
发布于 2024-03-11到 Mirror 阅读 AMA(3/6)(中文)


我们翻译了 3 月 5日举行的 AMA。 我们考虑过对其进行总结,但考虑到有些人由于参与限制而根本无法参与,全文可以传达团队的诚意,而且总结有可能遗漏必要的信息,因此我们决定转录 AMA 的录音并翻译全文。

请指出转录不完善或翻译不正确的地方。 请注意,这是一份 60 分钟的 AMA,因此篇幅较长。


【参加 AMA 后该做些什么】

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现在来看 AMA 的全文和翻译!


Where you all are today, I really appreciate all of you joining. I know there are 10 ,000 of you so this should be this should be fun I I Don't really know what to say because the maximum size of this AMA is actually 10 ,000 people and we're hitting the max But we're gonna try to do this We're gonna try to get this done today I'm gonna apologize one more time and I know that I know that the bots are an issue I know that there's a lot of you guys the mods are working extremely hard to try to find ways to limit limit bots there's actually a five -minute timer on the chat right now, but Again, there's a bunch of you guys.

非常感谢大家参加今天的会议,我们会有很多有趣的事情要做,因为我们这里有 1 万人。 我真的不知道该说什么,但这会很有趣,因为这个 AMA 的最大规模是 10,000 人。 再次表示歉意,但我很清楚僵尸问题。 版主正在努力寻找限制僵尸的方法。 目前聊天设置了五分钟计时器,但仍有很多机器人。

So it may be a little bit tricky for me to find you guys to get you up on your I Apologize, but we're gonna try my best. All right, we may have our CEO joining us later today if we can get in He may not be able to get in so we'll see how this goes.

要找到你们可能有点困难,但我会尽力的。 很抱歉,首席执行官稍后可能会加入我们,但他可能无法加入。 让我们拭目以待吧。

We'll see how this go pretty get started here in Thank you. We're going to get started. I'm going to try to bring some people on stage. Just a quick heads up. I don't know what the Mi6 bot does if you spam the word hi or how are you or that kind of thing.

那么,是时候开始了。 那就开始吧。 我现在请几位上台。 顺便说一句,"你好"、"你好吗?" 等等,请不要发送。 这是因为你们不知道发送垃圾邮件时机器人的行为。

I would go ahead and say if you're not a bot, don't type the questions or maybe if you type a question, tag me. That way it shows up in a different color. And then I'm going to try to bring some people on stage to talk right now.

如果您不是机器人,请不要输入问候语。 或者,如果您输入问题,请标记我。 这样,你的问题就会以不同的颜色出现。 现在,我想邀请你们中的一些人上台。

Alright, we're going to get started. Let's see how this goes. I'm going to bring a couple of people on stage. Go ahead and come up. going to bring Ocasio in, going to bring Raglio Ken, going to bring MCrypto1, going to bring Kill4Cookies.

现在,我们开始吧。 看看会发生什么 我要邀请几位上台 请上来,我邀请奥卡西奥、拉格里奥-肯、MCrypto1 和 Kill4Cookies。

All right, Raglio Ken, what's your question, man? Hi. Can you hear me? I can hear you. Nice. Yeah, I just wanted to know if and when we will get a kind of visualization of the point system through the worker supply.

非常感谢,拉格里奥-肯。 你有问题吗? 嗨,你能听到我吗? 没问题 我来回答你的问题。 你问的是工人是否能看到积分系统,以及何时能看到。

So if you're supplying, do we get some kind of dashboard or something to know how much we're earning per se? Yes, that's a great question. So there are two part parts of the worker rewards programs. The first one is, for the next two months, we're basically running the worker program as part of the larger airdrop program.


So for the next two months, there will be no dashboard, because I don't want people to gain the boost in incentives that they're getting, the TGE. You are getting incentives, you are getting and those rewards draft your activity all the way back to November.

在接下来的两个月里,我们将不会推出仪表盘。 这是因为我不想让大家从代币生成活动(TGE)中获得奖励。 您正在接受奖励,这些奖励反映了您截至 11 月份的活动。

After we officially launch, when the rewards are just part of supplying the network and not part of the AirDrop program, we will provide a dashboard that will help you understand what you're earning, just like how there's a dashboard that shows you your earnings from being rented.

正式推出后,它将提供一个仪表板,帮助您了解当奖励成为网络供应的一部分而不再是空投计划的一部分时,您的收入情况。 此外,还有一个仪表板,显示您从租赁中获得的收益。

All right, thank you very much. Thank you. I'm gonna move you off the stage and go to what caused me and what's your question? Oh, shit, I'm gonna pass it to the, that's not my bad. All right, kill for cookies.

好的,非常感谢。 下一位,奥卡西奥先生,您的问题是什么? 哦,对不起,我说错了 现在,Kill4Cookies 请发言

What's your question? Hey, do you hear me? I can hear you. Awesome. I want to know if, I know that there is a possibility to run the node, but I want to know how can we do, how the project will recognize that I'm running the node, so I don't.

谢谢您的提问。 是的,我能听到。 那太好了。 我知道我可以运行节点,但我想知道如何运行节点,以及项目如何识别我正在运行节点。

Are you still observing it? Yeah. Are you asking, let's say you run a node, how we know to give you rewards? Yes. When you go to worker, there's a tab that says rewards and you can actually put your Solana Wallet in there.

你们还在考虑吗? 是的,我们还在考虑。 例如,你想知道如果你运行一个节点,如何获得报酬? 如果您进入工人页面,有一个名为 "奖励 "的标签,您可以在这里输入您的 Solana 钱包。

And what that does, it associates a Solana Wallet with the node, or with the nodes that you're running, and then we're able to basically give rewards that way for your nodes. Thank you. Thank you so much.

它允许 Solana 钱包与节点或运行中的节点关联,并随后以这种方式为节点提供奖励。 谢谢。 非常感谢。

Of course, I'm going to move you off the stage. Again, if you guys want to jump up here and talk, please go ahead and hit request to speak. I'm going to try to find you amongst all of the chats, so I apologize.

如果您想参加会谈,请点击 "请求会谈 "按钮。 请稍候,我们会尝试在聊天中找到您。 很抱歉,从众多聊天者中找到您的过程有点耗时。

Holy cow. Gonna move this up. Aaron Flash, I'm bringing you up. Hunter, I'm bringing you up. Luffy, I'm bringing you up. I'm going to bring a ton of people up. Don't talk, all talk at once, please. All right, Aaron Flash, you go first.

让我们继续,亚伦-闪电侠、亨特、路飞,我请你们上台。 大家请按顺序发言,不要同时发言。 那么,请亚伦-闪电侠先发言。

What's your question, man? Okay, Lucy, what's your question? Hello, can you hear me? Hello, I can hear you. What's your question, man? Oh, other unique features are not bad. It's just that I owe upward.


This one asked. Yeah, of course. So, so I own it is very different than some of the other deep ends that you see out there. Most people are probably very familiar with render or file coin or cost and maybe even go on if you're about a few years ago.

这就是问题所在。 当然。 我拥有与其他深网(deepends)截然不同的东西。 很多人可能都知道渲染、文件币、成本,如果是几年前,甚至更早。

I own it is different because with three reasons. One is we are specifically tool for AI and machine learning. There's a reason why file coin and render put their GPUs on our network. And that's because their networks are actually not tooled for AI and ML.

它之所以与众不同,有三个原因:首先,我们是人工智能和机器学习的特殊工具;Filecoin 和 Render 将 GPU 放在我们的网络中,是因为它们的网络并非真正为人工智能和机器学习而设计;其次,我们是人工智能和机器学习的特殊工具。

File coin is for storage render for rendering images. And in order to make in order to make GPU the work for AI and ML, you actually need to orchestrate and tool those GPUs to work for those use cases.

Filecoin 用于存储,Render 用于渲染图像。 要将 GPU 用于人工智能和机器学习,实际上需要对它们进行协调和工具化,以支持这些用例。

The second is that we can cluster tens of thousands of nodes. If you had a recent two, you could go to IO .net and create a cluster of 10 ,000 plus nodes today. No other network can do that. If you wanted to go to Akash and cluster nodes, you would have to create a cluster of, I think, 10 or so nodes, and they would all have to be in the physically same location.

其次,我们可以集群数万个节点。 最近,你可以访问,创建一个由超过 10 000 个节点组成的集群。 其他任何网络都做不到这一点--如果你去阿卡什集群节点,你可能需要创建一个由 10 个或更多节点组成的集群,而且它们都必须位于同一个物理位置。

Something to consider is we're able to scale extremely, extremely quickly. We can also get to a much larger scale, which means we can tackle bigger and bigger workloads. I think the third, a lot of people compare us to Jensen.

需要考虑的一个重要方面是我们的快速扩展能力。 第三,许多人将我们与詹森相提并论。

The third is that we have end -to -end for AI and ML, which means that we handle everything from training to inference. And a lot of other networks just don't do that. Obviously, there's going to be a lot of other depends that pop up, but we are the largest.

第三,我们为人工智能和机器学习提供端到端服务。 换句话说,我们处理从训练到推理的所有事情。 我们做到了这一点,而许多其他网络却做不到。 当然,还有很多其他网络,但我们是最大的。

We are live. The product is usable. We're growing fast, and we are one of the only ones who can actually achieve a scale that is necessary for AI and ML. So hopefully that answers your question. Yeah, that's a great answer.

我们是实时的。 我们的产品随时可用。 我们发展迅速,是唯一能够真正实现人工智能和机器学习所需规模的网络之一。 也许这已经回答了你的问题。 是的,这是一个很好的答案。

Thank you so much. Thank you. I'm going to move you off the stage. All right. I'm going to look for some more people to bring up. Please request to speak. If you previously requested to speak and I didn't find you, please just remove your request and then re -request it and I'll find you.

