Atoms Research

Posted on Oct 10, 2023Read on

Testnet by Amnis Finance

Amnis Finance - a Pioneering Liquidity Staking on Aptos

Rewards: Bug Bounty program with prizes up to $100/bug detected and a total $1000 prize pool

What to do?

- Go to the website and connect your MetaMask

- Connect your Aptos wallet on the testnet network

- Test tokens can be requested inside the wallet

- Or on the website with the button "Aptos Faucet"

- In this tab, click on the "Mint" button to get a free NFT

- Go to the "Mint" tab and exchange your $APT tokens for $amAPT

- You can simply mint the tokens or stake them right away

- If you just exchange tokens without staking, then you can do it in the "Stake" tab

- Also, you can unstake your tokens here

- In the "Withdraw" tab, you can withdraw your tokens (minimum $11 APT)

- Leave feedback on their Discord

✅ That’s all!


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