
发布于 2021-09-24到 Mirror 阅读

Anti-Advertisement Campaign 1/?

What got me going.

Ads… I hate them! I can’t imagine a reason anyone would like them. I block every social media advertisement that I come across, even if they’re targeting algorithm is extremely accurate.

(I apologize for those whose careers are in advertising. I hate the game not the players—get your daily bread.)

Digital ads are avoidable, but in the meatverse you can’t block ads. You’re all but forced to see what people pay to have you see. Your visual and mental bandwidth have a monetary value, and while I see the economic value in it; I believe that it has been over-saturated and perverted.

Shouldn’t the ad space you’re subjected to be a reflection of your community, be visually pleasing or, at the very least, be worth looking at again because you gain something from it? Maybe that’s just me.

No it’s not just you, Tunacandrew!”

Phew! Okay, then let’s continue.

So what then?

So what you ask? Well, I’m introducing myself as Player 2 3 4 X. I want to bring community, art, stories, and NFTs to the real-world advertising space. I have selected a specific ad medium that suits all of these desires well and am working on an NFT project to act as a vehicle for it. In practice it will look like this:

You see the NFT while out at and about and, if you so choose, can collect it and support the project/artist via a QR code that directs you to the minting site.

It brings the NFT offline. Your first interaction isn’t through a crypto twitter shill or drop announcement 5 hours late because you live in a different time zone. You walk/drive/bike by and it naturally draws you in as art or literature SHOULD.

This project is in its infancy. As of right now it is a solo ordeal. I’m teaching myself 3D modeling and some coding to get this started so forgive me for holding all of my cards close to my chest. As the project develops I will be certain to reveal more information and bring in those well-suited to assist me in implementing this.

What comes next?

Here is a list of what I believe are the next steps for this project to gain speed. (subject to change and not particularly in order)

  • Build up 3D modeling skills
  • Create rendered prototypes
  • Write story
  • Get a segment of aforementioned story illustrated for prototype
  • Debut prototype on Mirror
  • Crowdfund for ad space purchasing/minting costs/further illustration costs
  • Get entire story illustrated
  • Launch story in both meat and metaverses
  • Reach out to artists for collaborations
  • Grow and flourish
  • Rent a blimp by end of year 1?

I’m excited. Diving headfirst into Web3.


Have a song :)
