
发布于 2024-04-24到 Mirror 阅读 AMA(4/24)



今回のタイトルで使用したグラフィックは、io.netの公式ディスコードのGraphic Artist「Lunab⭕y ᯅ」が作成した作品です。公式ディスコードに参加されてる方は彼を探してみてくださいね。






All right. Thank you guys for being patient. I was late today. We have quite a few things going on at the same time, so there are a few calls back to back. But we're going to get started now, we're going to get people up here, we're going to get people chatting.


The team is out in Dubai still, I believe, and so what we're going to do is pull some people up. I'm unsure if anyone else will join, but I'm going to try to answer questions as best as I can. I have a feeling that I know a lot of people have questions about economics, a lot of people have questions about the upcoming launch, airdrop, have you.


So I'm going to answer what I can. There are a lot of things that the team is still figuring out, and as soon as I know, people know. So again, we're going to try to answer as much as we can, and let's get started.


I think I can go here until... I can go for about an hour, so we'll try to use that time. Let's get started. Alright, I'm going to try to pull some people up and then we'll take it from there. Invite to speak on a bunch of people, don't all talk at once.


Okay, okay. Alright, let's get started. Let's go first. Hello, hello. Do you want to go first, me? Yeah, go ahead and go. Okay, so I just had some good evening, guys. I only have two questions.


So for my question is, I'm just wondering how can retail users can use IONET. On top of my mind, I'm thinking that, for example, if I'm practicing machine learning and I have a large data set to train, I'm thinking that I can use the IONET power to speed up machine learning training.


So are there any other ways that a retail user can use IONET? Yeah, so retail users, I mean, clustering is self -service, right? And so if you want to run workloads, then by all means, you absolutely can.


I think we've seen a couple of people start running clusters again now that things have stabilized a bit. So you can run a cluster, you can deploy workload, and then of course, depending on the kind of device you have, you could also connect the GPU.


Obviously, it's a GPU marketplace. So you know, what we've sort of seen in... What we've sort of seen in the last couple of months, right, is there's been a lot of enterprise GPU interest in being on the network and providing capacity.


And so because it is a marketplace, if there's a lot of enterprise capacity that on boards, it might be harder for retail users to make the network dynamic work out. But you can participate on both sides of the network.


Okay, that's great. Because I'm thinking about machine learning because if you have a large data set and if you only have one machine, it will sometimes take you from two to three hours to train the peer code.


So yeah, if you're doing something like working with large data sets and you're just using your local computer, it can be really difficult. I know that having access to a temporary GPU has a high respect and we can also help with that.


Yeah, thank you. So where my second question is, I don't know if this is a valid question, but anyway, so since I unit is a large farm of GPUs, I'm wondering if, for example, I will use the GPU power to farm Bitcoin.


Is it possible? So we are, so no, we're not farming Bitcoin through GPUs. We are talking to a couple of third parties, though, that will allow users to opt in while they're idling. That's a really interesting conversation at token 2049, this company that basically would allow GPUs that are idling on the network to idle and farm other crypto tokens while they're idling.

答えは、いいえ、私たちはGPUを使ってビットコインをマイニングしていません。ただし、アイドル状態の間にユーザーがオプトインできるようにするいくつかの第三者と話をしています。これは、Token 2049で非常に興味深い話題でした。この会社は、ネットワーク上でアイドル状態のGPUを使って、アイドル中に他の暗号トークンをマイニングできるようにすることを基本的に可能にします。

