Fire Lily

发布于 2022-05-27到 Mirror 阅读

Fire Lily Under the Web

The Fire Lily is a South African flower that only blooms after a forest fire. It can sleep underground for more than ten years before emerging from the ground and blooming. As a result, it is a flower that only blooms during times of crisis.

In human society, the same is true. Only in times of crisis will history reveal its true face. And if we're not careful, we'll miss out on history. But if we seize the opportunity, we can make history.

The Internet arrived at just the right time: I am part of the generation that grew up with the Internet. In my childhood memories, the Internet represents everything that has advanced humanity. But, over the years, I've discovered that the Internet isn't the utopia I imagined it to be. We rarely considered the problems that the Internet caused when it was at its peak. However, as the major Web 2.0 platforms gradually took over our lives, our society began to think more deeply about the Internet.

The Internet is in a state of crisis, sandwiched between Web 2.0 and Web3. We can see the big picture of the Internet better now than we could ten or twenty years ago. And we have control over the future of the Internet. This is the time after the Internet's inception when we should be having the most debate about it.

That is why I would like to be the Fire Lily DAO: I want the Fire Lily DAO to be a DAO comprised of serious debaters with a sense of humor who meet to discuss the big issues of the Internet and society. No writer can stay in a room by themselves and talk to themselves, and talking to each other is the best way to promote deeper thinking.

The Fire Lily DAO's short-term goal is to hold discussions about the most visible and pressing issues of the day: big platforms, the Internet's transformation of communities, NFT, DAO, and so on. The goal is for the members to collaborate on a book of 200k-300k words, and for Fire Lily DAO to be a dialogue rather than a columnist's solo work. The book should be available in both digital and print formats; we should not only discuss it online but also actively influence the offline world. Each contributor will receive tokens in exchange for their contribution, which will be used to split the book's royalties. You'll also receive an exclusive author NFT.

If the Fire Lily DAO achieves its short-term goal, it should be transformed into a long-term DAO with the goal of producing a quarterly batch of the most in-depth discussions on today's Internet. It should focus on long-term issues rather than breaking news.

I hope that the Fire Lily DAO becomes The Whole Earth Catalog of our time and has a significant impact on the Internet's future. A problem cannot be solved simply by discussing it. Solving a problem necessitates a lot of hard work and the patience to restart from scratch after a failure. On the other hand, discussing the problem is a step toward its resolution.

Let's work together to make the Internet a better place.

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