谢谢大家。 现在我们正在寻找更多的受邀者。 请提出申请。 如果您之前申请过,但找不到人,请取消申请并重新申请。 这样的话,我会帮您寻找。

Really quickly, Linuans asked in the chat, thanks for all the hard work. I wonder what are your final client targets, which people will need GPU space, AI and ML companies. So we're already working with a lot of machine learning companies.

Linuans 尽快在聊天中向我提问。 谢谢你们的辛勤工作,非常感谢。 你们的最终客户目标受众是什么,哪些人需要 GPU 空间、人工智能、机器学习等? 这就是我们正在寻找的。 '我们已经与很多机器学习公司合作,我们期待与他们合作。

The types of companies that run models or need to train models are things like quant trading firms. So if you're running a training model, if you're trying to build an LLM, if you're trying to run a product like a chat gqt or a chatbot or something like that, all of these companies need compute and so we're able to supply that.

需要运行模型或训练模型的公司类型包括量化交易公司。 因此,如果这些公司想运行训练模型、建立 LLM 或运行 ChatGPT 或聊天机器人等产品,都需要计算。 因此,我们可以提供这些服务。

Okay, I'm going to keep on looking for people to join. Again, if you want to join, please request to join and I will find you. If you ask a question in chat, you're going to need to tag me, otherwise I'm not going to be able to see it.

明白。 我们将继续寻找有志之士加入我们。 如果您想加入,请提出申请。 如果您想讨论您的问题,请标记我。 否则,我将无法看到它们。

Fat Unicorn says he wants to ask a question, I'm inviting you to speak. Francisco, Fat Unicorn, what's your question man? Hello, can you hear me? I can hear you. Yeah, uh, with, with, with, I can hear my voice.

胖独角兽,你说你想问一个问题。 弗朗西斯科,胖独角兽,你有什么问题? 你能听见我说话吗? 我能听见你,但我听不到我自己。

Uh, where with the collaboration with, uh, Falcon. Um, so right now from my understanding, they're providing like, uh, GPU. to IO .net, would there be a time where for us, we're mainly IO .net, would there be a time where GPU providers can provide storage to Filecoin?

我有一个关于你们与 Filecoin 合作的问题。 据我所知,他们正在向 提供 GPU,但就我们而言,主要是,GPU 提供商是否有一天也能向 Filecoin 提供存储?

That's a great question. So if I understand your question, you're asking, today Filecoin GPUs are providing compute to AI companies via IO .net. Is there a future where the IO .net deep in then provides storage to Filecoin?

非常好的问题。 如果我对您的问题理解正确的话,现在 Filecoin 的 GPU 通过 为人工智能公司提供计算服务。 未来, 深度网络会为 Filecoin 提供存储空间吗?

So, probably not. And the reason is because the economics for providing compute to AI companies is a lot more lucrative than providing storage. So if I was a GPU node operator, I would make more money providing compute to an AI company than if I was providing compute or storage to a storage deep in, right?

可能不会。 原因在于,为人工智能公司提供计算的经济效益要比提供存储的利润高得多。 换句话说,如果我是 GPU 节点运营商,为人工智能公司提供计算比为深度存储网络提供计算和存储更有利可图。

Because if you think about it, compute is more expensive than storage. And so the economics are better, which is why Render and why Filecoin are providing their capacity to us. Now, that being said, we are going to make storage available.

从成本角度考虑,计算比存储更昂贵。 因此,它更经济。 这就是 Render 和 Filecoin 为我们提供容量的原因。 但换句话说,我们要提供的是存储。

So if you did want to provide storage, you could. And this might be a good option for people who are connecting maybe lower end cards to the network, right? So a lot of you are probably providing your graphics cards into the deep in.

如果你想提供存储空间,这也是可能的。 对于那些使用低成本显卡连接网络的人来说,这可能是一个不错的选择。 换句话说,很多人都会为深度网络提供显卡。

But unless you have one of the higher end cards, you may see that you're not getting hired as frequently. And so what we want to do is provide different options for these people. And so something that we could also do is provide storage on top of compute, which is something that is really interesting, right?

但是,如果他们没有更高级别的卡,他们可能不太容易就业。 因此,我们要做的就是为这些人提供不同的选择。 因此,我们可以做的事情之一就是在提供计算服务的同时提供存储服务。 这非常有趣,因为我们有很多人无法使用存储选项,但他们可以使用计算选项。

So not only can we as a network provide someone compute, but we can also provide hot access storage by providing that storage on top of compute, which allows us to access even more even more customers and charge them even more money.

网络可以提供热访问存储,不仅为客户提供计算,还在计算的基础上提供存储。 这使他们能够接触到更多的客户,创造更多的收入。

Thanks. Of course, I give you a question. I'm moving to the audience. Okay, I'm going to scroll down and try to find some people to bring on stage. Again, if you guys want to jump up here and talk, please tag me in the chat or also just raise your hand.

谢谢。 当然,我们将接受提问。 现在回到观众席。 现在我要向下滚动,寻找可以邀请上台的人。 如果有人想上台演讲,请在聊天中标记我或举手示意。

I don't see any new people raising their hands, so I'll wait for you guys. Okay, I'm grateful for music, I'm going to bring you up. Kunal, I'm going to bring you up. Gareth, I'm going to bring you up.

似乎还没有新人举手,我们要不要再等等? 那么,感恩音乐、库纳尔和加雷斯,我邀请你们。

Jarl, I'm going to bring you up. Jay, I'm going to bring you up. Marigold, I'm going to bring you up. I'm just going to bring all of you guys up because I see you raising your hand right now. And then everyone, take it one at a time.

贾尔、杰伊和玛丽戈德,我们邀请你们。 我看到你们都举起了手 所以我邀请你们同时发言 然后你们可以依次发言。

I'm going to call your name, okay? All right. Hey, Gareth, you first, man. What's your question? Yeah, will other GPUs and CPUs be supported in the future such as AMD and Intel models or only Mac and Nvidia?

是的,加雷斯先生,是你打来的。 您的问题是什么? 未来是否会支持 AMD 和 Intel 等其他 GPU 和 CPU 型号,还是只支持 Mac 和 Nvidia?

Yeah, that's a fantastic question. So we're continuing to expand the types of cards that we want to support. Our goal is to make sure we support as many cards as possible that are usable for AI machine learning workloads.

问得好。 我们正在继续扩大我们支持的显卡范围。 我们的目标是支持更多可用于人工智能和机器学习工作负载的显卡。

Today, we prioritize the cards that are probably going to have the fastest or the highest higher rate. But you should see more information about expanding support for other cards soon. Thanks for your question, man.

目前,优先支持的可能是最快和最高端的显卡。 不过,有关扩大对其他显卡支持的信息应该很快就会发布。 感谢您的提问。

Okay, thank you. All right, Kunal, I'm going to move you off the stage and then I'm going to go to you, Darryl. Darryl, can you ask your question, sir? Hey, what's up, Husky? I just followed you on Twitter, dude.

好了,库纳尔女士,请你下台。 下一位,达里尔,我们有一个问题要问你。 嘿,你好吗,赫斯基,我在推特上关注你。

I'm super, super thankful, man. I will follow you right back. Um, my question is, I think a lot of people are wondering about this, but it's a very, I don't know, maybe silly question, but will there be a public sale for IO .net?

谢谢。 我很快会给你回复。 我有一个问题,我想很多人都关心这个问题。 这可能是个愚蠢的问题,但 上有公开销售吗?

Unfortunately, there will be no public sale. There will be no public pre -sale. We are launching in less than seven weeks, and so anyone who wants to support the project can do so once we are live. Okay.

遗憾的是,没有公开销售。 也没有公开预售。 我们将在七周内推出,因此如果您想支持该项目,可以在项目上线时进行。

Awesome, dude. Thank you so much, man. Thank you. I'm going to move you off the stage. Thanks for your question. Uh, Vince, Wen Got Moon, you're up next. Can you ask your question, sir? Yeah. Could you help me?

好极了 谢谢 我让你们下台 谢谢你的提问,文森和温哥华,下一位是你。 你能问个问题吗? 是的,你能帮我吗?

Of course, I can hear you. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. Having me here. I do have some questions for your team and which most of the Chinese friends are constantly about. I want to know why you gave the work points and the airport, many air jobs to users which have addressed from China?

当然,我听得见。 非常感谢 很荣幸来到这里。 我有一个问题要问团队。 这是大多数中国朋友一直关心的问题。 你们为什么要向中国用户提供工作点和空投?

Are you asking whether or not people from China will be able to participate in the network? Yeah, because we all know that Chinese brands have some obstacles to connect to your service, right? And if we can connect to your service by the VPN and everything can work well, why you give the AirDrop to a user from China?

你问中国人是否可以加入网络? 是的,您是否知道,中国品牌连接该服务存在一些障碍,如果他们使用 VPN 连接该服务并且运行良好,您为什么要向中国用户提供空投?

I see. I can talk a bit about the AirDrop and China. So we are not going to – we don't know what everyone's local rules and regulations are, and I would recommend that you understand your local rules and regulations for the city or country that you live in.

