Didar Korkembay

发布于 2022-05-13到 Mirror 阅读

bite-sized blog

  1. disclaimer: point below doesn’t necessarily mean i have the same habit in a relationship
  2. self-diagnosing myself with adhd because i just abandon the writings halfway through and complete all of them part by part simultaneously. I have like 10 of them and will probably gonna take roughly 2-3 month to finish them all.
  3. sometimes plans just don’t go your way (me being sad about a friend cancelling making pho)
  4. do kwon is the most immature 33-year-old worth billions (72hrs ago) i’ve come across the internet
  5. one thing I’ve learned from my last thing is that I am just never gonna date/be friends with someone that projects their own insecurities onto me.
  6. ok, how on earth SO MANY people like peanut butter? I live in a peanut-butter-native country and tried it so many times… I DIDN’T LIKE IT AT ALL! adding one more theory to my conspiracy list. good for the gainzz tho :)