It would be totally opt in. We wouldn't we wouldn't force anyone to do it, but that gives people the network an alternative. alternative earnings stream right so it's something that we're actually exploring right now because instead of idling because we can have an option to participate in BK so if if ever it will be passed how can the users earn to that from that do we earn via are you net token or Bitcoin if ever it would be it would be the third party token so I'm not saying it's Bitcoin right but let's say there was token a and we had an option to idle and farm token a then you would be receiving rewards and token a oh that's great that's great so for my last question I just thought I have to but this is my last question that's my third question is can you give some alpha regarding the where can we list the where can we create our token when the tg come are there any that's yeah so so we're working with both both centralized and decentralized exchanges um unfortunately like i can't i can't disclose where uh where we're you know every exchange every exchange says you know it has to remain confidential so unfortunately you know we can't we can't share any of that information oh no worries i'm just trying to squeeze some out thank you thank you thank you the next please yeah yeah it's nice to hear you again welcome back so two questions uh the first one is tg was moved uh to the first week of mine right correct okay snapshot also responded or no snapshot will still be tomorrow uh it'll be at the end of the end of the utc table okay okay and one more uh is it fundamentally uh it is fundamentally important to support and initiate useful activities in the community after tg are there any plans to create um this little program um so g yeah okay so let's see where you're going with this so we are unlikely to do another store full or engagement based airdrop um there it's highly unlikely right so after after the snapshot on april 25th uh our our goal is to focus on core network core network growth right which is sort of worker supply and demand growth as well as staker growth obviously there are very real incentive mechanisms right alongside participating in staking and supplying for community members, this is also a good opportunity for me to mention, and I've said this before, I've said this a lot of times, but I know people are gonna be mad at me anyways, that the rewards program is heavily, heavily, heavily weighted towards workers, there is a galaxy program, we do have the discord roles, these are for non -network based engagement because not everyone has a GPU, but again, just be very, very blunt, right?


Well, reward programs and incentives are designed to support network growth, which means that it is there for the workers, right? It is not there to provide, you know, our goal is to not create a reward system where people, and farm on social engagement or, you know, discord activities or things like that, right?


The roles exist for kind of like discretionary rewards. We created Galaxy as a very like lightweight way to get people involved. But at the end of the day, the project exists with supply compute and we have to align instead of mechanism to that.


Otherwise the project will be unsustainable, right? So just one more time. The rewards program is heavily weighted towards incentivizing network growth. After TGE, we will be setting up a DAO grant structure.


I fully expect that we'll be able to support and incentivize community initiatives. Like we've done, we've done a few meetups, we've done a few events, right? Like we can continue to do these things, but you guys have all seen projects where they just inflate tokens and give them out for nothing.


That's not what we're here to do. So I just want to make that very clear. I got it. Thank you. Have a nice day, everyone. Can I go next? Thank you. Of course. Because before the question gets lost with other information, I got hooked up on that, you called it, about being able to farm 340 tokens because you mentioned it's another option for the workers to earn something while they're idle.


But our tokenomics also mentions about the availability rewards, as long as someone stakes a minimum of 100 IO. Will that be adjusted once that third party mining is in place? And will the stakers also earn something?

しかし、私たちのトークノミクスには、最低100 IOをステークする限り、報酬があるとも記されています。その第三者のマイニングが導入された場合、それは調整されるのでしょうか?また、ステーカーも何かを稼ぐことになるのでしょうか?

So that's actually one question I thought of after that information case. these are great questions so I think that the specific the specific economics of how third -party mining would relate to staking totally could be determined we don't have enough information about what third -party mining economics would look like generally but I can generalize generally speaking you know I'm not one of the founders but the founders are as you guys know the founders are Muslim and they believe very strongly in their rewards and share penalties and so they have asked when I did buying the movie they put it out like they asked that it be third incentive right which means everyone shares everything and so I would imagine that when merge mining or third -party mining goes live that they will also want stickers to share in some of those rewards as long as there is a minimum stake requirements of buying third -party That's just me speculating, I would have to, I imagine that we'd have to decide that with the founding team once this gets implemented.


Thanks, now this is actually my actual question that I thought before of the AMA. I'm just curious, when will the burning mechanism start because it's already mentioned there that the slashing and burning will happen as soon as the workers are you know live.


But based on our tokenomics, all of the fees that's earned from the hiring and everything else will go through, which call it the budget, but will be used to buy and burn the IO token. So I'm just curious, 100% of those fees will go for the burning mechanism and when will it start.


So my expectation is that, and again, I'm not on the technical team and so I am relaying information that I get from them and from the founders. But my understanding is that we will have staking live two to three months after launch.


There's a couple reasons for this one, there's development work to be done. And two, if we're going to require minimum stake, I think that, you know, it's reasonable to give people time to accumulate that state before it's required.


Burning would be implemented at the same time as staking and these other mechanisms. Got it. Thank you. That's all for me. Cool. Thank you. Can I go next or? Okay. Yes. Yeah, yeah, let me let me take these one in time.


So I I just want to make it very clear that whales market is a cumbersome list pre -market and points marketplace We have no problem with what they've done right like that. That's how it works The reason why we have to post that it's not officially supported is because it isn't officially sport right there They're not They're not trading the real token In your trading kind of like a future I owe you on the token and there are risks there risks involved with that, right?