明白。 让我们来谈谈空投和中国。 我们不了解您当地的规章制度,因此建议您了解您所在城市或国家的当地规章制度。

We will be, by default, restricting access to the claims page for countries that are basically not allowed to act as AirDrop. However, our recommendation is that if you do want to – the airdrop that you go to a location where you can't access the airdrop hopefully that's helpful um okay that's uh that's okay but if we can uh plug to your service with uh vpn and is it illegal so again i'm not gonna comment on whether or not something is legal or illegal all i know is that if you are able to connect to our service from a location where you can access the airdrop then you will be able to access the airdrop hopefully that's helpful okay okay that's cool thank you yeah thank you hopefully you understand what i'm saying all right i'm gonna move you to the audience uh mike go sue you are up next what's your question man yo hello uh my main question about public safety stuff get answered already so this is a follow -up question of course what kind of things start to give you are you on the net we're using the future to get an image to other different projects uh i'm talking about the channel users yeah yeah absolutely so there's a lot of things that we're we're thinking about um as we continue to grow i actually think that iod .net already has a lot of differentiators to some of the other deepens out there right again filecoin and render are really not today um focused or tools for ai whereas we are not not not every hardware network is going to be able to just support ai in machine learning workloads the second is you know a lot of people compare us to something like an Akash right if you look at something like an Akash you'll notice that they're really only able to create smaller clusters right of like eight GPUs and all their their clusters have GPUs that are co -located and so when we think about the the things that iod .net does extremely well it's all about speed scalability and the ability to serve ai machine learning customers as ai continues to grow I've got that is just gonna continue to grow right because compute is already a very scarce resource and it's only gonna get more scarce Thank you.

默认情况下,我们将限制不允许 AirDrop 的国家访问索赔页面。 不过,我们的建议是,如果您所在的国家/地区不允许使用 AirDrop,而您又希望接收 AirDrop,那么您应该转移到这样的国家/地区,不过,如果您可以使用 VPN 连接到我们的服务,我们将不会就这是否违法发表评论。 如果您可以从您可以访问 AirDrop 的地点访问 AirDrop,那么您就可以访问 AirDrop。 当然,还有一个后续问题,你们打算在网络上开始做什么,我们正在利用未来为其他各种项目提供图像。我认为,io .net 已经与其他深度网络有了很多差异化,比如 Filecoin 和 Render 如今都没有人工智能重点或工具。那么,让我们来看看 做得非常好的地方。io.net比其他公司做得好的地方在于它的速度可扩展性和服务人工智能机器学习客户的能力。

Yeah. Thank you. I'm gonna move you into the crowd and then I am going to have Abracis Romania, can you please ask a question? Yes. Can you hear me? I hear you Great. I was wondering I see that We are a big and very active community and I was wondering What are your plan to use this?

好的,谢谢。 我请你到观众席。 那么,请罗马尼亚的阿布拉西斯先生提问。 你能听到我们吗? 是的,我能听到。 非常好。 我很好奇。 我知道我们是一个非常大、非常活跃的社区,你打算如何利用它?

Big and active community besides Twitter and Discord how can we support? Yes Yeah, I really appreciate that. So so there's a couple things that we plan on doing obviously the team is extremely busy in the last Six or seven weeks before TGE, but we have a lot of plans to to do local activations We want to build community on the ground in person, not just in Discord.

在 Twitter 和 Discord 之外,还有一个庞大而活跃的社区。是的,谢谢。 现在,我们有一些计划--在 TGE 前的最后六七周,团队非常忙碌,但我们有很多计划来开展一些本地活动。我们希望在个人和 Discord 上建立社区。

And so the community team after TGE will actually be putting together some really awesome local meetups and local events. We really want to partner with local institutions. So if any of you guys have connections to local universities, local research institutions that are working on AI machine learning models, please, we would love to talk to you.

TGE 结束后,社区团队会组织当地的聚会和活动。 我们希望与本地机构合作。 因此,如果你们中有人与当地大学或从事人工智能和机器学习模型研究的当地研究机构有联系,我们非常希望听到你们的意见。

And also, our goal is to be able to have a presence in every country. So I don't know for everyone else, but I'll sort of say one of the reasons why I joined IELTS .net to find what we do very interesting is that the world continues to de -globalize.

我们的目标还包括在所有国家开展业务。 我不知道其他人怎么想,但我加入io.net的原因之一就是世界正变得越来越全球化。

A lot of countries are now thinking about compute and GPUs as a nationalistic type of resource, like oil. And that's a really, really kind of scary future. The world is very connected, but we try to be less connected.

许多国家开始将计算和 GPU 视为一种国家资源,就像石油一样。 这是一个非常可怕的未来。 世界的联系非常紧密,但我们正试图让它变得不那么紧密。

Like de -globalize. And so I view IELTS .net as a way for us to build global community around compute as a resource and a way for us to sort of champion this permission that's in connected access to compute.

全球社区认为, 是将计算作为一种资源来建设的一种手段。 同时,我们也将其视为推广连接和访问计算的一种方式。

So I know that's a bit of a crazy lofty answer, but the way the community can support us is, again, just be active, invite your friends, tell them about what we're doing, educate them on why it's important.


And when we start doing in -person events of beat -ups, please participate. Thank you. Thank you. I'm gonna move you to the audience. Wunder, I'm gonna get you up here. What's your question, sir? Hello, can you hear me?

当真正的活动和聚会开始时,请加入我们。 谢谢大家。 回到观众席 下一位,Wunder 先生,您有什么问题? 您好,能听到我吗?

I can hear you. I'm perfect, perfect. All right, let me take my notes real quick. Here we go. So my first question is related to the current GPU power that's necessary or required for, I suppose, just the iodot network words, and how is this expected to change over time as, you know, graphics cars like, you know, increase in, you know, power and stuff like that, are gonna, so I was like, there's new, new graphics cards that come out that have but more power.

我听得见 我简单记一下。 那么,我的第一个问题是关于现在的 GPU 性能以及未来的变化。 您能告诉我们io.net对GPU功率的要求吗?随着新显卡的推出,我们可以预期GPU性能会有所提高。

or they kind of understand. Yeah, it's a fantastic question. So I think your question is really around what types of GPUs do we support and will we reward today? And how will that change in the future as hardware is back to change?

是的,这是一个非常好的问题。 你问的是我们支持和奖励的 GPU 类型,以及随着硬件的变化,未来将如何变化。

So a lot of this is going to be dictated by market forces. Today, you can view the list of compatible GPUs on the network by going to io .net, going to products, and then viewing the types of GPUs that are available on the platform.

这在很大程度上是由市场力量决定的。 要查看目前网络上支持的兼容 GPU 列表,您需要访问,导航到产品并查看平台上可用的 GPU 类型。

And that basically means if you're connecting where the GPUs that we support, even if you are idling and not being hired, you will earn IO reports. You will earn revenue if you are hired or rented. But as long as you're idling and connecting to the network, you're going to earn some level reports.

这意味着,如果您连接了受支持的 GPU,即使您处于闲置状态,也可以赚取奖励。 如果您被租用或雇佣,也可以赚取收入。 不过,即使您连接了网络但处于闲置状态,您仍然可以赚取一些报告。

Now, the types of GPUs we support and the reward rates for those GPUs, those may change in the future. At the end of the day, it's going to be based off market forces, right? Our goal is to grow a network and use I .O.

未来,支持的 GPU 类型和这些 GPU 的奖励率可能会发生变化。 最终,这将取决于市场力量。 我们的目标是发展网络和利用。

to incentivize network growth in a way that allows AI and ML companies to continue accessing compute. Now, there's a pretty long backlog for hardware manufacturing, so I don't necessarily expect the spectrum of GPUs that we support to change in the very near future, but certainly in the medium to long term, as we continue to support whatever is new, whatever is the most powerful GPU, I think that may change, right?

促进网络发展并允许人工智能和 ML 公司继续访问计算是使用 的一种方式。 目前在硬件制造方面存在相当大的延迟,因此我们并不指望我们所支持的 GPU 范围在近期内会发生重大变化,但从中长期来看,我们认为随着我们继续支持最新、最强大的 GPU,这种情况可能会发生变化。

I would expect it to change a bit. All right. Thank you very much. Very good answers. I was in the AMA yesterday as well, and you answered my question. Very satisfactory. So, I appreciate it. Thank you very much.

我希望它能有所改变。 非常感谢。 回答得非常好。 我以前参加过 AMA,对问题的回答非常满意。 非常感谢。

Of course, man. Thank you for asking your question. I'm going to move you off stage, and I'm going to bring up C full of stuff. What's your question, sir? So, my question is kind of follow up on this question that you just answered.

当然 谢谢您的提问。 我们将请您下台,请满腹经纶的 C 先生发言。 您的问题是什么? 我的问题是您刚才回答的问题的后续问题。

So, what the system gives is a new computational task. What criteria does it use to choose a worker for this specific task, or is it a trend up? That's a really good question. So, I'm going to answer what I know, and should be maybe able to jump in on this one.

这是关于系统下达的一项新计算任务。 您是根据什么标准为这项特定任务挑选工人的? 还是随机的? 我将回答我所知道的,但也许其他人可以补充这个问题。

Yeah. Hi, everyone. So, basically, your reputation score and reliability score is sorted by the highest first, picks up the highest, just like an older book, and then keeps going to the less and less and less.

是的。 大家好。 基本上,置信度和可靠性得分是先从高到低排序的,就像使用旧书一样,你可以选择最高的,然后再依次选择较低的。

So, your reputation score is what defines how many jobs you get, because the higher your reputation score, the more jobs it is. Now, that's, of course, after selecting your network, connectivity tier, and so on.

因此,可靠性分数决定了接收任务的数量,可靠性分数越高,接收的任务越多。 当然,这是在选择网络、连接层级等之后的结果。

So, if someone says high speed, the highest speed always first, then second sorting is, you know, the reputation score and uptime score and so on, which is the uptime score for now. The reputation score is the same as the uptime score.

换句话说,如果有人说 "高速度",那么 "高速度 "排在第一位,然后是 "可靠性得分"、"运行时间得分 "等,并依次排序。 当前的正常运行时间得分与可靠性得分相同。

score. Thank you for asking. Okay. Excellent. Thank you. Thanks for your question, man. I'm gonna move you off stage. Uh, let's see. Samuel 92. Thanks for waiting patiently. What's your question, sir?

得分,谢谢你的提问。 我非常感谢。 谢谢你的提问。 我们将让你下台。 现在,塞缪尔 92,感谢您耐心等待。 你有什么问题?

