
发布于 2021-09-27到 Mirror 阅读

Introducing the Radicle Community Blog 🌱

Radicle is an open source and community-led project. One priority of the project is to support the development and growth of collective community infrastructure that can be employed to further decentralize the project.

“Community infrastructure” includes the project’s content hubs. While radicle.community is the official forum for discussions related to Radicle development & governance, our website blog is also used to distribute project-wide content and announcements.

As the project grows, Radicle’s community team sees a need to create more accessible channels for content contributions from the Radicle community. We believe that as an open source project, not only should anybody be able to contribute blog posts, onboarding guides, tutorials, and other content.

Mirror ✍️ + Radicle Orgs 🎪

Today, we launched radicle.mirror.xyz, a community blog for the Radicle project. Anybody is free to submit content to be published to the blog as long as it meets the following guidelines:

  • Must be Radicle relevant 🌱 \n Content must be related to Radicle in some shape or form. Onboarding guides, tutorials, partnership announcements, and industry-specific thought pieces are all fair game.
  • Must pass official review by Radicle Community maintainers 👀 \n At the moment, Prema Tsamy & Abbey Titcomb are the maintainers of radicle.mirror.xyz and conduct formal review of all submissions.

With Mirror and Radicle Orgs, we’re decentralizing the ownership, management, and collaboration of the community blog.

Dogfooding 🐶🦴

Recently, we launched Radicle Orgs, a decentralized code management tool for DAOs. Radicle Orgs are a platform-agnostic, and more secure alternative to organizations on centralized forges like GitHub and Gitlab. Relying on smart contracts instead of admins, they allow developers manage and anchor their codebases on-chain. Radicle Orgs give DAOs a way to truly decentralize & own their collaboration infrastructure without relying centralized accounts & platforms.


After deciding to launch a community blog, we decided this could be a great opportunity to dogfood Radicle Orgs. While Radicle Orgs are a perfect solution for codebases, they can easily be used to decentralize management of any version-controlled repository. At Radicle, our website blog was already version-controlled and hosted on GitHub.

We created an org for the Community Team and a repository for managing content submissions. Ownership of the radicle.mirror.xyz domain will be transferred to the Gnosis Safe that owns the Radicle Org as soon as Mirror offers multi-sig support. For now, ownership of the publication will be controlled by the lead maintainer.


Contributors can submit a post for review by creating and publishing a patch to the radicle.mirror.xyz repository on Radicle. Contributors can clone the repository on app.radicle.network.

Once the patch is reviewed, maintainers will either merge the post or request changes. Once merged, the repository will be anchored on-chain and published promptly to radicle.mirror.network.

As the blog continues to grow, we can explore automating the publishing process, distributing ownership among the community, and rewarding contributors (cough Radicle Funding cough 🤭). Let the dogfooding begin!

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