Again, personally, I think whales market is a really cool product. I've used it before My My kind of Recommendation right is that people who want to get involved in trading on a whales market whether it's I owe or another token just Understand the risk and risks involved understand the way the network or the platform works And, you know, exercise caution, right?


With all things exercise caution. We've seen a lot of fake listings already, right? You guys have seen a lot of fake tokens floating around out there. And so, you know, we posted that to make sure that people were just being careful.


Like, I don't want anyone to get scammed or rubbed or anything like that. Thanks for watching! Sorry, I missed the beginning of that question. Thank you. Yes, I think we published some indicative material on how the worker rewards calculations will be set up in the tokenomics.


If you have specific questions, I can try to answer more. Thank you. I asked. Thank you for having me. Actually, I have two questions. First, you mentioned last time regarding the paid workers. So can you share the technology you're using and how to detect these paid workers and how you can assure us that the genuine workers will get the Horik allocation?


Can you ask the middle part of your question again? That'll be up for a little bit for me. Okay. Actually, can you share to us the technology you're using in identifying these paid workers and how can you assure us that the genuine workers are getting the Horik allocation?


Yeah, so let me share what I can here, right? So detecting a real worker is as simple as just running a cluster on it. So if we can't actually collect your worker. Or if we can't run a workload on it, then it must be fake.


There's a number of different spoofing and spam attacks that we've seen in the last few months. The engineering team is leading this effort. I think that we should have something from them soon. But for us, proof of compute is the easiest way to detect whether or not a worker is real.


If you can't actually run something that worker, then it's a big mistake. Is there any KYC verification in the future? No, we want to stay away from KYC where we can, right? At the end of the day, period 1 .3 is all about building a kind of permissionless trustless system.


And forcing KYC would be a very, very, very last option for us. We're currently in the process of building something called IOID, which is an extension of the login that you guys have experienced today.


And we're going to try to use IOID as well to prevent civil violence. Okay, so my second question is I'm running a worker on Apple device and I'm idle since I started it because I'm having an Apple device So now it's a trade because I'm getting your allocation for the air drops.


My question is how about after air drops? What's the plan for Apple devices? If I stay as idle, can I still get a reward for that? So there will be availability rewards In the token items just to make things very very clear.


The team has called idle rewards availability rewards There will still be a portion of the emissions that are allocated for all devices while idle or remaining available however However, like I said earlier right a lot of this is based off market dynamics So if there are a lot of enterprise Level cards in the network, then they may be taking a larger care of emissions It really depends on the distribution of the network Apple devices are Apple devices are not as powerful as some of the enterprise grade cards are like an A100 to H100 So I wouldn't expect them to have the same level of rewards, but certainly they will still have a share of emissions Okay, thank you for your answer.


That's it. Thank you Thank you All right. Can I can I go next? Please? Yeah. Hi Ashley. Can you hear me? Is everything okay? I can't So we can see that more and more GPUs are coming to work How do you plan to onboard them and you know find a working solution?


That's my first question so as I mentioned there there's a lot been a lot of work going into the Into the network in terms of stabilizing it for demand What I understand from the tech team is that we are ready to roll out the new platform by TGE ready, we pushed it to GE a few days and so it had a bit more time to work.


We're gonna continue to, at least for me, right? I'm gonna continue to stay on them so I can understand what's kind of going on and I can share with you guys the latest information. Once the new platform is rolled out, yeah, once the new version of IONet is rolled out, I think we're gonna start aggressively onboarding demand and customers and hopefully grow that utilization.


Thank you, that answers my question and the second one was will the unclaimed airdrop rewards be burned for your planning to allocate them to the ones that claim the airdrop? We will recycle them and use them to grow more workers over time.


That's awesome and the last one is how do you feel when all the hardware that you put throughout the years and months comes to an end and the TGA is super close? Yeah, yeah, you know, personally it feels it feels really interesting.


I mean, I don't know if you guys know this, but the project has been around. April last year I think is the earliest day but I have not me personally I have not been around that long I joined I joined the company officially a little bit over two months ago I joined in February and so for me it's all moving really really quickly it's very exciting but I know that the that the founders right should eat and and some of the folks who maybe you guys having that I know they're very very excited I'm extremely happy for them awesome thanks Rashi it was a pleasure speaking with you.


