
发布于 2023-03-25到 Mirror 阅读

Chat-GPT, AI, and Surveillance Capitalism: Mathematical, Historical, & Mythological Perspectives

A Scientific Rationale for the widespread adoption of Distributed Ledger Technology

At the turn of the Millennium in the year 2000 (Y2K), the Clay Mathematics Institute (CMI) established the Millennium Prize Problems in order to celebrate mathematics in the new millennium.

According to its website, the CMI believes in the value of mathematical knowledge and its centrality to human progress, culture, and intellectual life. The institution’s purpose and goals appear to be noble:

I am in Consensus with this idea of furthering the beauty, power, and universality of mathematical thought 🔥👏

After all,

our Perspective of Reality – Active Inference of the World – is governed by mathematical fractal patterns that repeat through Space & Time.

When I created the video below, I did not know about the CMI.

Funny co-incidences.

My journey down the rabbit holes has led me to understand that there are no co-incidences. I’m no Sherlock – this is added for flair.

The video helps us to make sense of the mathematical conclusions derived about the Nature of Reality. Developed by Karl Friston, the Free Energy Principle states:

We Model the World <----> The World Models Us

Everything is connected

Around 7:11, “defining dynamics of any system that does not dissipate over Time is that their states will flow so as to maximize model evidence.”

Compare & contrast with governing dynamics of Game Theory

14:10, paraphrasing, “Everything - every neuronal state or physiological variable - can be described in terms of differential equations, given other states in the brain.”

If this happens internally, then shouldn’t we do our best to model it externally as well?

Moneyness of ETH and Neurotransmitters:

So, can we do the same for the Millennium Prize Problems? Can we make sense of them?

Well, we must, if we are to ever make sense of these deep insights and then Apply them to our individual & collective lives for the benefit of humanity.

This is Applied Science, and the Outcome is a bit like Magic:

Source: King, Warrior, Magician, Lover

Millennium Prize Problems

7 Millennium Problems have been announced.

1 has been solved.

In simple terms, the mathematical solution to the Poincaré Conjecture proved:

Like 2-dimensional spheres which are connected along every point (discrete variable) in Space & Time (continuous variable), the same is also true for 3-dimensional spheres.

Sound familiar?

This is the formal mathematical statement of the Free Energy Principle as well.

Now, let’s Apply this to our present-day state of affairs. We are governed by a regime of Surveillance Capitalism. Ever wonder how/why your most recent topic of conversation showed up on your phone?

It’s not so complicated.

Capitalism is driven by profit-making motives, so the facilitating middleman is incentivized to engage in Value Extraction. On Ethereum, this is known as Maximal Extractible Value (MEV).

Who, or what, is the middleman? Advertising agencies and Media Corporations.

In order to understand this, let’s visualize the Ether – also known as the 5th Element (starting at 0:34):

For the video averse, here is a readable format: Into the Ether

Between Us (Internal Model of the World), and anything & everything else we interact with (External Model of the World), there exists a Communication Channel. And this Communication Channel is governed by Value Extracting 3rd parties which constitute the Surveillance Capitalism regime:

Mapping this on to the one & only solved Millennium Prize Problemthe 3-Dimensional Sphere connected continuously through Space & Time – we can now begin to appreciate what exactly is connecting us all.

The 3rd parties.

Mapping this on to Historical & Mythological Patterns communicated through timeless works like The Hero with a Thousand Faces, which harken upon foundational insights from Depth Psychology and the Collective Unconscious, we can understand the phenomenon much more clearly.

If you watched and/or played Yu-Gi-Oh! growing up, this will click very easily.

Frens, this is the Millennium Eye:

The Mind Scan has been deployed upon us all, and it is active at all times. The Surveillance Capitalism regime engages in Active Inference to quantify us, for the purposes of generating profits.

Even while I was writing this, the electronic devices I was using were interrupted on several occasions 🤦‍♂️

Eye movements, digital media & device usage patterns, locations, heat maps, and much House MD tells his brother from another mother, Wilson:

“they’ve got a satellite aimed directly into Cuddy’s vagina.” 😂🤣💩

Hilarious. Also kinda lame.

Refer to** Ethereum: A Model of the World and Smart Contracting Brain **for more information.

The Mind Shuffle is far more advanced than the Mind Scan, and 6 Millennium Items remain to be discovered 🙏

We will unlock Collective Non-Zero-Sum Outcomes for Public Good, so that our Health becomes Wealth <-> Wealth becomes Health.


Vires in Numerus 🇺🇸 🫡 💪