Jordi Kidsune

Posted on Oct 20, 2022Read on

3.5 Find your way with a blueprint for life

1. What is a blueprint for life?

A blueprint for your life is a plan or a set of goals and actions that you can follow to help you achieve the things you want in life. It's a way to identify what's important to you, what you want to achieve, and how you can work towards those goals.

Step 1: Reflect on your values and priorities

Step 2: Create a vision: connect with your future self (quantum approach)

Step 3: Set goals in different areas of your life (mix quantum with newtonian approach)

Step 4: Create a plan (Newtonian approach)

Step 5: Take action. It's important to be disciplined and stay focused on your goals, but also to be open to new opportunities and experiences that may arise.

Step 6: Reflect and adjust: your life design is a work in progress and can change as your circumstances and priorities change. Be open to learning and growing as you work towards your vision for your life.

Each of these areas requires focus – neglecting any one of them can cause massive pain in your life. To create a life of true fulfillment, you must master all seven areas.

While some areas may be stronger than others, it is important that you continue improve each of them. In doing so, you will create more balance in your life. This balance will allow you to create more momentum and power. Continual progress is the way you get bigger and better results while feeling more fulfilled.

To live an extraordinary life, you must know where you are and where you want to be – and the Pyramid of Mastery is your map for closing the gap and creating the life you deserve.

2. Visualized example

Design - Habits - Consistency

3. Make a growth plan

Personal growth is one of our deepest human needs. When we don’t commit to a personal growth plan, we stay stagnant or become trapped by our limiting beliefs. However, we can’t just say we want to grow and leave it at that. We need to set clear goals so that we can create an effective personal growth plan – and then act on it.

Remember, as Tony says, “Rewards come in action, not in discussion.” You’ll never overcome your personal growth challenges just by thinking about them. Create a personal growth and development plan that consists of actionable items. Then put in the work to tackle any obstacle in the way of your goals. With hard work and dedication, you will become the best version of you possible.

What is a personal growth plan?

Your personal growth and development plan is a completely customized blueprint for your life. It starts with your purpose: What will bring you the most happiness in life? From there, work backward. Determine the habits you need to develop, the skills and knowledge you must master. Establish the step-by-step goals you need to achieve to get there.

Personal growth isn’t just for those who are feeling stuck or have a major obstacle to overcome. Everyone benefits from working through a personal growth plan. Learning how to continue your personal growth is essential to building confidence, reaching your goals and finding fulfillment. If you’re not growing, you’re dying – so it’s time to get growing.

Determining your personal growth challenges. What is it that you feel you need to improve now, in present-day. Start there.

The first step of setting personal development goals is to decide what is important in your life. What does your personal growth and development plan mean to you? Does it mean becoming a better communicator with your partner? Do you envision professional success? Would you like to adopt a sustainable healthy diet and get into better physical shape? Do you want to become better at handling your finances? No matter your personal growth challenges, there’s a way to achieve your goals.

Growth and success mean something different for everyone, but personal growth plans usually tackle four areas of life: professional, relationships, intellectual and physical health. Within these areas, you can tailor your goals to your own life to ensure you continue to grow.

Professional goals include both short- and long-term aims for your career. They have actionable items and named deadlines. For example, you want a promotion within the year, to reach a certain role within five years and then strike out on your own and start a business within ten years. These goals also include professional development such as certifications and attending conferences.

Relationship goals can mean finding love if you’re not in a relationship or strengthening your current partnership. If you’re in search of love, you’ll work on defining and finding your ideal partner and overcoming your limiting beliefs. If you’re in a partnership, you may want to reignite the spark or stop arguing.

Intellectual growth means feeding your mind, gaining new skills and staying inspired to always keep learning. You could decide to tackle a long novel you haven’t gotten around to, learn how to play the piano or commit to doing a crossword every day.

Physical health is one of the most common areas for improvement in a personal growth plan. On the surface, your goal is to lose weight or build six-pack abs, but dig deeper. Physical health is ultimately about living an overall healthy lifestyle that will give you the energy and vitality you need to go after your other goals.

There are as many personal growth plan examples as there are people, but for our purposes we can break them down into seven categories. These include:

Personal Skills

These can be the skills you’re born with – or they can be learned and acquired. To excel in all areas of your life, you must understand which of your skills are the strongest and which ones need more work.

Personal Growth

Growth requires evolution. In order to achieve business, relationship, life or physical goals, you must evolve into a different person than you were before. You must deepen your knowledge and remain open to growth.

Personal Power

Personal power applies to the authority you grant to others. If you want to grow, you need to take back some of your personal power. Stop letting other people control you.

