Jordi Kidsune

Posted on Feb 02, 2023Read on

1.3.1 Step 3: what's holding you back?

  1. How do you currently spend your internal resources like time, energy, focus and external resources like wealth. Start mapping!

  2. Start tracking: combine a “Life Inventory” and “Time Tracking” to get clear on the People, Pastimes, Promises and Possessions that have a call on your time and your energy.

  3. Make space: stop and do less of what doesn’t matter. Simple frameworks like the “ABC Method“, “Hero Based Thinking” and the “$10 Task Test” to work out what’s not important and craft a powerful “Not-to-do list“. Hero Based Thinking: This method involves identifying the things or tasks that you consider to be most important and then focusing your time and energy on them. You can think of these tasks as your "heroes" that you want to prioritize and protect. This can help you prioritize your to-do list and make sure you're spending your time on the things that matter most to you. $10 Task Test: This method is a way of evaluating the tasks on your to-do list and determining which ones are worth doing. To do this, you imagine that each task you're considering will take exactly 10 minutes to complete. Then, ask yourself whether you would be willing to pay $10 to have someone else do the task for you. If the answer is no, then it may not be worth doing yourself.

These methods can be helpful in managing your time and prioritizing your tasks, and they can be applied in a classroom setting by encouraging students to identify the most important tasks and assignments, and then to prioritize and focus on those tasks to maximize their productivity and achieve their goals.