The Mars Mirror

发布于 2021-08-27到 Mirror 阅读

News From Mars Via a Quantum Networked Time Machine

After several months of re-publishing (pre-publishing?) leaked Mars Spectrum transmissions from the latter half of this century, my source informs me the project has been shut down.

A reconstruction of the first Mars Spectrum transmission, which seems to be the debut edition of a future publication from the Red Planet.

Fortunately, we are now collaborating on a new experiment to re-establish communications via a theoretical Rajan-Visser quantum networked blockchain, which, as Rajan and Visser wrote in 2018, “could be viewed as a quantum-networked time machine.”

We believe Mirror’s platform is the best currently available option for possible future integration into such a next-generation network. The Mars Mirror is the new, forward-facing home of this effort, allowing this important initiative to finally emerge from the shadows.

This is where we will also be making using of Mirror’s tools to help build a community around tackling this urgent project.

Look for more details to follow very soon as we continue to develop our model for community engagement.

In the meantime, to support this important effort we have minted an NFT that is representative of this historic post, including the original artwork at the top created by paper.prankster. Check back soon for your chance to participate in the auction of this unique collectible and support a landmark effort to build a better future.