OpenBlock Operation

发布于 2023-04-03到 Mirror 阅读

Scroll Airdrop Farming strategy (Part I)

After the Arbitrum airdrop ended, a group of people has reached financial freedom. If you haven't started airdrop farming on Scroll, or you think you might not be doing enough, this is the article that you should definitely check out! In the mainstream narrative around Ethereum, the L2 expansion circuit is halfway settled. Ethereum's L2 is split into two technical routes, Optimistic and ZK-Rollups. The airdrop programs of Optimistic: Optimism and Arbitrum have been completed, and the airdrop amounts were significant.

From the point of view of the primary market, the valuation of the ZK-Rollup is much higher than the Optimistic, and you should definitely participate in it! This article is going to take you step by step to participate in the biggest dark horse of the upcoming potential airdrop of ZK layer 2 in the third quarter of this year--Scroll!

Scroll goes further than the two other zkRollup solutions: Starknet and ZKSync, in that it directly implements EVM compatibility at the bytecode level. Meanwhile, both of the other two solutions require compilers to translate code into EVM readable form. The reason why no project has done bytecode-level compatibility before is that the technology is too difficult to implement. So when Scroll announced that they could achieve it, they immediately attracted the attention of the market and became a dark horse from the technical route!

The involvement of VCs has also spoken for itself. Scroll has raised $80 million in total, with the latest round valued at $1.8 billion! Without further ado, let us begin this Scroll airdrop farming journey!

Strategy According to the airdrop rules of the two project parties, Arbitrum and Optimism, we can have a sneak peek at what contributions the project would expect users to make to their ecology.

Optimism first round airdrop allocations

Arbitrum airdrop allocations

Overall, we suggest the following interactions with the project, which will be explained in detail in the following tutorials:

  1. Bridge funds into the project

  2. Conduct transactions with more than $50,000 in aggregate value

  3. Deposit more than $50,000 of assets

  4. Conduct more than 100 transactions

  5. Deploy contract

  6. DAO voting


Get test token

We have tested more than 10 different methods to get the test tokens for the Scroll Alpha Testnet, and it's been really hard. Some of them are too congested and often fail, some of the mining speeds for the test tokens are very slow, and some of them give too little amount, only 0.001 ETH, and it wouldn't even be enough to pay for the transaction fee. I will still provide them at the end of the article for people that want to check them out.

1 The best way to receive test tokens at the moment is through the OpenBlock wallet ( You can claim 0.1 ETH weekly to the Scroll Alpha Testnet without bridging. It's very fast with a 100% success rate. You can register an account with your email address, add Scroll Alpha Testnet, and click on Claim ETH.

2 You can start the interactions after claiming the ETH test tokens. Before that, you should go to Syncswap( to claim other test tokens, such as USDT and MKR, and use them for bridging and LP.

3 Please note that you need to complete step 1 first to ensure that you have enough ETH test tokens on Scroll Alpha Testnet for gas fees to conduct step 2. You need to install the OpenBlock extension and click on Metamask, and you will be connected to your OpenBlock wallet.

4 Choose Scroll Alpha, and click on Faucet, retweet and claim the following test tokens.

5 You will have enough test tokens to start airdrop farming follow the above steps. If you want to have more, the easiest way is to purchase them directly ( The price is still very reasonable, it's only around $0.2 for 100 gETH tokens. After that, you can bridge them to the Scroll Alpha Testnet (

Interact with the contracts

1. Deposit tokens to the liquidity pool on Syncswap. I chose to deposit FRAX and USDT here. Follow the instructions to approve the tokens and deposit them. You can check your share at My Position. You can withdraw them in the future, but I choose to leave them first and withdraw them later to increase the active level of my wallet.

2. Swap tokens on Syncswap. Swap 5 MKR for USDC to use later, and swap the rest of the tokens for ETH for a total of 0.2 ETH.

3. You should have around 0.3 ETH and $100 USDT in your wallet now. Go to Uniswap ( to swap 0.1 ETH for wETH.

4. Provide liquidity for the ETH and USDC (0x67ae69fd63b4fc8809adc224a9b82be976039509) pool. Click on Pool —— New Position —— Select a token, enter the USDC contract address, and set the slippage at 1% —— Click the plus or minus sign as shown in the picture — Approve —— Click on Preview —— Confirm.

5. Bufficorn Battle is an NFT minting battle game. Play as Bufficorn the ETHDenver mascot, you can attack, heal, and slay the boss. Enter the Bufficorn Battle page, connect to your wallet —— choose the character you want to mint —— attack. From my experience, after each attack, both my character and boss lose HP.

6. Kingdoms and Tic Tac Toe were not ready yet, so the experience was very bad. Just click on all the places you can to build engagement.

7. Bridge funds: Although you can claim test tokens directly on OpenBlcok, it's best to bridge some funds to the Alpha Testnet. Install the OpenBlock extension, and claim 0.1 gETH on Alchemy ( You can claim it every 24 hours and bridge it to Scroll Alpha Testnet ( The only issue is that this faucet is too congested to use due to the high volume of usage.

8. Join the guild and receive a Discord membership role: Visit the Guild (, connect to your wallet, and verify with Twitter and Discord, and you will receive Mystery Role. Your Twitter account has to be registered before 2022.10.1. Please note, if you have received the role, but it's not showing on your Discord, you can log out on the web browser and re-enter the guild page.

Other alternative methods to receive test tokens:

1. Receive gETH on Paradigm ( Although the process is speedy, you can only receive 0.01 gETH, which won't be enough for the transaction fee.

2. Two mining pages: and The mining speed is very slow, and the amount you can mine is also very small. You can give it a try when you have time.

There are only a few projects on Scroll at the moment. We will continue to follow up and update the tutorial to provide the best airdrop farming strategy. Join our Discord ( for the latest tutorial, and meet the community!

Stay tuned for more in-depth airdrop farming strategies!