Great talking to you too. Who's next? René Gonex. Please. Hello. Hello. Yes I can. So I've seen the I've seen many projects with their tokens and their use cases I'm just curious on what will be the future unique use case of I owe that not I owe that network or is there anything that will make I owe that network and unique from the others?


I owe that and I sort of use decentralized depends right are building things that are very very very new and unique the crypto the token itself is really used as an incentive instead of mechanism a universal payment token and also a collateralization or insurance token those are kind of a base utility within the network there will be other things that I think the team has planned to do with the I owe token that are interesting but I haven't seen a lot of concrete sort of development around that yet for me personally right and again like this may be something that is built by us or built by a third party I'm very interested in deep end and deep in finance and so I think there's like this really interesting opportunity for liquid -seeking tokens to become really big in the ecosystem and this opportunity for for merged mining to be something that we see more of, where users are mining multiple networks, peering multiple networks, taking multiple networks and then engaging DeFi activities with a liquid -saving token.


Whether that happens in the short -term or medium -term, I'm unsure, but I'm genuinely just super excited that that's an opportunity for IONET. Oh, okay, sir, that's all my question. Thank you for answering my question.


Have a good day. Thank you. All right, we've got time for some more questions. Please. How does IONET's partnership with RANBERG contribute to IONET? If ever, how would the partnership with ATR affect IONET's company?


Yeah, so it's all about availability of supply, right? So IONET is both a deep end, as well as a deep end of deep ends. And again, things are generally just so early in how we think about these economics, but...


If you are running your own dpin and you have a competitor dpin and you guys don't cooperate, then what ends up happening is both dpins need to constantly compete on who's rewards are more attractive for the user.


And that can cause increased costs for the dpin, it can create opportunity costs for the workers because you have to choose where you want to go, where you want to work. Our cooperation with Render and Ather demonstrate that through merge mining, which is this opportunity for a GPU to exist on one network, but also participate in a second network, users actually get better outcomes.


And we get to lower our user acquisition costs, right? Because instead of acquiring all the supply first party, we can actually cluster and aggregate supply from other networks as well. Okay, that's my question.


Thank you. Thank you. Can I go next? Please. All right. So I have one comment and one question for you. My comment is on the KYC. You really want to stay away from KYC because that would make you a data owner and a data processor.


And you're going to fall under the jurisdiction of GDPR and all the other, you know, bureaucratic garbage that's out there. And it's just going to make your game very complicated. So if you can stay away from being a data processor and data owner of sensitive data, you know, that would be great.


That's my comment from practical experience. And my question to you is, I already asked you that question last time about your interaction with the Solana folks and the validators. I mean, Solana is congested as it is right now.


I want to say it's broken, but I'm just probably not the place to say that. So my question to you is, has anything changed on your interaction front with Solana since the last time we talked? And do you think Solana is better prepared to, you know, take on the project because I mean we will break it for TG that's that's a given the question is is it gonna stay broken further down because we are probably gonna just our project alone is going to probably double their traffic and they can't seem to cope with it as it is so what are your thoughts on that yeah so let me address your comment first and I worked at Facebook very familiar GDPR and agree with you that during the process the data is something that we don't want to do the second piece is so on a congestion is you know it's sort of generally been due to activity I think that a lot of the activity that previously existed on salon has gone now now that doesn't necessarily mean the bugs are fixed right like we're basically just saying things work because the song is congested I don't know if there's a single chain out there that has sort of demonstrated the same capacity under real load, right?


I mean, everyone has TPS, everyone's done stress tests, but it's hard to argue with the fact that Solana today is still one of the more scalable chains. Now, it's not perfect, right? There's a lot of challenges that they need to fix, but I feel the same about most blockchains.


The only way that we can sort of guarantee no congestion is to have our own block space, and that's something that we're working towards as well, right? We're very early, but we do have plans to build our own chain, and we do have plans to have our own customizable and sovereign block space, which should help solve a lot of congestion issues.


We've done a ton of work just testing and trying different chains, different PMs, different ecosystems, and we have a good sense, right? We know that we really like Move VM, specifically we like Aptos Move VM.

さまざまなチェーン、PM、エコシステムをテストして試してきたたくさんの作業を行いましたし、良い感覚を持っています。特にMove VMが好きで、具体的にはAptos Move VMが好きです。

We also like a lot of the security that's offered by Ethereum, and so there are some things that we're looking at right now to kind of combine the best of both worlds. All right. On creating your own chain, I just want to caution you not to follow the path of helium, which started with their own chain.


