.dreamstudio.ai


To start, we should ask: what do we include in our digital knapsack? We have our initial totem but there is definitely much more:

  1. We’ve prepared our conversational caravan, via guild. Make sure to stop by and present your totem, which serves as your community pass.

  2. We’ve collected initial entries on our central journal here. Make sure to register for ongoing news of our journey.

  3. We’ve started our explorations with a daily drip of discoveries. Make sure to join, for a gentle stream of interesting long-form articles.

  4. We’ve collected >3 ETH in our treasury of resources, which you are welcome to send some fun memorabilia (maybe some odd, misshapen tokens to be transformed into stories?) (0x22fdecaa6cd937fdb989614b6c879261f0104adb)

  5. We’ve crafted a public message box. Make sure to follow the account, tag it (@) or send a message if you want something included in this communal journal. We already received our first message.

Once you’ve completed these steps, it’s time to sit back, watch, and allow the network winds to part the digital sea before us.

Are those just illusions on the horizon? There seems to be structures emerging.

A dream of a caravan sailing to a distant digital realm. Created via beta.dreamstudio.ai

In Focus: Top Artifacts





In Focus: Digital Parietal Art

via Twitter: @visakanv

In Focus: Community Contributions





All earnings from collection of this post will be split 50-50 between the non-profit I support (Obras del País) and Folklore’s community treasury. Treasury funds will be fully utilized to commission new essays related to our new digital realms.