
Posted on Apr 14, 2021Read on Mirror.xyz

Yupdate 4/13/21: 🏄 New Features Incoming 🏄

Hey Yupster,

This week we're highlighting our new Search Results page, Analytics page, and our new Collections feature coming soon. This is a big one, let's get right into it 💪.

Search Results Page

Browse through Yup with ease with our new search results page 🌈. Look up any subject, post, or feed and scroll through all the relevant content.


The Analytics page on profiles keeps you informed about your activity and earnings on Yup. Track your progress from account creation to present day and see which platforms you gravitate to most. Time to optimize your Yup experience and rewards 🤑.

Landing Site

Yup is getting prettier by the week 🌸. In our last newsletter we rolled out our new logo, and in this one we're highlighting our landing site's makeover. Our site now has easy-to-read fonts, as well as a message that lives up to our ambitions: welcome to the social network for curators.

Coming Soon: Collections

Collections allow you to curate content by a topic of your choice and showcase it in your Yup profile. Think of public Spotify playlists or Pinterest profiles, but for any piece of content across the web. Curation will never be the same ✨.


Here are the top NFTs of the week according to Yup feeds. If you like the content you see, click here to subscribe to our weekly NFT newsletter 🙂.

❤️  86   🌸     🦄  29

❤️  68   🌸  36   🦄  20

Thanks for tuning into another Yupdate. See you all in the next one ✌️!

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