They spent obnoxious amount of money and resources to create a functional helium chain just to abandon it last year and move to another common chain. And since I have you here, there are some questions in the chat from the Japanese community, so you can take a look.


But that's really it from me. Thank you very much, sir, and I'll see you on the flip side. Thank you. Thank you. Appreciate the questions. Can you hear me? Yes, I can. Yeah. So I have two items. So one is a comment or feedback.


So for the first one, in IONet, so instead of using a location, which is based on countries of country. So I would suggest using availability, so in like Europe one or Asia one and stuff like that. So this will help the users with their high availability and all.

最初の一つは、io.netにおいて、国に基づくロケーションの使用の代わりに、Europe oneやAsia oneのような可用性を使用することを提案します。これにより、ユーザーの高可用性などが支援されます。

Also, this will benefit the other workers, so they can be hired as well while maintaining a whole tolerance system. And then my question is, do you plan on having a managed service? So instead of deploying a cluster on your own, which I think most of the people are not very familiar with, so you plan on launching a managed service, which is just launching two -peter notebooks or trading interference and some processing routes.


Appreciate the question and a comment. On the comment side, we can't do things purely based on availability because you have to consider latency, depending on what kind of workload you're running. For example, if you're running inference workload, then location does matter, not just availability, but I agree.


I mean, generally speaking, if location is not a determining factor in the performance of whatever workload someone is running, then they should just be looking for cost, availability, and speed. On your question...


I'm blanking on it now... Wait, oh, it was a managed service. Yes, we actually already do offer a managed service. So this entire time, we've been onboarding enterprise companies on a managed service level.


It's obviously not as scalable and not as interesting for us, but we do it because many enterprise companies just don't want to handle or learn about decentralized clustering, which I understand. What's interesting is that the revenue that we make off the managed service today is actually not really certain to be explored.


So we're working on fixing that and connecting the two businesses to make it a bit more transparent. But we do have a reasonably healthy managed service business, too. Alright, thanks for asking my question.


Hello? How's it going? Sir, I have a question. So, we all know that a lot of developers here are tier 1 and tier 2. So my question is, does tier 1 and tier 2 can also get some innovation on account media?

こんにちは? どうですか? ご質問があるそうですね。ここにいる多くの開発者がTier 1やTier 2に属していますが、私の質問は、Tier 1とTier 2もアカウントメディアでいくつかの革新を得ることができるかどうかです。

And how do you know, guys, if the accounts are done or what? Yeah, so I mentioned this before, and again, no matter how many times I say that, I'm sure people are going to be mad at me anyways. But Galaxy and Discord rules are not large portions of the aircraft.

そして、アカウントが完了したかどうかをどのように知るのでしょうか? はい、これについては以前に言及しましたが、何度言っても私に対して怒る人がいると確信しています。しかし、GalaxyやDiscordのルールはエアクラフトの大部分ではありません。

They're going to be small. Tier 1 and tier 2, especially, will be negligibly tiny. Think about it from the perspective of a Dex protocol or something. Dex protocols don't typically reward Discord activity, because you want to do things on -chain, you want to provide productivity, you want to swap, use the tools, whatever.

それらは小さいものになります。特にTier 1とTier 2は非常に小さいものになるでしょう。Dexプロトコルなどの視点から考えてみてください。Dexプロトコルは通常、Discord活動に報酬を提供しません。なぜなら、オンチェーンで活動を行い、生産性を提供し、ツールを使って交換したいからです。

You use Jupyter as a good example. We provided very, very, very small allocations of rewards for disparate roles in Galaxy, typically because we knew that not everyone could provide a worker, and so we wanted people to find some way to be involved.


Obviously, being in Discord and doing Galaxy roles is helpful, but it's not directly beneficial to the growth of the network from a technical perspective. And so, again, I'm just going to say it again, the allocation is going to be tangled.


I don't want people to build up their expectations for social engagement -based airdrops. It's just not good for the longevity of the project. Great, thank you. Hello? Hey. Hello? Hi, thank you. I'd like to raise the issue of the responsibility associated with a service that makes a powerful resource available to everyone.