Samuel 92. All right. We'll give him a sec. Uh, I can't pronounce your name. I think it's Syld, uh, the guy with the yellow cap banana. What's your question, sir? Thank you for, for making this a may possible.

塞缪尔-92先生 好的,我明白了。 请您稍等片刻。 我叫不出你的名字,但你是个香蕉人,戴着一顶黄色的帽子。 您有什么问题? 谢谢您给我这个机会。

I have a couple of questions if you could answer them. Um, they're, I think they're pretty minor. Uh, look, we know that the galaxy campaign launched and people are able to, uh, collect points. And what is the usage of those points?

我有几个问题,你能回答吗? 还有一个小问题,既然银河活动已经启动,人们可以收集积分,那么积分有什么用呢?

If you could answer that. And also during the MBA campaign, we are kinda, we're kinda meant to get the tier role, tier one, tier two, tier three, and so on. Uh, I haven't found any information how to get higher than tier four, I think.

您能回答这个问题吗? 另外,在 MBA 活动中,你应该获得等级卷、1 级、2 级、3 级等......我还没有找到任何关于如何获得 4 级及以上等级的信息。

Uh, and overall, what is the usage of this tier all? As you've already said before, there is IDG coming in six or seven weeks, I remember exactly, and there is not going to be a token sale. So it's going to be what type are you planning to make?

总的来说,如何使用 Tier? 正如你之前提到的,六七周后将会有一个 IDG,但不会有代币销售。 那么,你们计划创建什么?

Are you planning to make an airdrop? And if it's going to be an airdrop, is it going to be based on Galaxy points, or is it going to be based on providing the GPU or CPU, so making it running a node?

你们计划空投吗? 如果要空投,是基于 Galaxy Point 还是基于提供 GPU 和 CPU 来运行节点?

What is planning this way? Also, as you could have seen, I'm sure the team is aware of this question, there are bots, and how are you planning to remove the bots from real people? Because obviously rewarding bots is not great.

你们有什么计划? 另外,正如你所看到的,我相信团队也意识到了这个问题,机器人是否存在,你们打算如何从真人中移除机器人? 因为奖励机器人显然不是一个好主意。

Yep, that's a fantastic question. So as you guys all know, the conversation around tokens and airdrops is very, we need to be very specific to the regulation and compliance. So I'm going to give you an answer and hopefully satisfactory.

是的,这是一个非常好的问题。 如你所知,关于代币和空投的讨论需要非常具体地涉及监管和合规。 因此,我们将为您提供一个具体的答案,相信您会感到满意。

So there are three ways to earn rewards before teaching, right? The first way is to connect a GPU or CPU to the network and provide compute. The second is through Galaxy. The purpose of Galaxy is to rapidly grow community and to be able to give people who do not have strong internet connection or a supported GPU versus the ability to participate in it, because we know that not everyone has a internet connection that's going to work, we know that not everyone has access to hardware that allows them to participate in the network, and we don't want to restrict the community from growing, right, by doing that.

获得奖励有三种途径。 第一种是将 GPU 和 CPU 连接到网络并提供计算;第二种是通过 Galaxy。 Galaxy 的目标是快速发展社区,为那些网络连接或 GPU 较弱或不支持网络连接的人提供参与的机会。 这是因为并非每个人都有正常的网络连接或加入网络的硬件。 我们希望在不限制的情况下发展我们的社区。

And then the third is by being in Discord, participating, getting or getting roles, creating content, helping one another, generally working with the moderators, right, and just being a really strong community member.

第三,加入 Discord,获得角色,创建内容,互相帮助,与版主合作。 成为一个真正强大的社区成员。

We created these three different ways to earn rewards, because again, not everyone is able to provide a GPU into the network. And also, not everyone is able to do quests, right, or be online all the time.

之所以会有这三种不同的获得奖励的方式,也是因为并非每个人都能为网络提供 GPU。 此外,也不是每个人都能完成任务或一直在线。

Not everyone is able to sit in Discord all day long, right? So by doing these three different... ways to earn it gives everyone the ability to participate and you asked another question about the bots We are totally aware of the bots.

不是每个人都能整天加入 Discord,不是吗? 因此,通过这三种不同的奖励方式,可以让每个人都参与进来。 还有一个问题是关于机器人的,我们完全了解机器人的存在。

It is Incredibly easy Incredibly easy to filter out bots and we're gonna take care of that Prior to the airdrops so we we are working with galaxy They have a human score that they apply to wallets and so we're gonna be able to remove those and then we're also gonna be Able to mean that the discord rules are discretionary So it's very easy to see and then on the network side I don't think we're gonna see a ton of bots providing GPU capacity.

拆除机器人非常容易。 我们将在空投前解决这个问题。 我们正在与 Galaxy 合作。 他们会对钱包进行人工评级,这样我们就可以清除它们。 此外,Discord 的规则是自由裁量的,因此很容易发现僵尸。 在网络方面,我不认为我们会看到很多提供 GPU 容量的机器人。

So I don't think we have to worry about it there something I will say is that It is really important for a project to show wallet distribution and when I say wallet distribution, I mean when the token first launches It is really important for us to be able to say hey Look at these hundreds of thousands of wallets that are that are that are holding the token.

事实上,钱包分布对项目非常重要。 它展示了代币所有权的分散性,可以帮助利益相关者了解社区参与的广度和深度。 展示持有代币的钱包的广泛分布可以证明项目的弹性及其对不同用户的吸引力。 这种透明度可以增强项目的长期可持续性及其对潜在投资者的吸引力。

And a lot of exchanges look at that. It's a metric that a lot of people look for, right, token distribution. And what most projects aim to achieve is they aim to achieve a really strong and wide distribution where even if you bought these rewards programs, they're receiving like two tokens, right?

许多交易所都会关注它。 这是一个很多人都关注的指标。 大多数项目的目标都是实现非常强大和广泛的传播。

Like just a very negligible amount of dust, but it creates a very large distribution of wallets and the bots tend to not sell the dust. So it also, you know, it also removes supply, right? And so the way that I looked at this is if I can identify the bots, if the bots earn extremely minimal rewards, but count as a recently active wallet and they move that dust, we're removing a lot of supply.

即使是几乎可以忽略不计的微量,也会造成钱包的大量分布,而机器人往往不会出售他们的灰尘,这也会减少供应量。 如果机器人得到的报酬极少,而且被算作最近活跃的钱包,并移动灰尘,那么就会损失大量供应。

We're gonna reward the real people and then the people who kind of really, really help the community. Like we've got a bunch of volunteer, volunteer bonds right now. There's a lot of people who are helping to manage the global language communities.

它通过奖励那些真正为社区做出贡献的人,来回报那些真正支持社区的人。 目前,我们活跃着大量的志愿版主。 很多人都在帮助管理全球语言社区。

There's a lot of people like you guys who are coming up to ask questions, right? We can use the Discord rules to just manually give you guys rewards, if that makes sense. Yeah, thank you for your question.

很多人在问你问题。 我们可以使用 Discord 规则手动奖励大家。

Thank you. Oh, sorry for your answer. I really, and by the way, I really appreciate the question about the bots, guys. Like you guys are not hurting my feelings. We're aware of it. We have a plan to take care of it.

谢谢。 对了,谢谢你回答了关于机器人的问题。 不必担心。 我们已经意识到这一问题,并已制定计划加以解决。

There's only so many tools that we have to prevent the spam, which I know is super annoying, but for the rewards piece, like we have something in place and we're gonna be able to make sure that bots are not ethically rewarded.


All right, I'm gonna move you to the audience. Vontal Cusseo, you're up next. Can you please ask your question? Hello? Can you hear me? Vontal Cusseo. Yeah, I guess I'm using, you can go first. I'm gonna remove Vontal.


I'm gonna remove Sandy. you all go ahead and ask your question man. Hey can you hear me? I can hear you. Okay I have one question as you said that there is be no public sale so there's the only option through not running nodes or providing GPU right to get involved in the project so can you tell us a little bit how to provide that GPU to every person do we need a great computer to do it or everybody at home can do that thank you so as long as you have one of the supported chips and we support Apple silicon chips so the M1 M2 M3 which is in most of the new Apple products you're gonna be able to be a part of the network well the challenge is that the more consumer cards they not get hired or rented as frequently but even if you are idling on the network we will provide reports so there's no need to if you get hired you obviously are revenue but even if you don't get hired, you're gonna get a report.

明白。 我现在撤下桑迪。 请提问 你好,你能听到我吗? 是的,我能听到。 参与项目的唯一选择是操作一个节点或提供一个 GPU。 你能解释一下,是每个人都需要提供 GPU,还是只需要一台好电脑,家里每个人都可以做? 只要你拥有支持的芯片之一,你就可以参与--苹果硅芯片(M1、M2 和 M3)是支持的,在大多数苹果新产品中都能找到。 更常见的芯片卡存在一些问题,比如不经常被使用或租用,但即使在网络中闲置也能提供报告。 即使不使用,它们也能提供报告。

So I encourage you, if you have one of the chips that are supported, please go ahead and just connect to the network. Okay, okay, thank you. Cool, thank you. I'm gonna move you off the stage. One by one, all unmuted.

明白。 如果您有支持的芯片,请将其连接到网络 好的,谢谢。 我们现在退场。 我们将逐一解除各位的静音。

Hi, hi, hi, yes, I had one question, but you already answered, but Galaxy points, I will ask another one. I work in a company where computer power can be used, mainly for rendering photos for videos, and we are especially interested in creating videos and photos using AI.

你好,我已经解决了你关于 Galaxy 积分的问题,但我还有一个问题。 我在一家公司工作,可以利用计算机的强大功能来渲染照片和视频。 我对利用人工智能制作视频和照片特别感兴趣。

So my question is, do commercial offers exist or will there be any commercial offers in future for companies like mine? Yeah, actually, if you work for a company that requires compute, or if you work for a company that has a lot of GPUs and you wanna be a part of the network, please DM me, we'll get you connected with our VD team and we can absolutely put together a partnership, we would be more than happy to find a way to support you.

