发布于 2023-04-04到 Mirror 阅读

Arbitrum (ARB) Token Dump and Community FUD Explained

Over the weekend, the Arbitrum crypto community experienced panic calls and FUDs regarding the newly launched ARB token, as holders speculated that Arbitrum Foundation sold a substantial amount of the coins recently.

Cringe.eth, one of the accounts that led the conversation on Twitter, highlighted that Arbitrum Foundation moved out 750 million ARB worth nearly $1 billion on March 16 — the launch date, and proceeded to send out a part of it to the Binance crypto exchange.

Today I looked into what's happening at Arbitrum and what I have found was not very encouraging to say the least.(As someone who holds 1.4mil $ARB)1. The team moved out 750,000,000 $ARB on the 16th of March2. The team then proceeded to send out funds to Binance on the 23rd — Cringe.eth (@Cringe) April 2, 2023

Furthermore, Eden Au, a research director at a Web3 firm, said Arbitrum Foundation made a proposal, AIP-1, to allocate the moved-out tokens for administrative and operational costs. However, approximately 70% of ARB holders voted against it. The researcher claimed the proposal was merely formality while sharing blockchain data that showed the transfer of 50.5 million ARB from the foundation.

Notably, these episodes negatively affected the price of ARB, pushing it from about $1.5 to nearly below a dollar. Additionally, the community accused the foundation of deliberately dumping the tokens on them merely weeks after launch.

However, in a detailed thread on Sunday, Arbitrum said that “the goals of AIP-1 were to engage the community about initial decisions and ultimately have token holders signal their support.” It also clarified that there was no 50 million ARB sale as indicated on blockchain data.

6/ Regarding the on-chain transfers of 50M $ARB tokens, 40M $ARB tokens have been allocated as a loan to a sophisticated actor in the financial markets space. The remaining 10 million has been converted to fiat and dedicated towards operational costs. — Arbitrum (,) (@arbitrum) April 2, 2023

The foundation said 40 million ARB tokens were allocated as a loan to a sophisticated actor in the financial markets. At the same time, the remaining 10 million ARB was converted to fiat to cover operational costs.


Arbitrum Foundation proposed to allocate the 750M ARB for administrative costs.

While 70% of ARB holders voted against it, Arbitrum moved 50.5 million ARB regardless.

The price of ARB fell from about $1.5 to nearly below a dollar.