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Posted on Aug 31, 2022Read on

5.3 Creating a Morning Ritual: Ideas and Tips for a Positive Start to Your Day


A good morning ritual is a set of activities that you do regularly to start your day off on the right foot. These activities can include waking up at the same time every day, drinking a glass of water, meditating or doing deep breathing, exercising or stretching, planning your day, eating a healthy breakfast, practicing gratitude, taking a cold shower, reading or listening to something uplifting, writing in a journal, getting some sunlight, making your bed, practicing self-care, doing a hobby or creative activity, listening to music, spending time with a loved one, setting aside time for personal growth, practicing mindfulness, decluttering your space, and practicing a relaxation technique. To create a good morning ritual that works for you, try setting aside a specific time each day for these activities and setting an alarm or reminder to help you stay on track. You can also incorporate your morning ritual into your daily routine by doing some of these activities as you get ready for the day.

How important is a morning ritual? It can be hard to face the start of what may be a stressful day – but an uplifting and positive incantation can be enough to completely alter how you feel.

How do you view each morning? If the thought of getting out of bed and preparing for each day fills you with dread, this mood is likely to carry throughout the rest of your day, leaving you in a perpetual state of immobility. With effective morning ritual ideas, you can set the day in motion with a much better approach.

Why you need a morning ritual

The quality of your life is not based on the quality of your circumstances. You can effectively adjust the mental and emotional filters that determine how you look at your life. This influences the stories we tell ourselves about who we are, what we’re capable of and what’s achievable or not. The states we go into most often then become the most powerful filter of all that will determine whether we find the strategies necessary to succeed and whether we come up with a story that will empower us.

Change for a better outlook is always possible, but how does one achieve it? Morning rituals that can change your life do so by putting you in a positive, empowering state that carries through your day. One of the greatest scientific discoveries has been that you can alter your emotional mood by a radical shift in your physiology, and we can start to achieve that through incantations and other morning rituals.

1. Own your morning, elevate your life

There are different brain states that we experience throughout the day. These states are characterized by different patterns of brain waves, which are produced by the electrical activity of the brain.

  • Beta brain waves: These are the brain waves that are present when we are awake and alert. Beta brain waves have a high frequency and are associated with logical thinking, problem solving, and decision making.

  • Alpha brain waves: These are brain waves that are present when we are relaxed and calm, but still awake. Alpha brain waves have a lower frequency than beta waves and are associated with creativity, intuition, and relaxation.

  • Theta brain waves: These are brain waves that are present when we are in a deep state of relaxation, such as during meditation or just before falling asleep. Theta brain waves have an even lower frequency than alpha waves and are associated with deep relaxation and the flow state.

When we wake up early in the morning, our brain waves shift from beta to alpha, and then potentially to theta, depending on how relaxed we are. This shift can help us access more creative and innovative thoughts and enter a state of flow, which can be beneficial for productivity and focus.When we get up at five in the morning, the stillness, solitude, and silence trigger our brains. Our brain waves shift from beta to alpha, through to theta. And then, a pharmacy of mastery is stimulated in our brain. These changes help us produce groundbreaking thoughts that would not have previously been possible. The cortisol levels in the brain decrease, while the dopamine and serotonin levels increase. The prefrontal cortex then rests, which allows us to enter into the flow state. Flow is a state of mind when we are genuinely engaged in the activity that we pursue and lose track of time. This state is most easily achievable in the early mornings because that’s when we have the factors required.

Waking up early in the morning can have a positive effect on our brain. During this time, our brain waves shift to a state that allows us to have more innovative and creative thoughts. The brain also releases certain chemicals, such as dopamine and serotonin, which can help improve our mood. Additionally, the prefrontal cortex is able to rest, which can help us enter a state of flow, where we become fully immersed and focused on the task at hand. This state is often easier to achieve in the early morning because the conditions are more conducive to it. Overall, waking up early in the morning can be beneficial for our brain and can help us have a more productive and focused day.