我的问题是,对于像我这样的公司,是否存在或将来是否会提供商业服务。 是的,事实上,如果贵公司需要计算能力,或者贵公司拥有许多 GPU 并希望成为网络的一部分,请直接通过 DM 联系我,我很乐意帮您联系 VD 团队,并帮助您找到建立合作关系的途径。

Okay, I understand, thank you very much. Thank you, I appreciate your question. I'm gonna move you to the audience. Abora, thank you so much for waiting patiently. Abora, you're up next. Hello. Abora?

明白,谢谢。 谢谢你的提问。 阿波拉,谢谢你的等待,阿波拉,轮到你了。 你好,阿波拉?

Sir, can you pull over the mainnet of your project? Guys, can we please let Abora go next, Abora? Thank you very much. So I have a couple of questions. I've read the documentations and my first question is about the tokenomics, so I've read generally about the token IO and the stable point, but I'd like to ask for more information on that.

下面请阿波拉发言。 非常感谢。 我有几个问题。 我读了文件,第一个问题是关于代币经济学;我读到了关于 IO 代币、stave points 的内容,我想向你们了解更多相关信息。

How would you explain that? tokenomics to make sure that I understood correctly. Yeah, so I'll preface this first by saying that the final tokenomics are still being reviewed, but I can give you guys a high level.

是的,我明白。 首先,我要说的是,最终的谈话内容仍在审议之中。 我会给大家一个大致的介绍。

So the first is, I know on the website we talk about IOSD. We originally had played around with this concept of a stable coin for payments, but then we actually decided just to use USDC. So there will actually not be a stable coin, which makes our life a little bit easier.

这是关于在网站上谈论 IOSD 的问题。 我们原本想用稳定币的概念来支付,但我们决定使用 USDC,所以实际上并没有稳定币。

And then generally on the tokenomics, we're going to have an initial circulating supply. That initial circulating supply will then inflate to, so the initial circulating supply is going to be about 500 million, and then it'll inflate to 750 million, so about 50% total inflation.

总体而言,代币经济有一个初始流通供应量。 初始流通供应量约为 5 亿个,然后扩大到约 7.5 亿个。 因此,总的通货膨胀率约为 50%。

And then the number of tokens will actually be hard capped. So there will be no more news. IO tokens minted after $750 million. Now, remember, this is being finalized, so please take these numbers just as a tentative number.

这样,代币的数量实际上就有了硬上限。 这意味着新产生的 IO 代币将不会超过 7.5 亿美元。 不过,这些数字仍在最终确定中,应被视为临时数字。

That inflation will occur over 30 years and the inflation will be used to reward workers. Outside of that, we're playing around with a number of other mechanisms to reward token holders, like we're looking at staking, we're looking at buy and burn.

通胀期为 30 年,用于奖励工人。 目前正在考虑采用其他各种机制为代币持有者提供奖励,如定金和先买后烧。

There's a number of different things that I think we're ultimately going to think about implementing to make, to accrue value or just to reward token holders. But a lot of this hasn't been super set in stone.

最终,我们将实施一系列措施,为代币持有者增加价值并给予奖励。 不过,其中大部分内容还没有明确定义。

Something that I always like to go back to with the project is that unlike many other projects, we actually bring in a significant amount of revenue from outside of the project, right? So a lot of projects have circular tokenomics.

在这个项目中,我总是喜欢反思的是,与许多其他项目不同,我们实际上从项目之外带来了大量收入。 很多项目都是循环论证。

We've all seen kind of like the hyperinflationary projects before. Something that we do that's very unique is we have a real customer, which is AI and ML companies, and they pay in real money, right?

我们以前见过超通胀项目。 我们正在做的事情非常独特,我们从真正的客户(人工智能和 ML 公司)那里获得了真金白银。

Real USDC, and they're constantly putting money into the system. And so that revenue goes to workers, that revenue goes to produce a sustainable economics for the project. And that revenue can also be used by the project to then buy assets that can also support the network or generate revenue as well.

这是实际的 USDC,他们不断向系统投入资金。 这样,收入就支付给了工人,为项目创造了可持续的经济效益。 项目还可以利用这些收益购买资产,以支持网络、创造收入等。

Does that answer your question? So to summarize, they want to be a stablecoin backed by IO token, right? So instead of that stablecoin, they will be just USDC. That's right. We'll be using USDC as the payment stablecoin, yeah.

这回答了你的问题吗? 总之,你的意思是由 IO 代币支持的稳定币吗? 是指 USDC,而不是那个稳定币。 是的,USDC 被用作结算稳定币。

There will just be the IO token at least for now. Yeah. So pretty much it, yeah. Thank you very much. Amazing, thank you for your question. All right, well, we actually got through a bunch of people.

至少目前只有 IO 代币。 所以是的,我认为我们有很多代币,但数量并不多。 差不多就是这样了。 非常感谢。 非常感谢你们的提问。 现在,很多人都提出了问题。

Let's see how people are trying to come up to speak. So I'm going to invite Ali, Sunil, Olwin too, Soakodara, Sarah Jit, Bahaya, I'm inviting you guys to speak. Please come up. Vertigo, Mikael. All right, Vertigo, what's your question, sir?

让我们确保每个人都有机会发言。 因此,阿里、苏尼尔、奥尔温、苏阿科达拉、萨拉吉特、巴哈亚、眩晕、米克尔,你们也被邀请作为发言人。 请加入我们的对话。 迷魂阵,你有什么问题?

Oh, well, thank you for having me here. OK, so I have one question that often occurs, like, is asked to me when I'm talking about IELTS with my friends. Will there be any, like, the case studies of, like, CPU or GPU providers of their return on investment and investing in, like, in the network of IELTS, something on the web page, maybe some article, something like that?

啊,谢谢你邀请我来这里。 现在,我在与朋友交谈时经常被问到一个问题:有没有关于 CPU 或 GPU 提供商投资 io 生态网络的投资回报的案例研究、网页、文章等?

Yeah, hey. If you guys have, can you please mute? Otherwise, we're going to be able to talk to you all. That's going to be great. All right. Well, that's an easy way to get kicked. Yeah, so you're asking, will there be case studies or any information for people who are supplying so that they can understand how much they're going to earn?

是啊,伙计们,能把我静音吗? 不然我就没法跟大家说话了 那就太好了。 你想问是否有案例研究或信息可以帮助供应商了解他们能赚多少钱?

So if you actually go to the io .net Explorer page, and then you go to, I believe the tab is, I believe it's on the Explorer. There's actually a page that will show you the cost to rent a GPU for a compute hour.

事实上,访问 Explorer 页面,或许可以使用 Explorer 标签,你会发现一个页面显示使用 GPU 一小时的成本。

And if you look at that, you're actually going to be able to see how much it costs, right? Like if I wanted an A100 versus an Apple M3, the amount of money that it costs to rent that unit is a good proxy for how much that the runner is going to earn.

这样您就能知道实际花费是多少。 例如,根据您想使用 A100 还是 Apple M3,租用设备的费用就能很好地反映出跑步者的收入。

I know it's not perfect just yet, but we will eventually create a UI that helps you understand how much you're likely to earn if you're hired and how much you're going to earn if you're idle. So we'll allow people to kind of run those simulations and get more information.

现在还不完善,但我们最终会创建一个用户界面,帮助人们了解如果他们被雇用或闲置,他们能赚多少钱。 这样,人们就能进行此类模拟,获得更多信息。

Cool, thank you very much for that. Thank you. Cool, absolutely. Yeah, and again, I encourage everyone to go to io .net backslash, or it's cloud .io .net backslash explorer. There's a lot of really good data there.

是的,非常感谢你提供的信息。 这很有帮助。 我还鼓励大家访问 io .net backslash 或 cloud .io .net backslash explorer。 那里有很多非常好的数据。

It's all live, so you can see what GPUs are being rented, where the GPUs are. You can see how much it costs to rent each of the GPUs per hour. And that gives you a good sense of what you're going to earn.

所有信息都是实时的,因此您可以看到哪些 GPU 已被租用以及它们的位置。 您还可以看到每个 GPU 的每小时租金。 这样您就能很好地了解自己能赚多少钱。

You're going to notice that the Apple M1, M2, and M3 chips are pretty expensive to hire. And that's because we're really incentivizing people to connect their Apple silicon chips right now. And so you have an Apple chip.

你会发现,苹果 M1、M2 和 M3 芯片的租金相当昂贵。 这是因为现在苹果公司正在大力推动硅芯片的连接。

I encourage you to connect it. Cool, thank you very much. All right, thank you for your question, then. I'm going to move you to the others. Froggy, you're up next. Froggy, how are you today? Hello. I just want to ask, how is the project funded and what is the roadmap for the development and implementation?

请尝试连接。 谢谢你的提问。 换到另一边,青蛙,你的问题。 你好,今天好吗? 你好 我想问一下,这个项目的资金来源是什么,开发和实施的路线图是什么?

Yeah, so we actually just announced $30 million in funding. That was yesterday. We announced our Series A from a number of really, really amazing VCs, founders like Anatoly Invested, Solana Invested, Multicoin, Aptos, Anamoka, so a lot of the names that we know and love.

是的,事实上,昨天我们宣布了 3000 万美元的融资 - A 轮融资,来自一些非常令人印象深刻的风险投资公司和创始人,包括 Anatoly Invested、Solana Invested、Multicoin、Aptos 和 Animoca。 其中不乏我们熟悉和喜爱的名字。

We also have a number of angels who have participated in the project. The project has plenty of funding. We also earn revenue, so when people pay into the network to hire GPUs, the node runners are also paid, but we take a very small percentage.

