
发布于 2022-11-07到 Mirror 阅读

why are we here (part 2.)

Hey there, if the post below resonates make sure to check out our new mental fitness program starting end of november! For questions - reach out directly on Twitter.

More than 52% of employees feel burnt in the traditional corporate world and there are reasons to think that this number is even higher in web3.

  1. The remote and asynchronous-nature web3 roles break all pre-existing office norms and culture. This unlocks tremendous freedom and self-direction, but it creates a major challenge for contributors to come up with their own boundaries, routines, and become intentional about once granted needs like connecting with others.

  2. This collapse in structure is to be coupled with the pervasiveness of technology in the web3 lifestyle where Discord servers, Twitter, Github, and volatile price charts are added on top of the already overloaded tech stack for emailing, slacks and so on.

  3. When kept unchecked, the pace and chaos of web3 work life can easily reach new heights. Opportunities abound, work-life boundaries are porous and notifications stimulate the nervous system all around the clock, hijacking the brain’s ability to intentionally allocate attention. In a few months the initial thrill of web3’s infinite horizons can turn into addiction, anxiety, and burnout.

Contributing with impact sustainably requires training, especially for young professionals who are even more susceptible to burnout. Skills like self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and nervous system mastery work together hand in hand to enable the resilience required to ride the web3 roller coaster.

Mental fitness education is here to fill this gap.

Mental fitness is based on the fact that our mental health (i.e. your nervous system’s health) can be proactively shaped and improved, just like our physical health. Like body muscles, our nervous system is made of parts that can be cared for, trained, and nurtured.

Here are a few examples of how to do it:

  • Mental diet: intentionally choosing the media we consume, the notifications we enable on our phone, the relationships we engage with and how we do it, our daily schedule and priorization tools.

  • Mental exercise: moderate to vigorous mental exercise to increase the nervous system’s resilience and efficiency over certain tasks. Using various types of meditation, breathwork, reflection and more.

  • Mental recovery: disciplined rest and recovery, which are an integral part of any training whether mental or physical. That’s one of the things we lose sight of when we’re burnt out. This includes NSDR, sleep, socializing, playing and so on.

Twoplus is looking to support individuals and teams who are dealing with the challenges of the web3 worklife. We’re doing this through a mental fitness program for individuals and teams to:

  1. recover their vitality,

  2. build up mental resilience hand in hand with peers

  3. form strong habits for sustainable performance.

We are looking to unlock a future of work where burnout has been turned on its head into an opportunity for increased self-awareness at the level of individuals and higher quality relationships thoughout organizations.

Thank you for reading. Take good care of yourself 🏋️‍♂️🧠

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