2. The Art of Building a Morning Ritual that Works for You

A good morning ritual is a set of activities that you do regularly to start your day off on the right foot. These activities can be as simple as making your bed, or as involved as a full morning routine. The key is to find activities that work for you and help you feel energized, focused, and prepared for the day ahead.

Here are some ideas for building a good morning ritual:

  1. Wake up at the same time every day: Consistency is key when it comes to waking up. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends, to establish a regular sleep schedule.

  2. Drink a glass of water: After a night of sleep, your body is dehydrated and could use some hydration. Start your day off by drinking a glass of water to replenish your fluids and kickstart your metabolism.

  3. Meditate or do some deep breathing: Taking a few minutes to focus on your breath can help calm your mind and set a positive tone for the day.

  4. Exercise or stretch: Moving your body can help energize you and improve your mood. Try doing some stretches or a quick workout to get your blood pumping.

  5. Plan your day: Take a few minutes to make a to-do list or plan out your schedule for the day. This can help you feel organized and focused.

  6. Eat a healthy breakfast: Fuel your body with a nutritious breakfast to give you energy for the day ahead. To eat breakfast or not is heavily disputed, so discover what works for you (I don’t eat breakfast).

  7. Practice gratitude: Take a few moments to think about the things you are grateful for. This can help shift your focus to the positive and set a positive tone for the day.

  8. Take a cold shower: Cold water can help boost circulation and wake you up. If a full cold shower is too much for you, try ending your shower with a blast of cold water.

  9. Read or listen to something uplifting: Starting your day with positive content can help set a positive tone for the day. Consider reading a chapter from a book or listening to an inspiring podcast.

  10. Write in a journal: Writing in a journal can help you process your thoughts and emotions, and can also be a good way to reflect on the previous day and set intentions for the day ahead.

  11. Get some sunlight: Exposure to sunlight can help regulate your body's natural sleep-wake cycle, so try to get some natural light in the morning if possible.

  12. Make your bed: This simple task can help set a positive tone for the day and give you a small sense of accomplishment.

  13. Practice self-care: Take a few minutes to do something just for you, like applying a face mask or taking a few minutes to do a skincare routine.

  14. Practice a hobby or creative activity: Doing something you enjoy can help start your day off on a positive note. Consider setting aside some time for a hobby or creative activity in the morning.

  15. Listen to music: Music can help set the tone for your day and lift your mood. Consider creating a playlist of uplifting songs to listen to in the morning.

  16. Spend time with a loved one: Starting your day with a hug or a few minutes of quality time with a loved one can help set a positive tone for the day.

  17. Set aside time for personal growth: Consider setting aside some time in the morning to work on a personal growth activity, such as learning a new skill or working on a personal project.

  18. Practice mindfulness: Take a few minutes to focus on the present moment and be mindful of your surroundings. This can help you start your day with a clear mind and a sense of calm.

  19. Declutter your space: Taking a few minutes to tidy up your space can help you start the day feeling organized and focused.

  20. Practice a relaxation technique: Consider taking a few minutes to practice a relaxation technique, such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation, to help reduce stress and promote a sense of calm.

To apply these activities to your routine, try setting aside a specific time each morning to focus on your morning ritual. You may find it helpful to set an alarm or reminder to help you stay on track. You can also try incorporating your morning ritual into your daily routine by doing some of the activities as soon as you wake up, and then spreading the rest out over the course of the morning. Remember, the key is to find activities that work for you and help you start your day off feeling your best.

3. The Three Pockets of the 20/20/20 Formula (Robin Sharma)

The first hour of your day should be split into three 20-minute pockets of exercise, reflection and study.

Source Robin Sharma 5AM - recommended read

Pocket #1: Move

5:00 AM to 5:20 AM is when we have to move. This includes doing intense exercise, hydrating ourselves, or breathing deeply. This is because your body has been in a state of sleep, and you need to allow your body and mind to wake up fully. When we exercise first thing in the morning, our cortisol levels decrease. Our dopamine and serotonin levels also increase. These changes elevate our mood and our metabolism. So, we are ready for the day ahead. We will be less stressed throughout the day, and our energy levels will remain higher than if we hadn’t exercised.