许多天使投资人也参与了该项目。 项目资金充足。 我们也能获得收入--我们向网络支付 GPU 租金,也向节点运行人员支付费用,但我们只拿很小的一部分。

like like two and a half percent or something very various. So the protocol arts revenue that way. You asked another question there. What was the second half of your question? The second half of my question is what is the roadmap for the development and implementation?

约 2.5%,或相当多的百分比,是协议赚取收入的方式。 您还有一个问题吗?开发和实施路线图。

Uh yeah so so we've got a lot of really exciting things. I think the number the number one thing we're looking forward to is at TGE. The whole website the UI the the platform that you interact with that interface is going to be updated.

是的,是的,是的。 我们计划了很多非常有趣的事情。 首先是 TGE。 整个网站、用户界面、与界面互动的平台都将更新。

So it's going to be a lot easier to use. It's going to be a lot um it's going to be a lot more slick. It's going to be a lot faster and so we're trying to fix a lot of bugs that people have been experiencing.

因此,它将很容易使用。 它将非常复杂。 它的速度会更快,而且我们正在努力修复人们遇到的许多错误。

I'm going to be very honest guys our community grew way faster than I thought it would. We went from 8 000 people to 160 000 people. We our twitter blew up. We had uh someone on my team was telling me that someone tried to add like 20 000 chips in one day from Korea to the network and that was uh there was that day last week where no one could add chips and that was because someone was trying to add up some of the chips.

坦率地说,我们社区的发展速度远远超出了我的想象,我们从 8000 人发展到了 16 万人,Twitter 取得了巨大的成功,有很多人从国内来到国外,有很多人从国外来到国内,有很多人从国内来到国外,有很多人从国内来到国外。 团队中有人说,他们试图在一天之内从韩国增加约 2 万个筹码。 上个星期,我们有一天没有人可以添加芯片,因为其他人正在尝试添加芯片。

And then I think you guys also craft vca like our our infrastructure was fine but the web provider was not and so we had we basically had to upgrade all of the the partners that we use to make sure that our stack is ready for for everyone who's been trying to use the products so.

我们还创建了 VCA。 我们的基础设施没有任何问题,但我们的网络提供商是个问题,因此我们需要升级我们正在使用的所有合作伙伴,以便我们能够满足所有想要使用该产品的人的需求。

Yeah I think yeah thank you for your question thank you of course uh mr stocks you're up next man what's your question? Mr stocks all right we're gonna go to uh to scala relics scala scala relics what's your question man?

是的,谢谢您的提问。 当然,下一位是斯托克斯先生。 你有什么问题? 你有什么问题?

Hello can you hear me? I can hear you okay good um what is your marketing strategy when the beer market begins and the AI and cloud hype is over yeah question. So I think I truly think that the this this demand for cloud compute is secular and when I say that I mean that I mean that it's basically not going away right whether whether it is AI or whether it is something like cloud gaming whether it is remote rendering whether it is decentralized storage compute and compute power it is effectively only going to go in one direction and I don't know if it becomes easier to access right maybe we all figure out our manufacturing but I think in the next five to ten years it's not going away like chips will get chips will only get more powerful but the resource will only get more scarce because there's just way more demand in there is supply.

你能听到我吗? 是的,我能听见 我明白你的问题。 您在谈论牛市、人工智能和云计算热潮结束后的营销策略。 是的,我明白您的问题。 我来回答您的问题。 我们的营销策略是基于云计算需求将继续增长的假设;我们相信,如果人工智能和云计算热潮过去,云计算需求也不会消退。 这是由于人工智能、云游戏、远程渲染、分布式存储、计算能力和许多其他应用的需求不断增长。 虽然未来制造云计算可能会变得更加容易,但我们认为在未来五到十年内,云计算的需求可能会继续增长,并且供不应求。

That being said our goal is to make sure that this protocol is extremely sustainable as a business and you can probably you guys probably can already that you know we are real money right this we are not selling crypto to crypto people we are selling a commodity to customers using blockchain and crypto as an intermediary and that's that's a really interesting place to be because we're not we're not creating economics out of thin air we're not you know we don't have to go find customers there are customers there is a problem and we provide that solution and you know I know that that's that could be very strange assessment crypto we're like value values like created out of thin air and everything magic internet money but what's what's really amazing about us is that people are paying real money these are customers and enterprises and traditional companies that you know don't need to necessarily be in crypto they can pay with USDC we're gonna support risk for other payment methods like credit cards soon and so I don't think the bear market is really like we shouldn't be as subject to signals like crypto cycles but your question on sort of the AI boom is important right I just don't think it's going anywhere in five years I think we have we have a lot of time okay thank you thank you all right wire XLE what's your question?

不过,我们的目标是确保该协议作为一项业务具有很强的可持续性。 正如您可能已经意识到的那样,我们是在与真金白银打交道。 我们不是在买卖加密货币,而是在为客户提供以区块链和加密货币为媒介的产品。 这非常有趣,因为这意味着我们不仅仅是在处理区块链和加密货币。 因为我们不是在凭空创造经济,而是有客户、有问题,而我们正在提供解决方案。 在加密货币的世界里,价值是凭空创造的,一切都像是神奇的互联网货币,但我们的神奇之处在于,我们的客户支付的是真金白银。 这些客户、企业和传统公司可以用美元支付,而不一定要用加密货币支付。 我们很快就会支持信用卡等其他支付方式。 因此,我们认为,我们不应该受到加密货币周期(如熊市)等信号的太大影响。 不过,你关于人工智能热潮的问题很重要。 我不认为五年后人工智能会在任何地方消失。 我们有的是时间。

Hello, what are the team's plans in the context of the technological revolution at Savannah. I couldn't hear your question. Can you say that again? What are the team's plans in the context of the technological revolution at Savannah.

您好,在索拉纳的技术革命中,团队有哪些计划? 对不起,请重复:在索拉纳的技术革命中,团队有哪些计划?

Oh, fantastic question. So you know there there are a lot of things that I personally dream about doing with Solana I'll give you one I would love for us to be the AI app chain for the Solana ecosystem if they ever choose to move into an app chain structure I really think that Solana has the basis to become a very, very exciting high -performance hub for a lot of projects.

问得好。 就我个人而言,我想就 Solana 做很多事情。 首先,如果 Solana 生态系统选择采用应用链结构,我梦想我们能成为它的人工智能应用链。 我真的认为,Solana 有潜力成为一个非常令人兴奋的、高性能的项目中心。

And then as projects specialize and require a different level of throughput, they can access App Chain, right? So imagine a world, just everyone close your eyes and imagine a world where we have these 26 ,000 nodes, I think is what we're at now.

当项目变得专业化并需要不同的吞吐量时,我就可以访问应用程序链。 所以,大家闭上眼睛,想象一下。 我想我们现在的节点数是 26000 个,我想我们现在的节点数是 26000 个。

And these nodes are able to also run a blockchain and provide compute and provide storage on top of that compute. And if you're a project that's building on Solana and you want access to extremely high throughput and compute and storage on top of compute, you build on this like IO AI App Chain or IO Compute App Chain and the IO Compute App Chain then settles the Solana.

这些节点还可以运行区块链,提供计算,并在计算的基础上提供存储。 如果一个建立在 Solana 上的项目希望在计算之上获得极高的吞吐量、计算和存储,它可以通过这种方式建立在 io AI 应用链或 io 计算应用链上。 然后,io Compute 应用链就会落户到 Solana 上。

That would be absolutely incredible. It would be a blockchain and a blockchain ecosystem and partnership with Solana that no one has ever seen before. Those are the kinds of things that we wanna build towards.

这真是太棒了。 这是一个前所未见的区块链和区块链生态系统,是与索拉纳公司的合作。 这就是我们的目标。

Thank you. Well, thanks for your question man. Of course. All right. I'm gonna move this to 0x adu. What's your question, sir? 0x adu. All right. I'm gonna move that flick station flick station. What's your question, sir?

谢谢。 谢谢你的提问。 当然 现在我们去0x adu。 你的问题是什么? 0x adu,下一个是 弹站先生 弹台先生,你有问题吗?

Hey, hey, sir. Do you hear me? I can hear you Please I want to ask about take on omics What's the point max supply of token calling? Yes, the night supplies happens 150 million Yeah, one more time that the max supplies capped at 750 million.

你能听到我们说话吗? 是的,我能听到。 有人问你一个关于代币经济的问题 代币的最大供应量是多少? 初始供应量为 5 亿枚,最大供应量为 7.5 亿枚。

Yes, and Can we have a pre -sale if there is any pre -sale of tokens or no? There will be no pre -sale. It's gonna be a direct launch on an exchange Thanks, sir. Thanks Thank you. Thank you. All right Move you to the audience Yeah, grateful for music.

是的,如果有代币预售,我们可以参与吗? 没有预售。 代币将直接在交易所推出。

I want you to come up. I hit invite to speak. Can you can you click the invite? I'm gonna take a quick audience question Hello, I this is Tamir Dhanesh. Hello. I own an AMD Radeon RX five seven hundred XT GPU And I would like to participate as an island net worker.

我希望您能上来。 请您点击 "邀请并发言"。 我将接受观众的简短提问。 大家好,我叫塔米尔-达内什(Tamir Danesh)。 你好,我拥有一个 AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT GPU。 我想作为 "岛屿网络人 "参与其中。

When will people with AMD GPUs be able to do that? Thank you. So I don't have a great answer for you We basically started with support for a video graphic cards first expanded to Apple chips. I know that there's a lot of demand for AMD's We're gonna try to support the chips that the AI and ML companies want first Because our goal is to be able to provide a product that they want to pay money for so our team is working on it It is on the road map and thanks for your patience.