Personal Improvement

To improve your life, you must keep a positive mindset and work hard. Any growth relies on personal improvement. If you aren’t pushing yourself to become a better person, you will never achieve your goals.

Personal Empowerment

What is the unique power that you see within yourself? It has nothing to do with how others see you. Increase your personal empowerment by holding strong to a positive image and find creative outlets that you enjoy.

Personal Analysis

Personal analysis is when you get serious with your strengths and your weaknesses. No one is good at everything. Be truthful when it comes to analyzing where you come up short and what you can do to make improvements.

Personal Objectives

Setting personal objectives are essential for creating change and achieving goals. Ambition will get you nowhere without a clear set of outcomes in mind.

4. Tie it all together: create a personal growth and development plan

  1. Identify what you really want for your personal growth: The first step in creating a personal growth plan is to understand what you truly want. Take a moment to think about the results you crave, and what the ultimate outcome is for your pursuit. Be clear on what your personal growth goals are, whether it's a promotion at work, a stronger romantic relationship, or feeling healthier.

  2. Discover the deeper “why”: To fully commit to your personal growth plan, you need to understand the deeper reasons behind your goals. Think about the larger “why” and what achieving your goals will mean to your way of life. By recognizing that your goals are driven by factors larger than yourself, you’ll feel more encouraged to take on the task at hand.

  3. Pinpoint obstacles in your personal growth plan: Take a look at what's getting in your way and see how you can remove them, or reframe and use them to get you closer to your objectives. Many challenges can be perceived as opportunities, so instead of seeing them as roadblocks, use them to grow and develop.

  4. Get the tools and coaching you need: Don't be afraid to ask for help. Seek out external tools and strategies, such as personal growth books, mentors, or coaches. Study the choices of successful people and use their paths as a guide for your own personal growth journey.

  5. Make sure you're in alignment with your personal growth goals: Personal growth is not just about setting goals and working hard to achieve them. It's also about understanding and unlocking inner conflicts that may lead to self-sabotage. By aligning yourself with your personal growth goals, you'll be able to take the next step towards success.

  6. Write it all down

    Putting your personal growth plan on paper solidifies your goals and makes them tangible. It allows you to keep track of your progress and make adjustments as needed. Keeping a written plan also helps to increase focus and limit distractions.

  7. Celebrate your successes

    Don’t wait until you’ve accomplished all your goals to celebrate. Recognize progress as you make it and reward yourself with small acts of self-care. Sharing your successes with others increases connection and makes your progress more rewarding. Remember to appreciate the work you’ve already put in as you continue on your personal growth journey.

  8. Follow through and hold yourself accountable

    Accountability is key to sticking to your personal growth plan. Share your progress with a friend or family member, or work with a professional accountability partner. Partnering with someone else on a personal growth journey can provide support and encouragement. Remember, the first step in personal growth is committing to the plan. With a clear plan, the right tools and a support system, you can achieve your goals and create the life you want.

5. An example by AI

Here is a sample blueprint for life that someone might create for themselves:

Values: Integrity, Growth, Family, Community, Health

Vision: To live a fulfilling life by being true to my values, continuously learning and growing, fostering strong relationships with my family and community, and maintaining good physical and mental health.

Mission Statement: To live every day with purpose and intention, to be a positive influence in the lives of those around me, and to leave a lasting legacy for future generations.


  • Career: To advance to a leadership position in my current company within the next 5 years and to start my own business within the next 10 years.

  • Health: To maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly, and practice mindfulness and meditation daily.

  • Relationships: To strengthen my relationships with my family and friends by regularly scheduling quality time with them and to make new connections in my community by volunteering and becoming involved in local organizations.

  • Personal Growth: To continue my education by taking at least one course or attending one workshop per year, and to read at least one book per month.


  • Career: Network with professionals in my field, take on additional responsibilities at work, and save money to invest in my own business.

  • Health: Create a healthy meal plan, schedule regular exercise sessions, and set reminders to practice mindfulness and meditation.

  • Relationships: Schedule regular family and friend outings, find local volunteer opportunities, and join community organizations.

  • Personal Growth: Research and enroll in relevant courses and workshops, set aside dedicated time for reading, and join a book club.

Tracking Progress:

  • Review goals and strategies every quarter, track progress in a journal, and make adjustments as needed.

It's important to note that this is a simple example and it can be tailored to fit the individual's personal needs and preferences. Additionally, this blueprint is not only a one-time task but it's a continuous process that requires revision and updates as the individual's circumstances change.

6. My example




How to apply this in my life

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