
发布于 2021-12-17到 Mirror 阅读

l0gline- the newsletter for filmmakers & film enthusiasts

your biweekly look into the decentralized world of film 🎥

Along came a good story... 🎞️

In the beginning, five strangers became five friends, hoping to shake up the film world with a strong storytelling community. We wanted to take filmmaking into the future and bring everyone along with us. We wanted to combine the best of creative minds and technology lovers to come together and seek out a new way of doing things. Mostly, we wanted to shake things up. The result? FilmmakerDAO.

We're at an interesting place in history, and nowhere is that more evident than in the arts. But who can help us cross over to the future? Using the community-focused advent of DAOs, FilmmakerDAO is set to build a unique space for film and web3 for the new era. And that starts with community, first and foremost. Instead of gatekeeping, you'll find trust. Instead of old ideas, you'll find a passionate group of like-minded cinephiles, eager to create something together.

All of that is based on community, which can be slow and patient. And as of right now, our community is growing fast! Our aim is to dive into this space with an eagerness to be heard and to make space for creativity. We've all been struggling to find our people, so we thought we'd make a place for them instead.

"Poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for." -John Keating, Dead Poets Society

FilmmakerDAOs' core team

Filmmaking on Web3 📽️

Think of a beautiful garden- it's a beautiful sanctuary, brimming with flowers and trees, in a small town and beloved by everyone. People pour their hearts and souls into tending to the garden, proud of their work and collaboration. They start to think of sharing it with the world, because it tells the story of their town and all they've been through. Only the town realizes it costs too much money to drive out of towners to the garden, house them, monitor the lights and sway of people. Too much money to go around telling people about it, getting the appropriate licenses. Even with the right license, there are so many other sites people want to go that the people start to give up. They start to think tourism is so saturated, no one will care about their lovely little garden. It's a lovely garden and everyone believes in its story, but in the end, they can't find a way to pull everything together. What do they do? How do they come together to share their story?

That is what FilmmakerDAO is all about. Helping filmmakers share their gardens. Time has moved very fast, but over the course of a few months, we've documented our ethos, goals, and mission and welcomed in a ton of new community members.

Community building takes time, and our Discord is at the heart of it. Our Discord will be token-gated for now, with the goal of informing how we will work together as web3 filmmakers. It's a nuanced, nascent process that requires cultivation. Still, we have aimed to keep this cost accessible to you, in order to ensure a welcome atmosphere. (LINK to Tokens)

Since that time, we heard this question from someone in the film world whose interest peaked when they heard of what we were doing*—*

💡 "We know we need to get into web3 as filmmakers. Can you help us?"

Boom. That is it. You don't have a mission until you can succinctly answer a question. But we wanted to dig deeper so we invited them in and our first project idea was born*—Humans of Web 3.*

Now we want the same for you. With our growing community, we seek to wrangle up passionate and talented veterans of film, newcomers, and audiences alike, to take film into the future.

This is a big task, and it's important to know...

Our vision🎱

We will create a community that stewards creative and technical growth for filmmakers working at the cross section of film and Web3, so that they can impact culture with meaningful film projects and technology.

Future Features 🥤

Filmmaker DAO will have an NFT token, based on a loot-based generative storytelling collection, generated and stored on-chain. This is separate from our governance token, $REEL, and also doubles as a membership card. With this in place, our core team has laid the foundation tools for Season 0, and will build our community from this understanding.

We will be focused on:

  1. Finalizing the DAO structure.
  2. Refining our guidelines for governance.
  3. Raising Funding.
  4. Planning a Season 0 launch event with DAO partners.

What to expect from L0gline: 🎟️

  • Our conversation belongs to you. Join the conversation here to check out Community Events, Film Hacks, web3 information, and updates on Season 0.

  • Future L0glines will include:💺

    • Mumbles- snapshot of what our community is talking about
    • Bitesized- community recommends in film & TV (sourced from Discord)
    • 5 Lessons for Web 3 Film -(Sourced from our Twitter)
    • Web 3 Information- Two Branches, Beginner and Advanced- can be tweets or articles
    • Member Spotlight - as the community grows, we will have more activity and people to celebrate
    • Weekly Updates - Filmmaker DAO Season Developments and updates

    You can find us musing around on Twitter & Discord.

    Your first 5 Lessons for Web 3 & Film 📌

    1. Join the FilmmakerDAO Discord
    2. Meet Like-minded filmmakers
    3. Help build a community
    4. Understand the pitching process and be a part of Season 0
    5. Shake up the Film Industry

As of December 17th, FilmmakerDAO is live! Season 0 kicks off with our first NFT collection a Loot-based generative Storytelling Collection, generated and stored on-chain, which doubles as a membership card. You can check out our Snapshot proposal here.

-Seize the day!