
发布于 2023-03-08到 Mirror 阅读

The State of the DAO, version zero, a hyperstition

Addie and I were sitting at the kitchen table in the wgmi house on our first night together during EthDenver 2023. We’re both members and contributors to service and product DAOs, and also have some relations to venture DAOs.

We noticed lots of similarities with the challenges we’ve been dealing with in DAOs. We also resonated with each other’s motivation to continue contributing to DAOs. The work is meaningful; it feels like purpose.

Often, the best part of professional events is the conversations in the hall and the lobby. When someone puts together a great panel or hosts an exceptional presentation, it attracts the unique people who care about that specific discussion.  Unfortunately, these discussions are often inaccessible to the uninitiated. Thus, the curious learner is herded over to subpar events with inferior information, but with more accessibility. 

So, here’s what I’d like to do,

  • Let’s gather the best DAO experts to facilitate and moderate conversations with anyone who wants to join, whether DAO initiated or DAO curious.

  • Let’s publish a directory of DAOs, so anyone can look and see all the things DAOs have been working at.

I’m in this DAO experiment for the many generations that follow. I want my descendants and their relations to realize the promises of decentralized and autonomous organizing. There’s plenty of exclusive meetings; what I want is an overflowing of true knowledge and information sharing.

So, here’s what I need from you,

  • What’s everyone’s travel plans for 2023/24, so I can figure out where most of us will be and when.

  • Who’s interested in collaborating and what DAOs want to participate?

Ideally, I’d like to do a State of the DAO at a larger event that many people are already planning to attend. And, let’s wait at least until later this year or early next year, so we can collect good data for a DAO directory.

So, whaddaya think?  dm me, or look for me in yours :)