Posted on Nov 29, 2023Read on

ALERT AIRDROP @Portalcoin Repost and tag $Portal @Portalcoin

Claim #NFT LosPepesFrog ALERT AIRDROP @Portalcoin Repost and tag $Portal @Portalcoin

πŸš€ Exciting News! 🌌 🐸✨ Dive into the cosmic adventure and discover how you can earn $Portal tokens through our Airdrop!


AIRDROP @Portalcoin OF POST TWITTER #airdrop $portal @Portalcoin

white liste

pre sale

tasks here

follow @Portalcoin please+ @BrunoAlmeidaMo4 @BrunoAlmeidaMo6 @nfthunters15429

tasks HOW TO PLAY: Earning Portal Points is simple - just engage with us on Twitter (X)!

Portal Points = $Portal tokens, to be claimed or airdropped.

By earning Points you move up levels. Each level reached earns you Shards. You will be able to combine your Shards into Crystals. And the number of Crystals decides how much $Portal you will be able to claim.

You can earn Portal Points through two things:

  • Engaging with specific Portal tweets (by liking, replying, quoting etc)

  • By mentioning @Portalcoin in original tweets. The more engagement these tweets get, the more Points you earn. All Points will be earned automatically through our Twitter monitoring.

Depending on your actions, your Points rewards be will be as follows:

entity type icon Views 2 point per view entity type icon Likes 10 point per like entity type icon Replies 20 point per reply entity type icon Reposts 25 point per repost entity type icon Quotes 30 point per quote Power Tweeters (Higher following / more tweets) will also receive a multiplier for engaging with Portal tweets. If we suspect any user of botting engagement we will remove this tweet and user from the competition.