Pocket #2: Reflect

This pocket is from 5:20 AM to 5:40 AM. You should use this time to reflect on your life. You can reflect either by meditation or writing in your journal. You might also want to spend this time planning your day, praying, or creating a time of personal contemplation; anything that feels natural and involves active reflection. This step helps us be more aware of ourselves and our mission, vision, and life goals. It ensures we are in alignment with our higher purpose.

Pocket #3: Grow

This pocket should generally occur between 5:40 AM to 6:00 AM. In these 20 minutes, you have to review your life, week, and day goals. You can read books in your field, listen to audiobooks or podcasts, or engage with an online training course. This time should involve engagement with whatever will help you grow in your respective field.

4. My personal morning ritual

  1. Observe your breathing for three minutes. Sit in a comfortable place or stand if you prefer. Straighten your back and breathe. How does life feel right now?

  2. The art of getting up (find your sleep animal)

    • build consistency. battle of bed is won in the evening before (no screens, no food, no sugars, no phone in bed room; leave your boss outside your bed room, Use the correct pillow. To avoid muscle stiffness, the pillow should not compress or stretch the spine, cool room: 18 degrees, mattress that is not too soft or too hard. Possibly elevate your feet a bit, practice breathing exercises to calm down, dream journal,.

    • 5AM

    • Wake-up mechanism with pleasant sound, preferrably on your bio-ritme though. You snooze, you loose. Snooze button far away from your bed, or do something within those ten minutes and reframe your habits. Visualize your why to get out of bed

    • allow sunlight asap

    • fresh air asap: restore oxygen

    • water asap: restore water

    • Journal: Start each day with gratitude + Write a new resolution every day. What can you do today to make your life worthwhile? You are more likely to do that if you write it down first.

    • Exercise intensity asap to remove XX from body and produce XX

  3. Time for a fresh shower

    1. take a close look at yourself and thank your body for wearing it all your life

    2. take care of yourself, give yourself time to prepare for the day to come

    3. Keep in mind that how you feel about your appearance affects how you approach the day. Think positively and focus on what you like about yourself. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder: if you look at yourself with a benevolent and appreciative look, you will feel radiant all day long.

    4. smile

    5. take care of your body as if it were a child of a good friend.

    6. Qi-ging moment: shake it baby (first shake off your arms, then your hips, your neck, your head, your whole body with abandon! About 20-30 seconds; it will help you release pent-up tension in your muscles to leave Pat your body with closed fists, but loosely. Strike all body parts within your reach. 20-30 seconds. swing your straight arms around your body so that they gently touch your back for 20 seconds

  4. The sun salutation- stretch your body (image of sungreet, ikigai book)

  5. Take the time to get dressed. Book change your look, change your life:

    • Reconcile with your figure

    • Make a selection of your underwear: throw away what is worn out or does not fit well

    • Choose colors that look good on you

    • Reorganize your wardrobe;

      • Put away clothes that are not from the current season

      • Give away clothes you no longer wear

      • Opt for minimalism (not quantity but quality). Simplify - Zuckerberg and Jobs examples

      • What is your uniform? If you had to wear a single combination for the rest of your life, which garments would you choose? Try to put into words what values each of the parts of your outfit embodies (adjective) and you will discover how you see yourself and how you define yourself by what you wear.

  6. Breakfast or not? The power of when - Michael Breus explains our eating habits in relation to our biological clock. Clock = sleep animal.

  7. Priming

    Priming is another of Tony’s top morning ritual ideas. A combination of breathing exercises, visualization and practicing gratitude, it takes just 10 minutes each morning but will set you up to conquer every obstacle in your path.

    2. Cold showers

    Cold showers can reduce pain and inflammation, increase happiness, tighten skin and improve overall health, among other benefits. Tony plunges into a cold pool as part of his morning ritual. Beginners can start at 30 seconds and work up to five to ten minutes.

