
发布于 2021-10-25到 Mirror 阅读

4 key facts about Curious Addys' Trading Club

Curious Addys' goal is to become the one-stop-shop educational learning app for NFT beginners!

Their main goal is to become the 'Duolingo' of the NFT space where people who are new to NFTs can learn about the culture, the community, crypto slang, practice buying and selling NFTs, and more.

Led by Ben and Mai, both combined have vast experience in the tech industry and crypto industry. Mai was previously a senior engineer at a Silicon Valley startup and VP President of Marketing at another. Ben previously co-founded a Blockchain project called Stream and has been involved in crypto since 2017.

Ana is the leading artist and has been in the space since her days of animating fan art of Cryptokitties.

Mint can only be obtained through an allowlist/whitelist

At this time there is no public sale planned. The entire 10k project will be distributed through an allowlist that is obtained by completing various activities through participating in the discord.

Some of these include:

  • completing an educational scam quiz
  • inviting people to the discord and being engaging
  • catching and reporting scams
  • sharing thoughtful tweets on Twitter about the project

Formal advisors include @punk2467 and @Zeneca_33

Curious Addys Trading Club is officially being advised by punk2467 and Zeneca_33. To what extent and for what compensation is unclear, if any, at the moment but CATC has been transparent and expressed their involvement since the very beginning.

Smart contract includes a 100% money-back guarantee

Curious Addy's has a money-back refund function baked into the contract within the first 100 days. They wanted to remove the need to have trust the creators even at mint so if you're unhappy at any point in the first three months, you can get your money back.

This micro-essay is #004 of ship30for30 challenge.