
发布于 2022-08-25到 Mirror 阅读

AaveNews #63

Claim your reputation-based NFT from Orange Protocol & apply to lead events at AGD. Current votes include: ETHPoW Stance, Adding MAI and LUSD, Risk Updates, FEI Market Parameters & Converting aFEI.

For anyone tracking fees collected from v3, including: Spotlight 🔦 | Protocol 📰 | Ecosystem 🧉 | Risk 🔎 | Governance ⚖️ | Events 📆 | Hey Anon 👻

Spotlight: Orange Protocol 🔦

The Aave Grants DAO campaign to reward Aave community members and highlight use cases for portable reputation models is live. Check your eligibility and claim a reputation-based NFT: Aave Liquidity Provider, Aave Active Voter and Aave Community Champion.

The three reputation-based NFTs you can earn from the Aave Grants DAO x Orange Protocol campaign.

Protocol 📰

Ecosystem 🧉

Risk 🔎

Asset Listing Framework:

Details can be found in this Snapshot

This Snapshot vote has established community consensus on whether:

  1. New assets are not required to be listed with an initial LTV of 0%, or
  2. New assets are required to be listed with an initial LTV of 0%.

The tradeoffs for these two options are explained in further detail in the governance forum post.

Risk Parameter Updates:

Details can be found in this AIP

AIP-94 is currently live for voting. Gauntlet proposes adjusting five (5) total risk parameters, including Liquidation Threshold and Liquidation Bonus across three (3) Aave V2 assets.

This batch update of risk parameters aligned with the Moderate risk level chosen by the Aave community. This set of changes continues to lower the liquidation threshold for CRV. The community has aligned on a Risk Off Framework regarding lowering liquidation thresholds.

Governance ⚖️

On-chain votes:

Snapshot votes:

Other discussions from the forum:

Events 📆

Hey Anon 👻

Have you shared your thoughts about the merge yet?

Thanks for reading!