发布于 2023-04-09到 Mirror 阅读

How to deploy a smart contract on Base Testnet

As there is a hype of Base testnet is going on and many people are trying to grind for airdrop, you are still early as there is a task of Deployment of Smart Contract is going on against which you can claim a NFT.

So let began our journey!


  1. Add Base Goerli Testnet

  2. Claim faucet

  3. Deploy a Smart Contract

  4. Claim the NFT


  1. Add Base Goerli Testnet

Claim faucet:

Skip if you already have.

Deploy a Smart Contract:

  • Upload an image, and give the contract a name and a symbol. Finally, select “Base Goerli Testnet” on the Network/Chain option and deploy > Confirm 2 txn on the wallet.

If you can’t see the Base Goerli Testnet, refresh the page a few times. If it still does not work, add the chain manually by clicking on the “Configure Networks” option 👇🏻

And add a custom network 👇🏻

Network Name: Base Goerli Testnet

Network ID: base-goerli

Chain ID: 84531

Currency Symbol: ETH

Network type: Testnet


  • Now deploy the contract.

  • Upon the successful completion of the transaction, it can be confirmed that you have successfully deployed a contract on the Base testnet. 🎉

Claim the NFT:

To claim the NFT, we need the address of our deployed smart contract. So go to the contracts section and copy the contract address 👇🏻

  • Once verified, you can claim your NFT 🥳

That is It You Have Successfully Claimed The Base NFT