    3. Journaling

    The benefits of journaling include reduced anxiety, improved memory and better problem-solving. It’s no wonder many successful people, like entrepreneur Tim Ferriss, start their day with journaling. From gratitude journals to the Five-Minute Journal, there’s a style out there for you.

    4. Exercise

    If there is only one morning ritual you add to your day, exercise is the most important. It decreases depression and anxiety and helps you live a longer, healthier life. Find exercise you enjoy and do it at least five days a week for the best results.

    5. Meditation

    Meditation is one of the most recommended morning ritual ideas. It can help you master your emotions and mindset, reduce stress, stay focused and be more productive. We can all use those benefits throughout our day.

    6. Yoga

    The popularity of yoga has exploded in recent years – and for good reason. It’s relaxing, puts you in a positive mindset for the day and affords you all the benefits of stretching. You can even incorporate some elements of meditation or priming as you do yoga.

    7. Mindfulness

    How mindful are you of your thoughts in the morning? Your mindset when you first wake up sets the tone for your entire day. Pay attention to your internal self-talk in the morning and transform any negative thoughts into empowering ones to carry you through the day.

    8. Gratitude

    Practicing gratitude is always a good idea, but it’s especially powerful as part of your morning ritual. When you start your day in a state of abundance, there’s no room for negativity to bring you down. Think of one thing to be grateful for as soon as you wake up and watch your day improve.

    9. Music

    The power of music brings people together, allows self-expression and can even make you happier and more productive. Oprah makes listening to music part of her morning ritual, and she’s one of the most successful people on the planet.

    10. Reading

    Feeding your mind is always a good way to start the day. Barack Obama read The New York Times every morning he was in the White House. Model and TV personality Ashley Graham reads excerpts from her favorite quote book. Whatever you choose to read, make sure it leaves you feeling inspired.

    11 Incantations

    One of Tony’s favorite morning ritual ideas is positive incantations. That’s right, not affirmations – incantations. This is an important difference. Affirmations are spoken words of encouragement, but while the positive thinking is there, affirmations may fail you as a transformative technique. You can recite something uplifting, but if you aren’t embodying it physically, you are only skimming the surface.

    Incantations are about embodying the meaning behind the words, which is why they are so powerful. With incantations, not only are you speaking words of empowerment, you are using your body and your voice. You are changing your physiology and changing your state, leading to a different and more positive outlook and approach to each day.

    While affirmations sound positive, they won’t carry the full weight of emotion and transformative power if the person saying them aloud does not actually believe in the thoughts and meaning behind them. Incantations are meant to reverberate throughout the body and mind and alter one’s sense of self, committing your life to positive energy and accessing the confidence within yourself.

    Using incantations to help take direct control of your state can make all the difference in the quality of your life – so don’t rush them. Leave a comfortable amount of time for your morning ritual, during which you will have a clear and stress-free mind and the ability to focus on these important positive incantations.

    Changing your life can be difficult, whether it is unlocking the power of incantations, altering your morning ritual or making other important and positive changes to an established routine. This is where a life coach is helpful. With the assistance of a life coach, your morning ritual can be efficiently mapped out with the insight of an experienced professional. Assistance – and accountability – can be your keys to establishing healthy habits to bring about positive changes to your day, and your life.

5. What is your morning ritual?

6. To breakfast or not to breakfast

Cereal, bagels, bacon, toast and jam may be considered classic American breakfast foods, but are they giving you the nutrients and energy you need to fuel your day? More often than not, the foods we’ve grown accustomed to eating in the morning are loaded with carbs, sugar and saturated fat, weighing us down and holding us back from reaching our full potential.

If you go, go green. Literally. His morning ritual includes a large bowl of greens topped with some of his favorite water-based veggies (cucumbers, radish, celery, cauliflower, peppers and eggplant top the list of high-water content vegetables), some avocado for a little healthy fat, and a lean piece of grilled fish.

Yes, vegetables and fish for breakfast may sound completely unorthodox, but that’s exactly the point. Instead of waiting until later in the day to nourish your body with vitamin and nutrient-dense foods, why not use them to kickstart your day from the very beginning. Not only will you have extra energy to tackle the tasks that lie ahead, you will set the tone for the entire day, and setting yourself up for success is one of the smartest moves you can make.