私は、社会的なエンゲージメントに基づくエアドロップに対する期待を人々が高めすぎることを望みません。それはプロジェクトの長期的な健全性にとって良くありません。素晴らしい、ありがとう。こんにちは? こんにちは。こんにちは? こんにちは、ありがとうございます。強力なリソースを誰もが利用できるようにするサービスに関連する責任の問題を提起したいと思います。

I mean, it's actually by Hollywood movies, when you purchase a firearm, a license is required. But AI has the potential to be far more dangerous than any firearm, right? So, do you somehow monitor what people are going to cook on GPU clusters?

つまり、ハリウッド映画でよくあるように、銃を購入するときにはライセンスが必要ですが、AIはどんな銃よりも遥かに危険な可能性がありますよね? GPUクラスターで人々が何を処理するかを何かしら監視していますか?

Is there any regulatory compliance involved on a national or international basis? And what's your stance on this in general? Thank you. Yeah, so let me tell you what the company does that I can really wipe this world out.


So, the company does not monitor workloads. We do restrict some sanctioned regions from providing computer access and compute. But otherwise, the whole point of a decentralized physical infrastructure network is that you have censorship resistance and open accessibility, right?


The beautiful thing about blockchain is that it provides, you know, a public ledger, and it's editable, and proper men to cease to approve. So, no, that's basically the extent to which we'll enforce as a company.


Now, my personal thoughts on this are, you know, a lot of people say that Bitcoin is used to money launder and buy drugs and fund terrorism, right? Because it's quote -unquote anonymous money with borderless, you know, no oversight transaction.


Yet, the US dollar, right, and real currencies are probably used to fund more criminal activities than any other currency because crypto is traceable and paper money is not. And so, generally speaking, my personal perspective on this is that blockchains tend to incentivize more transparent behavior, right?


Because you know that it's traceable, whereas real world currencies and activities are less paperable. obviously there's some part of like psychology here but you know I think we have to try to wait to try and balance providing something that is decentralized openly accessible world right and sovereign while at the same time putting in place things to prevent bad actors it's a very fine balance I appreciate your answer and good luck with the upcoming launch okay I have one more question and there's a lot of people asking are there specific requirements for the wallet to ensure there are no problems during the airdrop for example like a minimum balance of Salena or a number of injections no there's no requirement for that I mean let's be honest right like if people are putting a receiving wallet in for work or an airdrop they're typically using a clean wallet I know I do, which is for safety purposes.


My recommendation is that you dust your wallet. I don't know which wallet provider you guys use. I use Phantom. Phantom does not load wallets that are empty. So if you fish computers or update Chrome and you import your wallet using your C phrase and you don't have your secret key, you will lose all the wallets out of no activity.


So unless you save your key, you may lose those wallets. That's where it's happened to me before. So I always just say, dust your wallets. That's one of the secret things I need to do. So you don't have to have any balance of Selena, right?


No, you don't. OK. Thank you. If that changes all you guys know? Yeah, some people are speculating on that you need at least 0 .1 Selena and like five to ten minimum transactions. So something like that.

いいえ、必要ありません。OK。ありがとう。もし変更があれば皆さんに知らせますか?はい、いくつかの人々は、少なくとも0.1 Solanaと5から10の最低取引が必要だと推測しています。そんな感じです。

I mean, my wallets, my personal wallets that I use are dusted. No one on the team has told me that they want to require minimum transactions or minimum balance. So for now, that's not a requirement. But as you guys know, things change, right?


Founders change their minds all the time. So if something does change, I'll try to communicate it as fast as possible. OK, should we ask like Shadi or somebody else? Or that's enough, you know, like you said, and that's it.


Feel free to feel free to ask Shadi. My job is to make sure that I communicate kind of what he wants and as fast as possible and across the community. So my hope is that I will know if he changes his mind.


But right now there's there's no requirement. OK, I hope you will announce it if change. Yeah, of course. If something happens, you guys will be the first to know. Oh, okay. I appreciate it. And in the next course...


Hello? Hello? Pinger me. Yes, again? Okay, I have two basic questions. The first one is, you said tomorrow is the Snapchat, right? So my question is, is... Is it better to say the quest included in Snapchat also?

こんにちは?こんにちは?ピンガーしてください。はい、再びですか?OK、2つ基本的な質問があります。最初の一つは、明日がSnapshotであると言ったのですが、その質問は... Snapshotに含まれるクエストを言う方がよいですか?

That's correct. So all... Basically all new wallets and all... All recording of information for the upcoming drop will stop tomorrow and the big piece of time. Okay, my second question is... Me and my wife are workers, and I am using GPU, and my wife is using CPU in MacBook.


