
Posted on May 19, 2023Read on

why web3? part 2 - collection

if you’re new here; welcome. and if you’re not, you might know that i’m releasing my first song on the blockchain in just under a week.

in the run-up i’ve decided to tell you guys why i’ve decided to start this deep dive into web3 and releasing my art on the blockchain.

read part 1 here:

my first introduction (thanks to Sound of Fractures) into web3 took me through the basics; NFTs, the blockchain, gas prices and more. but, what came next, and what opened my eyes the most, was a question posed to a handful of collectors that Jamie had connected with; “Why do you collect music on the chain?”.

I see how these tools can uplift communities around the world, and i would rather help artists that cannot use spotify to earn a living” - @crittie_p

I collected at first out of curiosity but continues to collect because doing so made me fall in love with music again” - Stephanie Guerrero

“Why I collect music… love of the work or the person behind the piece resonates with me […] I truly believe this technology can disrupt the traditional legacy ecosystem which is so toxic and puts the musician last.” - Christina.lens

So to me the same way I’ve always supported artists, collected cds and bought merch  at shows I now get to do that in a digital way with nfts” - @ellie.farrisi

all the answers concentrated down to one main reason, which was to meaningfully invest in the artists and to empower and support them in their art.

before the invitation into Wild Awake, the idea of web3 and NFTs was before so alien to me and all i could think of was stocks, shares and crypto-bros. whereas actually, it couldn’t be further away from that.

genuine, music lovers wanting to invest in the things, the art and people that they love in a digital currency that goes further than a $0.003 streaming royalty or a like on socials.

just to be clear, i owe a lot to social media and streaming platforms and how it has placed my music infront of new ears, however i think it’s time for an experimental change.

my first NFT drop comes on the 24th may on TokenTraxx 🌻

thank you to all the collectors that allowed me to steal their words as part of this post; @crittie_p, Stephanie Guerrero, Christina.lens

drop us a line and let me know the ‘why’ behind web3 for you, or keep up to date via twitter, facebook or instagram