Here are a five out-of-the-ordinary breakfast options that will fill you up and fuel you up for life:


On its own, tofu has very little flavor. But it can easily absorb the flavors of other ingredients you pair it with, making it the perfect blank canvas to create a morning masterpiece.

By crumbling tofu into a pan, sautéing it along with your choice of vegetables, and adding spices like cumin, turmeric and chili powder, you can create a delicious breakfast scramble. Or try blending tofu with fruit for a creamy, dairy-free breakfast smoothie? Tofu even works as a base for pancakes.

This versatile protein is not only the perfect base for a delicious power-packed breakfast, it also is chock full of health benefits. Low in calories and cholesterol and high in iron and calcium, tofu provides your body with the energy and endurance you need to show up for the day as your best self.


While quinoa is typically served alongside a main course or atop a salad, it also makes for a great breakfast option. Easily adaptable to either sweet or savory flavors, this ancient grain is perfect for those who prefer something heartier in the morning.

Try mixing it with cinnamon, honey, sliced almonds and bananas to create a new version of breakfast cereal. Dress it up with toasted walnuts, fresh berries and a drizzle of agave nectar for a healthier version of a fruit crisp. Or consider pairing it with black beans and avocado to make a power-packed breakfast burrito. With quinoa, the possibilities are endless.

And if you think this is too time-consuming, think again. You can make a large pot of quinoa Sunday night that will nourish you throughout the entire week.


Dark leafy greens — these nutritional powerhouses are filled with vitamins, nutrients and minerals that will fuel you up without weighing you down. So why do most people wait to eat them for so late in the day?

There are a number of ways to make greens the opening act of our day, and they don’t all involve green smoothies. For example — a fresh spinach salad with apples, pears and shredded coconut. Or, if you prefer a warm breakfast, try sautéing some kale or chard along with a few red potatoes.

You can never get enough of these nutrient-dense, detoxifying greens. And by incorporating them into your morning routine, not only will you be satisfying your hunger, you will be feeding your body with exactly what it needs to run effectively and efficiently the entire day.


Typically, we think of hummus as a healthy side dish or afternoon snack. But why not make it the star of your morning meal?

A simple Middle Eastern dip of chickpeas, sesame, olive oil, lemon and salt, hummus is packed protein, fiber and a number of other essential vitamins and minerals that will not only nourish your body, but will help keep you feeling full for hours so you avoid excessive snacking.

There is a wide variety of flavors to choose from (eggplant, garlic, artichoke, sun-dried tomato) but you can also whip up your own batch of fresh hummus in about five minutes flat. And while you’re at it, experiment pairing your hummus with vegetables and fruits — carrots, zucchini, apples and pears are all nutritious variations to the standard pita bread option.


Instead of slathering a piece of multi-grain toast with jam or jelly, try drizzling a piece of sprouted grain bread with a teaspoon of olive oil then layering slices of creamy avocado on top. Not only will you avoid a sugar spike, you will be nourishing your body with nutrients and vitamins that are amiss from most typical breakfast choices.

Apart from being a rich source of vitamin K, folate, vitamin C, potassium (even more so than bananas), vitamin E and B complex vitamins, research also suggests that avocados are associated with lower cholesterol levels, lower risk of diabetes, lower body mass index and lower chance of cancer.

Avocado on toast is particularly convenient for those who find themselves rushing out the door in the morning. And think about it — if you’re so busy that you don’t have time to sit down and enjoy breakfast, you may need that extra burst of energy more than others. So take a few minutes to create a breakfast that’s delicious and nutritious. You may just find a change in your entire day.

Rethinking breakfast may be daunting at first, but it also may be one of the best moves you can make. Health is a habit. And by shifting gears to find a better way to start your day, you’re finding a better way to take care of your body, and, ultimately, your life. So accept the challenge. Step out of your comfort zone. You may just be surprised about how comforting that actually feels.



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