Jordi Kidsune

Posted on Jan 12, 2023Read on

Chapter 3 - Pick your general directions

Welcome to our course on finding your way! In this course, we will explore different approaches and concepts that can help you discover your purpose and lead a fulfilling life. From the Quantum Approach to Achieving Success to the Japanese concept of Ikigai, we will delve into different methods and philosophies that can guide you on your journey.

Learning goals

4.1: Understand the principles and practices of the Quantum Approach to Achieving Success and apply them to your own life. (Bloom's Taxonomy: Application)

4.2: Learn about the concept of Ikigai and how it can be used to find purpose and meaning in life. (Bloom's Taxonomy: Understanding)

4.3: Develop the skill of asking more questions and understand how it can lead to a more fulfilling life. (Bloom's Taxonomy: Analysis)

4.4: Learn about the key elements and strategies of a world-class life. (Bloom's Taxonomy: Synthesis)

4.5: Develop your own blueprint for life and understand how to apply it to your own life. (Bloom's Taxonomy: Evaluation)

Chapter overview

3.1 Find your way with The Quantum Approach to Achieving Success

  1. Introducing the quantum field

  2. How to apply this?

  3. Feel (flow) vs. Think (force)

  4. Dr. Joe Dispenza

  5. How to put mind over matter

  6. Start close in

3.2 Find your way with Ikigai: A Japanese Concept for Finding Purpose and Meaning in Life

  1. A Japanese Concept for Finding Purpose and Meaning in Life

  2. The model

  3. Find your Ikigai

3.3 Find your way with Questions: How Asking More Can Lead to a More Fulfilling Life

  1. Start with your end in mind

  2. Your dominant questions

  3. Are you asking yourself the right questions? How to spark catalytic questions that lead to breakthrough insights

  4. Living your primary question

  5. Final gut check

3.4 Find your way with a world-class life

  1. A world-class life according to an AI (ChatGPT)

  2. A world-class life according to the four interior Empires by Robin Sharma

  3. The Rituals of Daily Geniuses

  4. The life structures

  5. Different forms of wealth

  6. Focuses of History Makers

  7. How to create the life you want

  8. Inspiring Quotes

3.5 Find your way with blueprint for life

  1. Examples

  2. Tie it all together: create a personal growth and development plan

3.6 Go left, right and both at the same time

3.6.1 The power of transformative Thinking: The Framework of Complementary Opposites

  1. Complementary opposites

3.6.2 Complementary opposite 1: Focus on Now vs. plan for the Future

  1. Recap: what was ‘success’ again?

  2. How does a quest come about / how do you start a game?

  3. Let’s start with now: ‘wanting what you have’ and the importance of being in Today

3.6.3 Complementary opposite 2: Be flexible and agile versus fixed and have perseverance

  1. Find your place on the inertia spectrum

3.6.4 Complementary opposite 3: Follow your heart but also your mind

3.6.5 Complementary opposite 4: Rest but also work hard

3.6.6 Complementary opposite 5: Laser-focus, but also open attention

3.6.7 Complementary opposite 6: Intent and control vs acceptance and surrending

3.6.8 Complementary opposite 7: Be Ego but also all-one