My question is, do we get suited like that? Uh, no, I don't think that would qualify under Sybil. I think that's all. Thank you. Okay, I'd like to ask a few questions from Ukrainian... At the time of the snapshot, what status will the workers be to qualify the rewards?


If during the snapshot, workers who have been working for more than a month are in a failed status, will this affect the rewards? So, this is something that the team is currently discussing and I'm waiting for their answer.


My understanding is that there needs to be some level of activity during a period prior to snapshot. I don't think it's reasonable to require activity at the time of snapshot, but I know that they're looking at requiring some level of active status in the days leading up to snapshot.


So, I know about it as much as you guys do on that, but it's still something that's still being determined, a little bit above my pay grade. But as soon as I know, I will let everyone else know as well.


Ok, the second question is, when is support planned for either 9 processors or any generations? Uncertain. I think that AMD chip support for the near future is still limited, just given the demand that we're seeing for Nvidia chips specifically.


That being said, I know that the team is working on some of the infrastructure work that I'm personally really interested in. And so, we will kind of stay tuned on where that goes, but we'll make announcements on expanding support to some of these Ryzen chips as soon as we possibly can.


Ok, the third question, will this affect the error if somebody receive a tier upgrade after the snapshot? No. No, ok. guess it's also questions. Thank you very much. Thank you. Hey Ashky. How's it going?


Hey, hey. It's been a great fight, man. I'm so happy as we come close to the TG. I have a simple question here for today for you. As we all read on toponomics, the graph shows the emissions rate by the months past.


What does the community and ecosystem marker on that graph address? Like, what is the exact definition of ecosystem in that graph? So there's a community bucket that there's an ecosystem at R &B, right?


The community emissions are 100% towards taking rewards, worker rewards, and a potentially a minority is for other community growth operations. The idea behind the emissions is to basically fund network growth, right?


It's to fund emissions we're taking. The other community section is rewards. The amount that's distributed immediately is the rewards. The other community growth. And then ecosystem or R &D are things like grants.


It's exactly that. Ecosystem development investments into technology partners and tech growth for the project. So, as I'm understanding from that graph, you're not providing any liquidity to these central or decentralized exchanges.


Am I right? People have been talking about this. The Treasury will provide the pretty upon TGE. I mean, if you think about it, that kind of just comes out of ecosystem and R &D, right? Like, if the token is part of the ecosystem, we need to make sure that we engage in operations that support that portion of the ecosystem.


And so there's a portion that we will be providing liquidity on chain. We have provided exchanges with liquidity as well. This is one area that I do believe is very important. And I've requested that the founders push liquidity out via these channels to ensure healthy market structure.


Okay, then. Great. Thank you, man. Of course. Thank you, Mr. Cohen. Beth, looking at the same graph you were talking about, I just wanted to bring it to your attention that the starting month and the ending month, it reads different than the text.


If you were just provided the chart, it would read that investing starts on the 11th month instead of the end of the 13th month. And I just think, yeah, in the ending month, it's like everything needs to be pushed.


that just a couple months and that's just going off the 20 month intervals you provide at the bottom. That is a good catch. I'm looking at this right now. I think the designer maybe made a mistake with the x -axis.


Oh I see yeah the I suppose it's kind of hard to read because it's on a 20 month interval. I guess it could be the could be as a 13th month but it's really hard to tell. Let me let me ask them. It could just be the scale.


It makes it look a little funky but but I could see how that's confusing. If you scroll up in what is it called Contribute Channel I took a screenshot and I just drew arrows to where it would make sense but that's just you know if you can't look at it.

それが少し変に見えるかもしれませんが、混乱するのもわかります。Contribute Channelでスクロールアップすると、スクリーンショットを撮って、理にかなう場所に矢印を描きましたが、それはもし見られない場合の話です。

But that's really all I wanted to thank you your attention. Yeah, you're looking at the 13th month Oh, wait a second where you pointed the arrows that is the 30. Yeah Sounds like right. Yeah. Yeah, the red one is where you guys have it in the green Oh, I see cuz cuz the scales funky right cuz it should be the right now it's like 33 But it should be at 36 and pass the halfway point.


Okay. Yeah, let me let me talk to the design team I think they may be just Got you. I just wanted to bring that up. No, I appreciate it, man Hey, how's it going? Yeah, lovely. Good evening. Can I ask a question?