AMD GPU 用户何时可以参加? 谢谢,我们很乐意回答这个问题。 这个问题没有明确的答案。 我们首先开始支持显卡,然后扩展到苹果芯片,我们知道 AMD 的需求量非常大。 我们的目标是首先支持人工智能或 ML 公司需要的芯片。 因为我们的目标是为他们提供他们愿意付费购买的产品。 我们的团队正在努力。 这已列入我们的路线图。 感谢您的理解。

All right, Sabre. You're up next man. What's your question? When will Mac machines be available to rent again? Mac machines available to rent already. If you're having issues with creating a cluster using Mac chips, or if you're having an issue with running Docker or anything on a Mac, can you please create a support ticket?

明白了。 你有什么问题?Mac 机器什么时候可以再次出租?Mac 机器已经可以租用,如果您在使用 Mac 芯片创建群集或在 Mac 上运行 Docker 时遇到问题,请开立支持单。

I know we've had some issues with accessing clustering from Mac devices, so create a ticket and we'll be there to help you. Thank you. Thank you, man. I'm a movie of the audience. Michael, you're up next.

我们知道从 Mac 设备访问群集存在问题,因此如果您开票,我们可以提供帮助。 非常感谢,接下来请下一位发言。 迈克尔,轮到你了。

What's your question? Yeah. Could you maybe ask your question again? There's a lot of echo on your mic. Okay, I'll let you figure that out. for a moment. Hey, 0x80u, are you there? Do you have a question?

您能重复一下您的问题吗? 我听到麦克风有很多回声。 我等你一会儿再解决这个问题。 嘿,0x80u,你在吗? 你有问题吗?

Yeah, I can hear you now. Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Yeah, it's a, it's a fantastic question, man. So the galaxy quests are super easy to farm, right? And my model that I'm running is basically like my goal is to achieve maximum and maximum distribution on a global curve.

是的,我现在能听到了。 谢谢 是的,这是个好问题,《银河探索》很容易收获。 我运行的模型是一条全局曲线,目标是实现最大分布。

So if you think about a bell curve, right, my goal is to get as many people on the middle of that bell curve as possible, and then have a small amount of people on either side. If, if you were participating in galaxy and you're farming in, you're going, hey, might be, you know, I feel like this might be really difficult to earn, and you don't get diluted, don't worry, I would actually recommend you spend more time at discord.

因此,如果你想想钟形曲线,我的目标就是让尽可能多的人处于钟形曲线的中间,而少数人处于两边,所以如果你在银河系收获,担心赚不到收入,别担心--你不会得到收入的。 事实上,我建议大家多花点时间在 Discord 上。

So the mods and discord all have the ability to assign roles. If you were one of the first 8 ,000 people in the discord before we launched galaxy, you should have automatically received a tier three role, or what you will shortly receive a tier three role.

Discord 版主有能力分配角色--如果您是银河活动开始前 Discord 上的前 8000 名用户之一,您将自动被分配到第 3 层角色。 如果不是,你很快就会收到一个三级角色。

That gives you access to a channel called core supporters. It's a little bit below the voice channels and it's in the same section as all the language channels. Please spend time in there. So we know that we cannot prevent bots from joining the discord.

它可以访问一个名为 "核心支持者 "的频道。 它位于音频频道稍下方,与语言频道在同一区域。 在那里花点时间。我们知道您无法阻止机器人加入 Discord。

Like there's way too much sophistication with the bots. So what we did was we allow the bots to automatically earn airdrop tier one and then we make it pretty easy to earn airdrop tier two. Once you get to tier three, it actually unlocks three new channels, core supporters, workers and deployers.

由于机器人非常先进,我们让机器人自动获得 1 级空投,因此获得 2 级空投相当容易。 通道被解锁。

And our, our intention is for the quote unquote real community members to actually spend their time there. So if you look at the, if you look at the anything goes channel and then lounge, like those are basically just like gigantic spam, spam rooms, right?

我们的目的是让真正的社区成员真正花时间在那里。 如果你看看那些可以畅所欲言的频道和休息室,它们基本上都是巨大的垃圾邮件箱。

And we know that to be the case, like there's nothing we can do about that. We have to give the bots a place to spam and then we slowly use roles to bring people into another section of the discord that is inaccessible, even to quote unquote verified people.

我们知道这是事实。 我们对此无能为力。 我们必须给机器人提供一个发送垃圾邮件的地方。 然后利用角色将人们引导到 Discord 的另一个区域。 一般来说,"通过验证 "的人根本无法进入该区域。

And then we can, we can work for very liberal about handing out participation roles in those channels. That makes sense. Thank you. Yeah, of course. Thank you. All right, moving to the audience. Mikael, do you want to try one more time?

在这些渠道的参与角色分配上,他们可以非常慷慨。 明白。 非常感谢。 当然,不客气。 现在我们进入下一个环节,麦克尔,你能再试一次吗?

What's your question, man? All right, I'm gonna move you to the audience again. I'm grateful for music. You're up next. Hey, thanks for doing this. This is awesome. Um, yeah, I've been supporting provided my GPU since November.

下一个问题是什么? 好吧,那我们就继续下一个问题,"感恩音乐",下一个就是你。 嗨,谢谢你能来 很不错 是的,实际上,我们从十一月就开始提供 GPU 了。

So really, very much a fan of this project. Quick question I had, and you may have already addressed this, but it's around the tokenomics I saw earlier. I haven't been able to refind it that there was going to be like an IO token, plus an IO specific stable coin, and there's gonna be like an arbitrage burn and mint mechanism, which reminded me of Luna and UST and kicking a little bit of PTSD.

真的,我是这个项目的粉丝。 我有一个关于代币经济学的问题,可能已经有人回答过了。 我之前看到过,除了 IO 代币之外,还有一种 IO 专用的固定硬币,具有套利烧钱和铸币机制。 这让我想起了 Luna 和 UST,有点创伤后应激障碍。

So I wanted to see that still. Is that still on the table or is that? No, no, it's not. It's so funny because when when I first saw that I said, Hey, I see what you guys are going for, but that gives me a little PTSD.

该计划是仍在进行还是已被取消? 没有,没有。 当我第一次看到它的时候,我说我知道你们想做什么,但它让我有点创伤后应激障碍。

So we will not be doing a we will not be doing a protocol stable coin at all. Okay. I'm gonna remove that from the docs. It's in the docs. So, uh, we're not doing a stable point. I think initially what we wanted to do was create some kind of burning mechanism for IO that then minted a stable that could be used as a unified payments token.

我们不会在协议中引入任何滞留硬币。 好的,我们会从文件中删除。 你已经在文件中提到了。 所以,我们不会引入任何稳定币。 我们的想法是,先建立一个烧毁 IO 的机制,然后发行可用作统一支付代币的稳定币。

One, that has a lot of issues. Two, we don't really want that stable trading on the market and like it's hard to prevent abuse. And so what we did was we said, let's just use USDC as our payment token and then half of the IO token basically cover a lot of other functionality, like deep in governance, like being used for staking.

第一是问题很多;第二是我们不希望市场上出现稳定的代币,而且很难防止滥用。 我们所做的是将 USDC 作为支付代币--现在一半的 IO 代币都涵盖了许多其他功能,例如更深层次的治理、盯盘等。

And then in the future, you know, if there's a blockchain involved as a native. a gas token for that chain. So our goal is to have a fixed path on the IO token and then basically introduce a bunch of ways to remove supply.

未来,区块链可能会作为该链的原生气体代币参与其中。 因此,我们的目标是为 IO 代币提供一个固定的路径,并引入很多方法来从根本上停止供应。

So again, the tokenomics are still being reviewed, but like some ideas are we can buy back, like not mint and burn, but buy back and burn, right? So we use protocol revenues to buy the IO token ourselves and we just burn them as a protocol programmatically.

因此,代币经济学仍在考虑之中,但其理念不是铸币和燃烧,而是回购和燃烧。 换句话说,用协议的收益自己购买 IO 代币,并通过协议本身的方案进行燃烧。

That's a really good way to remove supply. The other thing that we can do is we can use the IO token to buy assets, like literally buy GPUs ourselves, put them in a data center, put those GPUs on the network, and then those GPUs earn revenues, right?

这是减少供应的好方法。 另一种方法是使用 IO 代币,例如,我们自己购买 GPU,将这些 GPU 放在数据中心并连接到网络。 然后,这些 GPU 就可以产生收入。

And we can use those revenues to either buy back and burn or we can distribute revenues to speakers. Obviously there's compliance and things for us to figure out there, but there's a lot of really interesting ways to basically provide the token's utility.

然后,收入可用于回购和销毁,或将收入分配给演讲者。 当然,我们还需要解决合规性等问题,但有很多非常有趣的方法来提供代币效用。

And then I think that something that most people don't think about is Uh, this, this kind of concept of like value of compute. So, you know, we, we are putting together ventures are where instead of investing money, we just invest compute, like we give startups computing power for free.

大多数人没有想到的一点是计算价值的概念。 换句话说,我们正在建立一些企业,为初创企业提供免费的计算能力,而不是对它们进行投资。

And then we, we get access to their, uh, either, you know, either they give us, they give us like tokens or we get equity in their company. And then we can actually roll that up and then, you know, basically divide the value to token holders, right?

然后,他们就可以从新公司获得代币和公司股份。 然后,他们可以把它们放在一起,并将其价值分配给代币持有者。

Could be something like tokenized bond or some real world asset situation. There's a lot of really interesting things we do. And then of course there's governance, right? I mean, a lot of people say like governance is really stupid.

比如代币化债券和真实世界资产。 我们可以做很多有趣的事情,而且我们都能做到。 当然,还有治理。 很多人都说,治理真的很愚蠢,因为这不是真正的治理,而是系统的治理。

I tend to agree, but for us governance is really interesting because governance over something like a D pin that has potentially billions or hundreds of thousands of GPUs in it, that that's something that becomes valuable.

