Saint Rien

发布于 2022-04-18到 Mirror 阅读

Launch Announcement for The Blueprint - A Web3 Music Journey

It’s finally time to announce the first episode and… I‘m terrified.

So let’s get the announcement out there before I get ahead of myself!

Okay.. THIS WEDNESDAY (yes, 4/20 ha. ha.)

I will be joined by none other than Karma.wav from wavWRLD for the first (I guess ‘genesis’) episode of The Blueprint.

I’m absolutely over the moon that I get to start Season 1 with Karma. Within my short time in the community, I don’t think I’ve been in a single twitter spaces or discord without seeing his PFP. His community and name is truly aligned with what I’m trying to accomplish with this series. In that he’s single handedly mentored and onboarded countless people and supported the space as not only an artist, but a collector and a leader.

But yes, back to being terrified…

I worked for fourteen hours yesterday in some sort of a fever dream of what could possibly go wrong. In true ‘me’ fashion I am so prepared in the weirdest ways and so under prepared in the most obvious ways.

For example: I have written the complete narrative arc of four entire episodes with sample questions for four different guests that are already confirmed (and very excited to announce them by the way).


It’s two days out and I forgot to order a webcam to record the video element of the podcast that I want to do. (Luckily I can get it by Tuesday thanks to the insanely quick society we live in).

There are countless other examples of this over the last couple months… But let’s get to why we’re here.

How the Episodes will be structured…

I wanted to give a little insight into elements I’m adding to the podcast and why -

Ideally, I would love each episode to be a free flowing, natural conversation start to finish.

But I understand that having a goal and a focus is always helpful in the setting I am aiming to create, which is providing actionable tips to musicians and creatives trying to navigate and onboard themselves into the web3 space.


Each episode will have a primary goal or aim that will form the basis and direction of the discussion. The plan is for Saint Rien (that’s me) to take the advice/suggestions the guest provides and act on them throughout the week. The outcome/progress of those action steps will be reported on in the next episode.

Weekly Video Updates on

This is the most exciting part for me.

I wanted to document absolutely everything I could and as transparently as I could. The fact is, in music, or any creative endeavour, it can be incredibly lonely and painful sometimes. There’s a reason “starving artist” has become a cliché.

So every Tuesday, the day before the next episode, I’ll be uploading my video diary of how the week went, in detail.

Every win, every loss, every moment I completely question everything I’m doing and most likely some crying content as I’m a huge sook.

Dayo from has been incredibly supportive and really mentored me in the build up to the launch of this show and he’s graciously offered to host my weekly video diary drops on his incredible platform. I’ll be using the money made through those drops to market The Blueprint and add production value to the show and the videos as we build.

Structure of each episode

  • Once we have a few people in, Saint Rien will give a brief introduction about The Blueprint, himself, the guest of the week and what he's trying to achieve (the goal) in this episode.

  • He will then play a short snippet of a song he’s been working on as an intro/theme to the show.

  • Saint Rien will then invite the guest to tell the listeners about their creative journey, and how they found themselves in the web3 space.

  • After the guest's introduction, Saint Rien will reiterate the goal/focus of the episode, which will reflect where he is at in this web3 music journey and how the guests specific expertise is needed.

    (The rest of the episode will essentially be a natural conversation working towards the stated goal).

  • Once Saint Rien and the guest have established a good plan. Listeners will be invited to ask the guest questions of their own while Saint Rien works out his next actionable steps.

  • After this Q&A, Saint Rien will thank the guest and outline the actionable steps he will be taking over the next week towards his ultimate goal of dropping a successful music NFT project.

Each episode will run for approximately 1 hour.

So here goes nothing… Honestly, I have no idea how this is going to go.

But I’m going to go with it, head first and without a life jacket…