Okay, I'll go ahead go for it Oh What you do is 30 60s 30 60s, I think we do we do support 30 60s I'm 20 60s unlikely because we can't really use them for anything No, so I'll just go ahead and ask the question because I want you to see that sometimes so My question is what is IO dotness approach to dealing with regulatory changes that would potentially restrict the operation of decentralized networks?


And additionally, how is IO .NET leveraging the latest advancements in AI to enhance its network operations? And what are the ethical considerations that are being addressed in the deployment of AI technologies?


So I think there's a lot going on, but I think that I'm personally most excited about is kind of the serverless inference product that we're working on. Generally speaking, there's a lot of challenges when it comes to decentralizing AI, right?


Model training, model tuning, decentralized introduces a lot of latency, and it's kind of tricky to make that work. And so a lot of what will end up happening at the tuning and training side is probably just some level of marketplace dynamics to reduce costs and increase accessibility for those users.


But inferencing is interesting because... a decentralized network that is big enough and distributed enough kind of functions like a big mesh network right like you have mesh routers in your house makes the signal better because you're just pulled through through the node that's very similar when it comes to inferencing you can get on like point to point uh so I think there's something really interesting there and as we continue to grow and work with AI companies like I hope to see more traction in that space uh okay thank you so maybe just one last question just a follow -up so uh given the potential uh for this significant environment impact environmental impact that uh may affect the during the operations of IO .net so what is the what are the specific strategies of IO .net in implementing to minimize its carbon footprint and to promote the sustainability of its operation I mean we're very very careful when it comes to balancing uh when it comes to balancing economics right it's one of the reasons why like the airdrop is capped and why we constantly work on rewards mechanism this is because sustainability right via fixed emissions is really tricky um our our goal is to try to design as a design assistant that is as stable as possible right uh the staking the collateralization removing supply from the market like these are all things that you know we're taking a very very close look at and we'll continue to adjust and dial as needed so they stay tuned right we're we're constantly dialing things to make sure that they they make sustainable tokenomics in the ecosystem I know that that can be really really difficult for a community here right that things can change but especially what deepens uh there are very novel portion of web 3 right now still everything is so fairly new and so what we're trying to do is build a system that you know has value accrual for everyone and remains sustainable for as long as possible.

推論は興味深いですね... 十分に大きく分散された分散ネットワークは、あたかも大きなメッシュネットワークのように機能します。まるで家にあるメッシュルーターが信号を改善するかのように、非常に似た方法で、推論においてもポイント・ツー・ポイントで接続できます。ここには本当に興味深い点があり、私たちが成長を続け、AI企業と協力するにつれて、その分野での注目が増すことを期待しています。ありがとう。では、最後の質問をフォローアップとして。io.netの運用中に潜在的に影響を与えるかもしれない重大な環境への影響を考えると、io.netはそのカーボンフットプリントを最小限に抑え、運用の持続可能性を促進するために具体的にどのような戦略を実施していますか?我々は、経済的なバランスを取ることに非常に注意しています。これは、エアドロップがキャップされ、常に報酬メカニズムに取り組んでいる理由の一つです。これは持続可能性のためです。固定排出を通じてそれを実現するのは本当に難しいです。私たちの目標は、できるだけ安定したシステムを設計しようとしています。ステーキング、担保化、市場からの供給の除去など、これらはすべて我々が非常に注意深く見ていることであり、必要に応じて調整を続けますので、ご注目ください。私たちは持続可能なトークノミクスを確保するために常に調整を行っています。コミュニティにとっては本当に難しいことがあるかもしれませんが、特にWeb3の非常に新しい部分である深化については、すべてがまだ非常に新しいため、私たちが試みているのは、誰もが価値を蓄積し、できるだけ長く持続可能であり続けるシステムを構築することです。

Thank you Ashby, thank you. Of course, thank you. Thank you. Who's that? That's... We actually run out of questions for once? Thank you. Okay, if that's everyone, uh, again, thanks for joining today guys, sorry I was really really behind, um, looking forward to doing it to you guys again really really soon.

ありがとう、アシュビー、ありがとう。もちろん、ありがとう。ありがとう。それは誰ですか?それは... 実は初めて質問が尽きましたね?ありがとう。もし皆さんが終わったなら、再び今日参加してくれてありがとう。本当に遅れて申し訳ないですが、またすぐに皆さんとやりたいと思っています。