我同意这一点,但对我们来说,治理像 D pin 这样包含数十亿甚至上百亿 GPU 的东西是非常有趣的。

Like imagine if, imagine if there was a world where, uh, when we, when we issue, when we launched governance, right? We all voted on how much the D pin charges different apps that are built on top of it today, IO .net is the only app built on top of the network, but what if one day there was like 20 ,000 apps and the community was the one who was voting on how much we charge each of these different apps or what the fees that the D pin charges, right?

想象一下。 举例来说,想象一下,在我们的世界里,只有社区来发布管理条例,并投票决定 D pin 对建立在网络之上的各种应用程序收取多少费用。 今天, 是唯一一个建立在网络之上的应用程序,但未来可能会有多达 20 000 个应用程序。 如果由社区投票决定对这些不同的应用程序收取多少费用,或者 D pin 收取多少费用呢?

And it means the community is the one that's the kind of dictating, dictating some of these economics. Um, it could be really interesting. It also incentivizes large projects to, to, to buy and hold the token, to participate in governance, which creates some really great dynamics.

这意味着社区能够决定其中的一些经济。 这非常有趣,因为这意味着社区能够决定其中一些经济体。 这也创造了非常好的动力,因为它鼓励大型项目购买和持有代币并参与治理。

Um, and also, you know, my hope is that my hope is that this, this project, right, this network will eventually earn enough money that the treasury is very large and you know, we as a community can decide how we want to deploy it.


So this kind of shifted to centralization of the surface, you know, critical to, to the token of the token is kind of critical to this shift is decentralization. And I think we're out there today, right?

这是一个从中心化到去中心化的重要转变,而代币是这一转变不可或缺的一部分。 今天,我们正走在这条道路上。

Like, well, let's be honest guys. We have a deep end, but IO .net is a web app, and most web apps are centralized. But as we shift towards decentralization, do people want governance over a DEX, where people are just trading, or do people want governance over, hopefully, what is the world's largest, largest decentralized network of GPUs?

老实说 是一个网络应用程序,但大多数网络应用程序都是中心化的。 但是,当我们向去中心化迈进时,人们想要哪种治理方式--是对你只是进行交易的DEX的治理,还是对世界上最大的GPU的去中心化网络的治理?

That would be something that I could see a lot of people wanting to participate in governance on, because it's super valuable. Long -winded answer, hopefully that was helpful. Yeah, that was a fantastic answer, thank you.

它事关治理,许多人都希望参与其中。 这是非常有价值的。 这是一个很长的答案,但我希望它是有用的。 是的,这是一个很好的答案。 非常感谢。

Awesome, appreciate it. All right, guys, of course, man. I'm gonna move you off to the audience. All right, I got a few minutes left. I don't think I'm gonna take any more questions. Let me just scroll through to see if there's anything super interesting here for us to talk about.

非常好,谢谢。 我现在把时间交给听众。 好的,我们只有几分钟时间,所以我想我们不会回答很多问题。 让我们向下滚动一下,看看是否有非常有趣的话题。

All right, you know what, Santo, what's your question, man? Come up and ask a question. Santo, what's your question? Oh hey guys, it's up in the front. Hey, it's not bad. Yeah, we can hear you. How does IOU .NET prioritize users' privacy in specific?

好吧,桑托先生,你有什么问题?上去问吧 我在前面 下午好,先生们 我听得出来, 是如何优先考虑用户隐私的?

So, you know, we'll then put this digital word, right? So we're all kind of paranoid about our personal info getting leaked or not, right? So when it comes to using like platform like IOU .NET which you guys use in networking stuff.

说到数字世界,我们都会担心自己的个人信息会被泄露。 因此,在使用像 io 这样的平台时,你们会用它来建立联系。

So I want to know how you guys keep our data safe. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, that's a great question. So for the people who couldn't hear us, IOU's question was around security and how IOU .NET keeps people's data safe.

我想知道我们是如何确保数据安全的。 是的,这是一个很好的问题。 对于那些没听清楚的人来说,这个问题与安全以及 io .NET 如何保护数据安全有关。

We basically use end -to -end encryption. And what that means is if you were a node operator, you actually cannot see the traffic on other nodes. Which means that as a node operator, you can only see the data and the traffic that runs through your own node, but none of the traffic that runs through anyone else's.

我们基本上使用端到端加密,这意味着节点操作员实际上无法看到其他节点上的流量。 这意味着节点操作员只能看到通过自己节点运行的数据和流量,而看不到通过其他节点运行的流量。

And no one else can see the traffic that runs through your node. And that's very important, right? Because you basically have security through fragmentation. If you're operating one node and you don't know what's happening in the rest of the network and none of the rest of the network knows what's happening in any other part of the network and we all only know a little piece of what's happening on our own node, we can never piece together, you know, the whole picture, right?

其他人无法看到通过你的节点运行的流量。 这一点非常重要。 因为实际上,你拥有分布式安全。 你操作一个节点,却不知道网络其他部分发生了什么,网络其他部分也不知道其他地方发生了什么。 我们每个人都只知道自己节点上发生的事情的一部分,因此无法汇总全局。

Also, it also means you can't access information on anyone else's node as well. So your information that you have on your device is also safe. Yeah, we very much value security. I think that, you know, for us, it's incredibly, incredibly important that people feel safe to connect the GPU to the network.

这也意味着无法访问他人节点上的信息。 这意味着您设备上的任何信息也是安全的。 是的,我们非常重视安全问题。 对我们来说,让您放心地将 GPU 连接到网络是非常重要的。

And especially if you're using something like a MacBook, right? You need to feel comfortable that we're protecting your data. And so one of the things that we constantly are looking at are ways to basically add more security into the network architecture.

特别是在人们使用 MacBook 等设备的情况下,他们需要确保自己的数据受到保护。 因此,我们正在研究如何在网络架构中增加安全性。

Like, I've heard conversations on our team. This is a little bit too technical for me, but I've heard conversations around trying to figure out how we can communicate at the node level to obfuscate the workloads on the nodes.

我在团队内部听到过关于如何在节点级别混淆工作负载的讨论。 这对我来说有点太专业了,但我听到过关于如何在节点级进行通信以混淆节点上的工作负载的讨论。

So a lot of really exciting ways that we can add even more security, but today we use a very similar security framework that any cloud provider uses, right? Which is basically end -end function. Thanks for your question.

因此,有许多令人兴奋的方法可以进一步增强安全性,但现在我们使用的是所有云提供商都在使用的非常相似的安全框架。 它基本上是一种端到端的功能。 谢谢您的提问。

It's good to know that you guys are taking seriously on how to keep our privacy safe. So yeah, that's good. 100% man. All right, I'm gonna move into the audience. We've got a couple of minutes left. I know Kleinemann wants me to say something to the group.

知道他们认真对待如何保护我的隐私,我就放心了。 这太棒了,100% 是的,我相信这对我们所有人来说都将是一次美好的经历。 下面请观众发言。 我们还有一点时间;克莱因曼女士让我告诉大家一些事情。

So for those of you who were here today, to receive a tier two role for being in the AMA, please go to the hashtag AMA participation channel, click on the computer screen emoji. Before you leave the channel, check your profile to make sure that you have received your role.

要因参与 AMA 而获得二级卷,请转到 Hashtag AMA 参与频道并点击电脑屏幕上的象形图。 在离开频道之前,请务必查看您的个人资料,确认您已收到卷。

You can click it again if you do not have the roll. The channel is gonna be open for 20 minutes. So 20 minutes after this AMA ends, you need to go to AMA participation, click on the computer emoji and you'll receive the Airdrop tier two roll.

如果您没有角色,请再次单击 - 您只能在 AMA 结束后 20 分钟内访问 AMA 参与频道。 再次点击计算机象形图,以获得您的第 2 级角色。

One more time, again, for the people who are in here who've been participating, there is an entirely different section of the Discord that opens up when you are Airdrop tier three. That is our way of separating out the bots who are spamming the channels with people who are helping.

还有一件事,也是为了让这里的参与者受益,一旦你的空投等级达到 3 级,Discord 就会打开一个完全不同的区域。 这是为了区分那些扰乱频道的机器人和那些提供帮助的机器人。

And I recommend once you have access to the core supporters channel, the workers channel or the deployer channel, that you go hang out in there. I spend a lot more time with core supporters because I can actually keep up with the conversation.

获得访问权限后,我建议您加入核心支持者频道、工人频道或部署者频道。 我在核心支持者频道上花的时间更多,因为我可以真正赶上对话。

And the mods, please thank your mods. They are literally sorting through spam every day to try to find the real people to keep up roles. So if you see a mod, please be patient with them, DM them, tell them thank you.

您可以感谢版主。 他们每天都会对垃圾邮件进行分类,并尽量保留一小部分真正的用户。 如果您看到版主,请通过 DM 向他们表示感谢。

And if you wanna get involved as a volunteer mod, let us know, we'd be happy to have you use the help. We've got a lot of language channels as well. And last but certainly not least, if you're making memes or if you're a graphic designer or if you're good with video editing, we want more memes, we want people to post more memes or looking to make like sticker packs and things like that.

如果您想成为我们的志愿版主,请告诉我们。 我们很乐意接受帮助。 我们有许多语言频道。 最后但并非最不重要的一点是,如果您擅长制作备忘录、平面设计或视频编辑,请加入我们。 如果您擅长制作漫画、平面设计或视频剪辑,请为我们做出更多贡献。

So feel free to DM me or DM Klineman. You guys have all of my TG info, I'm super dox. Feel free to reach out. Again, thank you so much everyone, really appreciate your time today and I will see you here same time next week.

请直接给我或 Klineman 发消息。 我有我所有的 TG 信息,请随时联系我。 再次非常感谢大家。 感谢你们今天抽出宝贵的时间。 下周同一时间在这里见。

Thank you, thank you. Bye everyone. Thanks for watching! Thank you. Thanks for watching!

非常感谢。 大家再见 感谢您的收看!

再见 非常感谢 感谢您的收看