
发布于 2022-09-08到 Mirror 阅读

Spotlight Series, Sept. 8th

Welcome back to the weekly Mirror Spotlight Series! At Mirror we believe in the power of community. As a result, the community works together to champion best-in-class writers and publications from around the world.

Members of the Mirror DAO select a subset of recent works to highlight every week. We call this the Spotlight Series. Authors are selected based on factors including the quality of their writing, engagement, diversity, and vision. Each selected project is granted 1 $WRITE token with which they can claim a dedicated subdomain and join the DAO.

Take a look at the selections below and make sure to subscribe to their publications. By subscribing you’ll receive an email notification as soon as the next entry is published!

Congratulations to all the Spotlight Series winners for this week! We look forward to seeing your future work and welcoming you to the DAO.

We have highlighted 7 publications this week. They include novel NFT designs, a web3 podcast, and deep dives on blockchain gaming.

If your entry is here, you should have $WRITE in your wallet by the end of next week. Once the ERC20 token is in your wallet, you can claim your subdomain at mirror.xyz/join.






<https://mirror.xyz/ronan.eth/RJCBRt0X8lN3LPU8UQF7rCiZ47oxBFqaFVHJ6Fi00C8 >
