
发布于 2023-01-24到 Mirror 阅读

Seal of Entity



This codeslaw governance is designed for efficient working capital flow in a distributed hierarchy smart contract network.

networks sans Decay (D)

The hierarchy forms more out of varying pecuniary weights between nodes, less out of the structural differences between nodes.

This codeslaw governance is not mutually exclusive and can be paired with disimilar codeslaw governance, perhaps with a composite effect.


An Object is a smart contract with an address.


Control of an Object is shared between one or more parties.

An example of a multisig Object foundry:

An example of a proposal Object foundry:


Compared to client-server network dynamics, an Entity is much like a server and an Object is much like a client.

In client-server network dynamics, state management is on the client-side.

Associating an Entity “server” with a single Object “client” denies nodal possibilities such as heightened at-scale network effect computational power and the robustness of resource compartmentalization.



A Seal is a legal information NFT that confirms a particular Object is associated with an Entity.


A Wrappr NFT collection is an example of an NFT foundry that could be used as a Seal:


The Module is comprised of two separate Objects with a shared Seal for an innovative expression of double-entry bookkeeping onchain.

Module config

The asset-side is a multisig Object with valuable and liquid tokens in it, such as stablecoins.

The liability-side is a proposal Object with non-transferable tokens generated by the Object.

The asset-side holds the retainer iNFT and the liability-side holds the contributor iNFT.

Module NFTs

These retainer and contributor iNFTs are 0x-signature interface tokens described here: