Jordi Kidsune

Posted on Oct 18, 2022Read on

2.4 Your dominant questions

Your dominant questions

Dominant questions are the questions you keep asking yourself. What are your dominant questions? Which question often pops up in your mind (‘how can I be successful in XXX, how can I get XXX). Go back to your childhood; what questions did you ask yourself when you were younger? Write those questions down every day.

Important: these questions or your (sub)conscious beliefs. Do not get lost in answering these questions in the past or the future (= your head). These are the questions that define your actions. You’ll never rise higher than your personal story. As you grow, your questions change. As your questions change, your story changes. You can deliberately change your questions, but more about that later. A sneak preview: see life as a game: which challenge does the universe present to you NOW, in this very moment? One question always guides me: where do you find the most pain now? What is the toughest challenge only you can solve? And the following question: how can you play that challenge most honestly, accurately, and lovingly? You will know the question, and you will know the answer. You only need to listen and ACT.

  1. Write down conversations with yourself daily. What are your dominant questions? Do not judge your questions. Refrain from labels ‘good’ and ‘bad’. Instead, be like an alien dissecting your brain and studying it: record neutrally.

  2. Worldwide there are twice as many dissatisfied as satisfied employees Source. If money (and status) were no object, what would you fill your days with? Nobody is watching, you can be honest. How is this different from your current situation?

  3. What is your job for you? A job, career, or vocation? What concrete steps could be taken to experience your work more as a calling?

  4. Sweet-spot: your 80-year-old and your 15-year-old are both proud of you. What advice would your 80-year-old self give you right now? What would your 15-year-old self say?