
发布于 2022-03-31到 Mirror 阅读

Parcel v2.1: Introducing Modular Access Control & Reporting Features

DAOs have strived to maintain a collaborative structure that has an impact towards its mission & empowers its community. However DAOs are stifled by a lack of tools that allow transparent delegation of responsibilities for their teams. DAOs also require simplified reports of transaction history for optimization & reporting processes.

In light of this, the Parcel V2.1 has now been launched with 2 highly sought after features:

Modular Access Control

Reporting Tool**

Decentralized operational autonomy with Modular Access Control **

DAO operators are burdened with responsibilities due to the multisig structure. They have to process & execute both on-chain governance & daily operational decisions. However they become a concentrated point of failure especially as the DAO grows into a large ecosystem.

Keeping up with day to day operations for each working group turns out to be highly suboptimal for a DAO operator. It is widely understood that no one is better suited to take decisions on the ground than squad leads, however the multisig structure prevents them from access to budgetary decisions. There is also an inability to give them access to the safe because of governance token ineligibility, fear of the DAO safe being hijacked etc.The morale for DAO operators & squad leads lowers because of misaligned operational authority & impact.
** Therefore, it becomes highly imperative to relinquish necessary authority towards leads in a progressive manner without a complete loss of control of the safe and with delineated operational flow of power.**

And we’ve just the tool for you.

Parcel has launched the modular access control which enables a DAO multi sig owner to delegate Parcel functionality to chosen WG leads & contributors.

All without losing control of the safe.

DAO operators can provide delegated access in two ways:

Where a contributor can use Parcel functionality, with access to create a payment Where a contributor can use Parcel functionality, however access to create a payment is restricted

Only DAO operators will retain the ability to approve & execute a payment.

Squad leads & contributors have significant power in creating team payrolls using the people function. They get to initiate payouts & payment workflows for settlement of operational expenses, payrolls & one off contributor expenses. They are empowered with operational authority that was previously inaccessible due to multi sig restrictions.

DAO operators can now focus on broader governance decisions & financial responsibilities. Parcel will save them a lot of time & eliminate unnecessary back & forth with their leads.

Leads don't have to be made signers now to handle operations demarcating them from broad governance duties (if undesirable for leads) & subsequent liability exposure as well. The fear of contributors hijacking the safe is also alleviated with operators retaining control of transaction execution.

DAOs now benefit with more operational flexibility, higher morale & faster on the ground decisions made within WGs & squads.

Augment your accounting process with our Reporting Tool

DAOs have to deal with a vast array of payments & require seamless budget & financial optimization, however a key hindrance has always been lack of reporting tools

After a lot of feedback from our users, Parcel has come out with a reporting tool that supplements their payment with metadata recording & labelling capabilities.

Now users can assign categories to transactions, payment requests & recurring payments & simplify the process towards end stage reporting. This allows for easy analysis & forward looking expense management.

DAO operators can now export an organised report of their payment history according to date filters. We've made it easier to aid the reporting process as per preferred choice of interval be it monthly, quarterly or yearly.

Check out our documentation for a deep dive on how you can best use these features.

April is going to be a really exciting month for our users as we’ve a slew of feature packed updates scheduled for you. Follow our social feeds below to get that sweet alpha!
