Jordi Kidsune

Posted on Oct 07, 2022Read on

Chapter 1: discover your core

As you journey through life, you may find yourself searching for something deeper, something that lies at the core of who you are. This can be a process of self-discovery, where you explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, as well as your values, beliefs, and goals. It's about understanding and embracing your unique qualities, and using these as a foundation for living a fulfilling and meaningful life.

But finding your core isn't just about introspection. It's also about seeking out experiences and opportunities that allow you to learn, grow, and express yourself in authentic and genuine ways. It's about living a life that is true to yourself, and aligned with your deepest values and passions. It's about being authentic and genuine, and living a life that brings you a sense of purpose, fulfillment, and happiness.

So, how do you go about finding your core?

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

In this first step practical tools and exercises to get to your core. The exercises are not hard, yet answering them honestly might prove difficult. And that is your quest: to find your HONEST answers.

Just see this path as a game where the universe tests you: can you handle the challenges? You know your challenges: pain and fear guide you to them. Hard miles. Every honest action is one step forward in your game.

So my first quest for you: who are you?

Let’s find out together


Chapter 1 overview

1.1 Introduction of elements of the self: who are you?

1.2 Find your core

  1. The importance of values

  2. Where do values come from?

  3. Types of personal values in life

  4. Personal value examples

  5. How your personal values shape your life

  6. How to define your personal values

  7. Important remarks when you do these exercises

  1. Why we do what we do

  2. Your Basic Needs: Understanding Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs

  3. Every one of your decisions is driven by these six basic needs

  4. So if we all have the same six needs, why do we behave differently?

  5. What are your dominant needs?

  6. The importance of taking action to meet your needs

  1. Core values, core strengths or core needs?

  2. Find your strengths

  3. Your inner quest and adventure

  1. What are core drivers?

  2. But how to determine your wants as drivers

  3. Deep analysis - part 1: what do you want?

  4. Deep analysis - part 2: your reality box

  5. Match part 1 and part 2 - continuous feedback loop

  1. What is meaning and purpose?

  2. Tips on how to find purpose in life

  3. What is the key to feeling fulfilled in life?

Connect with who you really are – and what you really want

  1. Example 1: Create a long-term connection to your values and strengths

  2. Example 2: Start a journal

  3. Example 3: Ask the right questions

  4. Example 4: Find your voice

1.3 Mental Models and the preferences of your mind

  1. Mind Over Matter: Understanding and Improving Your Decision-Making Process

  2. An example: HBDI

  3. Other paid examples

1.4 Ground Rules for a Happy and Fulfilling Life

  1. Learn the principles to help you thrive, not just survive

  2. A bit of guidance along the way

1.5 A bit about happiness

  1. A bit about happiness

  2. The four circuits of happiness

  3. The four archetypes of happiness

  4. A quick trick to witness the power of happiness in your life

  5. Positivity ratio

  6. How to supplement the positivity ratio

  7. How to make your own happiness

  8. A powerful lifehack for happiness: gratitude

  9. Buying happiness?

Chapter learning goals

  1. Understand the different elements that make up the self, including biological, psychological, emotional, and spiritual aspects.

  2. Develop a practical approach to using different theories about the self as tools in personal toolset.

  3. Understand the importance of an open mind and ongoing learning in understanding ourselves and our place in the world.

  4. Understand the importance of values and how they shape our actions, thoughts, and decisions.

  5. Understand the significance of aligning your values with personal and professional goals.

  6. Understand the potential conflicts that can arise from misaligned values and how to avoid them.

  7. Understand why we do what we do and how different factors influence our actions.

  8. Understand the connection between meaning, emotion, and life.

  9. Understand the power of reframing to improve psychology.

  10. Understand the importance of creating ground rules for a happy and fulfilling life.

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